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version 1.1 of the first upload ... lol
userName -> userName.title()
userInput -> userInput.title() to subjects choosen
set answer to choosing a subject into lowercase using .lower
added more fun facts stuff

Next gonna work on determining what the user will ask, like "How are you" or "Who are you" ... yeah
  • Loading branch information
dahilj committed Oct 26, 2017
1 parent 65f3c62 commit 34d952b695ca1fc001f2254d2f4e7a2b311199bf
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#responding from a sentence on an introduction + choosing other (joke, funfact, etc)
import random
from userFunctions import *

userInput = input("Hello, Human, Can you tell me your name? \n")

userWords = userInput.split()

words = ["My","my","name","is","I","i","am","Hello,","hello,","hey,","Hey,","hi,","Hi,",
"Howdy","howdy","sup","Sup","sup,","Sup,"] #Single out the name

userName = ""
for i in range(len(userWords)): #iterate throught the user's words
foundWord = False #sets True when there's a similar word in the other list
for word in range(len(words)): #iterates and compares the chosen word from the user's list of words to the words list
if userWords[i] == words[word] and foundWord == False:
foundWord = True
if foundWord == False:
userName = userName + userWords[i] + " "

print("Hello, " + str(userName.title()) + "... Nice to meet you!")

#picking out a subject
randomStuff = ["Cherophobia is the fear of fun","A flock of crows is called a murder",
"A single cloud can weight more than 1 million pounds",
"A crocodile can't stick it's tongue out","A shrimp's heart is in it's head",
"A pregnant goldfish is called a twit","Rats and horses can't vomit.",
"If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib.",]

userInput = input("Please, pick a subject: Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry or other: \n").lower()

if userInput == "maths":
print("You have chosen: " + userInput.title())

#Input question here XD
elif userInput == "physics":
print("You have chosen: " + userInput.title())

#Input question here XD

elif userInput == "biology":
print("You have chosen: " + userInput.title())

#Input question here XD

elif userInput == "chemistry":
print("You have chosen: " + userInput.title())

#Input question here XD

elif userInput == "other":
print("You have chosen: " + userInput.title())
userInput = input("Want to hear a joke, fun fact or something random? \n")

if userInput == "Yes" or userInput == "yes":

# - userName -> userName.title()
# - userInput -> userInput.title() to subjects choosen
# - set answer to choosing a subject into lowercase using .lower
# - added more fun facts stuff

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