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Added testing code
- Possibility for getOpentDB to handle None input

- Added code to test all functions
  • Loading branch information
mateussa committed Oct 30, 2017
1 parent 6669760 commit 2ebd489f4aa65fc52a9ad9db2d8cc06846c0911c
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 12 deletions.
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ def getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1):
return("Error" , 2)

### Get possible categories, check for validity and respective ID
if (category is None):
return("Error" , 3)
if (category != "" and category.casefold() != "Any".casefold()
and category.casefold() != "Random".casefold()):
cat = opentDBCat()
@@ -92,6 +94,8 @@ def getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1):
catID = ""

### Check difficulty
if (difficulty is None):
return("Error" , 4)
if (difficulty != "" and difficulty.casefold() != "Any".casefold()
and difficulty.casefold() != "Random".casefold()):
if (difficulty.casefold() in ["easy","medium","hard"]):
@@ -193,18 +197,118 @@ def getQuestion(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1, database = "opentDB"):
print("No more databases")

# Testing area, test all funcions with possible inputs
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
import json
import os
import time
import html

########## Test readJSON function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking readJSON function, read JSON from url")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
test_Json = readJSON("")
# Test 1 - If JSON had the required fields
test_Error = (False if ("response_code" in test_Json and
"results" in test_Json and
"category" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"correct_answer" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"difficulty" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"incorrect_answers" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"question" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"type" in test_Json["results"][0]) else True)

print(" - Read JSON: {}".format("OK" if not test_Error else
"NOT OK\n - JSON:\n{}".format(test_Json)))
print("# Ran 1 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

#questData = getQuestion("game","", 1)
#if (questData == None or "Error" in questData):
# print(questData[1])
# questions, rightAnswers, wrongAnswers, qTypes = questData
# for i in range(0, len(questions)):
# print(" Q: {} \n A: {} \n W: {} \n T: {} \n\n"
# .format(questions[i], rightAnswers[i], wrongAnswers[i], qTypes[i]))
# print(" Q: {} \n A: {} \n W: {} \n T: {} \n\n"
# .format(questions, rightAnswers, wrongAnswers, qTypes))
########## Test tokenGetSet function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking tokenGetSet function, get a token, store an read it")
os.rename("./data/token.jeff", "./data/temp_tk.jeff")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - If token works on the website API
test_Token = tokenGetSet()
test_UseToken = readJSON("{}"
test_Error = (False if (test_UseToken["response_code"] != 3) else True)
print(" - Get token: {}".format("OK" if not test_Error else
"NOT OK\n - TOKEN: {}".format(test_Token)))
# Test 2 - If token was kept in file, and if function reads it
with open('./data/token.jeff', "r") as test_TkFile:
test_tokenFile =
print(" - Read token: {}".format("OK" if test_Token == test_tokenFile
else "NOT OK\n - TOKEN: {}".format(test_Token)))

print("# Ran 2 tests in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
os.rename("./data/temp_tk.jeff", "./data/token.jeff")

########## Test opentDBCat function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking opentDBCat function, get possible categories")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
test_categories = opentDBCat();
# Test 1 - If categories has the required fields
test_Error = (False if ("id" in test_categories[0] and
"name" in test_categories[0]) else True)
print(" - Get Categories: {}".format("OK" if not test_Error else
"NOT OK\nCATEGORIES:\n{}".format(test_categories)))
# Test 2 - If function sorts only the categories
test_temp_cat = []
for i in test_categories:
test_temp_cat.append(html.unescape(i["name"].replace("Entertainment: ","")
.replace("Science: ", "")))
test_onlyCategories = opentDBCat(True);
print(" - Only Categories: {}".format("OK" if (test_onlyCategories == test_temp_cat) else
"NOT OK\nONLY CATEGORIES:\n{}".format(test_onlyCategories)))
print("# Ran 2 tests in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

########## Test getOpentDB function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getOpentDB function, get data from OpentDB")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - If function gets random data
test_Data = getOpentDB("", "")
test_Error = (False if (len(test_Data) == 4) else True)
print(" - Random data: {}".format("OK" if not test_Error else
"NOT OK\n - RANDOM:\n{}".format(test_Data)))
# Test 2 - If function gets all categories
test_Error = False
test_catList = opentDBCat(True)
for i in test_catList:
test_Data = getOpentDB(i, "")
if (len(test_Data) != 4 and test_Data[1] != 3):
test_Error = True
test_Cat = test_Data
print(" - All Categories: {}".format("OK" if not test_Error else
"NOT OK\n - CATEGORY:\n{}".format(test_Cat)))
# Test 3 - If function gets all difficulties
test_Error = False
for i in ["easy", "medium", "hard", None]:
test_Data = getOpentDB("", i)
if (len(test_Data) != 4 and test_Data[1] != 4):
test_Error = True
test_Dif = test_Data
print(" - All Difficulties: {}".format("OK" if not test_Error else
"NOT OK\n - DIFFICULTY:\n{}".format(test_Dif)))
# Test 4 - If function possible number of questions Input
test_Error = False
test_nrQuest = [-50, -1, 0, 1, 50, None]
for i in test_nrQuest:
test_Data = getOpentDB("", "", i)
if (len(test_Data) != 4 and test_Data[1] != 2):
test_Error = True
test_Ques = test_Data
print(" - Questions: {}".format("OK" if not test_Error else
"NOT OK\n - QUESTIONS:\n{}".format(test_Ques)))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))

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