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This code deals with "what is ... " question
What's in it:
2 functions:
- determineUserInput( ) - This will be built bigger as it holds which questions are said
- reformatSentence( ) - This formats the user's inputted sentence to just an equation. 
   - The format happens in 2 ways:
       - the equation has symbols eg. 1 + 1 * 2
       - the equation has words eg. 1 plus 1 times 2

the "what" part

Here's how the code works:
on the bottom, under testing zone, the code asks for the user's input.
then, the user's input is passed to the determineUserInput() function
        (i only worked on the "what" side so ... that's what im gonna focus on)
- the program executes the "what" side (you can see it from the code above)
- it checks if the "sentence" has numbers - asking questions like "What is 1 + 1"
- it checks if the user used symbols or words
- the "sentence" and what was user (symbols or words) are passed to the reformatSentence() function
- the function checks which one was used
- the function returns the "equation"
- the function, determineUserInput(), returns answer = the answer as float
- print(answer)

HOWEVER, something is not right and I've been staring at my computer to find the mistake .... help me ;-;
  • Loading branch information
dahilj committed Oct 31, 2017
1 parent 6e7e8a6 commit 464bdaefdc04628aa1c75d1d00738a76994e16ef
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
operatorList = ["+","-","*","/","plus","minus","times","divided"]
numberList = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"]

def determineUserInput(sentence):
"""determines what the user asks and responses accordingly"""
sentence = sentence.lower()
if "what" in sentence: # ------------- execute the "what is" code here ---------------
numberQuestion = False
for i in sentence:
if i in numberList: #checks whether the question involves numbers, like 1 + 1
numberQuestion = True

if numberQuestion == True:
operatorType = ""
for i in sentence:
if i in operatorList[0:4]: #checks what type is used - Symbols or Words
operatorType = "symbols"
elif i in operatorList[4:len(operatorList)]:
operatorType = "words"

equationReformated = reformatSentence(sentence,operatorType)
answer = eval(equationReformated)
return answer

return "null"

def reformatSentence(sentence,operatorType):
"""reformats the sentence so we're left with just the equation"""
equation = ""
char = ""
if operatorType == "symbols": # this part runs if the equation is using + - * /
for i in sentence:
if i not in "what is ":
i = char
if char == "^":
equation = equation + "**"
equation = equation + char
elif operatorType == "words": # this part runs if the equation uses words, like "plus"
for u in sentence:
if u not in "what is ":
u = char
if char != " ":
equation = equation + char
for part in equation:
if part == "plus":
equation = equation + "+"
elif part == "dividedby":
equation = equation + "/"
elif part == "times" or i == "multipliedby":
equation = equation + "*"
elif part == "tothepowerof":
equation = equation + "**"
elif part == "minus":
equation = equation + "-"
equation = equation + part
return equation

# ----------------------------------------
# testing zone
# ----------------------------------------

userInput = input("Input a question: \n")


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