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618 lines (498 sloc) 24.2 KB
# Gets JSON file data from a url
def readJSON(url):
''' Gets JSON file data from a url '''
import urllib.request
import json
page = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
return("Error", 0)
data =
jsonData = json.loads(data)
return("Error", 1)
# If desn't exist, ask for a new token and save it on the file, if it does, then
# read it from the file
def tokenGetSet():
''' Gets the token from the file, or requests a new one, outputs the token '''
from pathlib import Path
if (Path("./data/token.jeff").exists()):
with open('./data/token.jeff', "r") as tkFile:
tkReq =
if (tkReq == "" or tkReq is None):
return("Error", 7)
tkJSON = readJSON("")
if ("Error" in tkJSON):
tkReq = tkJSON["token"]
Path('./data').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open('./data/token.jeff', "w") as tkFile:
# Checks OpentDB categories and output them and the respective ID, if input true
# only output the categories names
def getCategories(onlyCategories = False, nrCat = 0):
''' Gets opentDB possibible categories and ID, if true just show the categories '''
import html
import random
if (onlyCategories != False and onlyCategories != True):
return("Error", 6)
if (nrCat < 0):
return("Error", 6)
dbcat = readJSON('')
if ("Error" in dbcat):
categories = []
if (onlyCategories):
for i in dbcat["trivia_categories"]:
categories.append(html.unescape(i["name"].replace("Entertainment: ","")
.replace("Science: ", "")))
for i in dbcat["trivia_categories"]:
if (nrCat > 0 and nrCat < len(categories)):
tempCat = categories
categories = random.sample(tempCat, nrCat)
# Gets questions from OpentDB, with defined criteria
def getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1):
''' With a set number of questions, category and difficulty level
outputs the questions with that criteria '''
import html
import json
import random
### Check if the number of questions is valid, more than 0 and less than 50
if (nrQuestions is None or nrQuestions == ""
or nrQuestions < 1 or nrQuestions > 50):
return("Error" , 2)
### Get possible categories, check for validity and respective ID
if (category is None):
return("Error" , 3)
if (category != "" and category.casefold() != "Any".casefold()
and category.casefold() != "Random".casefold()):
cat = getCategories()
if ("Error" in cat):
catID = None
for i in cat:
if (category is not None and category != ""
and category.casefold() in i["name"].casefold()):
catID = "&category={}".format(i["id"])
if (catID == None):
return("Error" , 3)
catID = ""
### Check difficulty
if (difficulty is None):
return("Error" , 4)
if (difficulty != "" and difficulty.casefold() != "Any".casefold()
and difficulty.casefold() != "Random".casefold()):
if (difficulty.casefold() in ["easy","medium","hard"]):
diffID = "&difficulty={}".format(difficulty)
return("Error" , 4)
diffID = ""
# Get token
token = tokenGetSet()
if ("Error" in token):
tokenID = "&token={}".format(token)
# Get JSON data from url with defined criteria
opentDBJson = readJSON(
.format(nrQuestions, catID, diffID, tokenID))
if ("Error" in opentDBJson):
# Check website API response message
if (opentDBJson["response_code"] == 0): # Success - Read the data into variables
data = opentDBJson["results"][0]
if (nrQuestions == 1):
questionSet = {}
questionSet["Type"] = html.unescape(data["type"]).title()
questionSet["Question"] = html.unescape(data["question"])
questionSet["corrAnswer"] = html.unescape(data["correct_answer"])
if (questionSet["Type"] == "Multiple"):
choices = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
ansTemp = [html.unescape(data["correct_answer"]),
choices = ["A", "B"]
ansTemp = [html.unescape(data["correct_answer"]),
for i, item in enumerate(ansTemp):
questionSet[choices[i]] = item
questionSet = []
for s in opentDBJson["results"]:
setTemp = {}
setTemp["Type"] = html.unescape(s["type"]).title()
setTemp["Question"] = html.unescape(s["question"])
setTemp["corrAnswer"] = html.unescape(s["correct_answer"])
setTemp["corrAnswer"] = html.unescape(s["correct_answer"])
if (setTemp["Type"] == "Multiple"):
choices = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
ansTemp = [html.unescape(s["correct_answer"]),
choices = ["A", "B"]
ansTemp = [html.unescape(s["correct_answer"]),
for i, item in enumerate(ansTemp):
setTemp[choices[i]] = item
elif (opentDBJson["response_code"] == 1): #No Results
return("Error", 5)
elif (opentDBJson["response_code"] == 2): #Invalid Parameter
return("Error", 6)
elif (opentDBJson["response_code"] >= 3): #Token Not Found (3) and Token Empty (4)
return("Error", 7)
def getBirthday():
''' Get a random birthday and output a dictionairy with name as string,
the date as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random
# Get JSON data from GitHub file
birthdaysJson = readJSON("")
if ("Error" in birthdaysJson):
chooseBirthday = random.choice(birthdaysJson)
birthdaySet = {"Type": "Birthday", "Name": chooseBirthday["Name"], "Date": chooseBirthday["Date"],
"Question": "In what year was " + chooseBirthday["Name"] + " born?", "corrAnswer": chooseBirthday["Date"].split("-")[0]}
def getHistory():
''' Get a random history event and output a dictionairy with the event as string,
the date as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random
# Get JSON data from GitHub file
historyJson = readJSON("")
if ("Error" in historyJson):
chooseHistory = random.choice(historyJson)
historySet = {"Type": "History", "Event": chooseHistory["Event"], "Date": chooseHistory["Date"],
"Question": chooseHistory["Event"] + " in what year?", "corrAnswer": chooseHistory["Date"].split("-")[0]}
def getQuote():
''' Get a random quote and output a dictionairy with the quotetype as string,
the name and quote as string and a questions and righ answer as strings '''
import json
import random
# Get JSON data from GitHub file
quoteJson = readJSON("")
if ("Error" in quoteJson):
chooseQuote = random.choice(quoteJson)
quoteSet = {"Type": "Quote", "QuoteType": chooseQuote["Type"], "Name": chooseQuote["Name"], "Quote": chooseQuote["Quote"],
"Question": "Who said '" + chooseQuote["Quote"] + "' ?", "corrAnswer": chooseQuote["Name"]}
# Main function to get questions, choose database and check for the error messages
def getQuestion(category, difficulty, nrQuestions = 1, qSource = "OpentDB"):
''' Given a category, diffculty as strings and number
of questions as integer return a dictionary with
type, question, possible answers and correct answer '''
if (qSource == "OpentDB"):
questionSet = getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions)
elif (qSource == "Birthday"):
questionSet = getBirthday()
elif (qSource == "History"):
questionSet = getHistory()
elif (qSource == "Quote"):
questionSet = getQuote()
if ("Error" in questionSet):
if (questionSet[1] == 0):
return("Error", "There was an error opening the URL")
elif (questionSet[1] == 1):
return("Error", "Error reading JSON data")
elif (questionSet[1] == 2):
return("Error", "The number of questions requested not valid")
elif (questionSet[1] == 3):
return("Error", "Category not valid")
elif (questionSet[1] == 4):
return("Error", "Difficulty not valid")
elif (questionSet[1] == 5):
return("Error", "No results were found")
elif (questionSet[1] == 6):
return("Error", "Invalid parameter")
elif (questionSet[1] == 7):
import os
print("Token not found or all available question were used")
print("Reseting token...")
questionSet = getOpentDB(category, difficulty, nrQuestions)
if ("Error" in questionSet):
return("Error", "Token not found or all available question were used")
def getGoogleSearch(toSearch):
''' With a input search as string, return the first google search as a string'''
search = readJSON("{}&cx=001954664739637419008%3Aprvczty2gta&num=1&safe=medium&key=AIzaSyArPcOPqon_MSxFKkB41qCexrCVZ5AHfoU"
.format(toSearch.replace(" ", "+")))["items"][0]
snippet = search["snippet"].replace("\xa0...",".").replace("\n","")
url = search["link"]
return(snippet, url)
# #
# Testing area #
# #
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
import json
import os
import time
import html
from pathlib import Path
########## Test readJSON function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking readJSON function, read JSON from url")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - If JSON had the required fields
test_Json = readJSON("")
print(" - Read JSON: ", end="")
test_Error = (False if ("response_code" in test_Json and
"results" in test_Json and
"category" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"correct_answer" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"difficulty" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"incorrect_answers" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"question" in test_Json["results"][0] and
"type" in test_Json["results"][0]) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Json))
print("# Ran 1 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test tokenGetSet function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking tokenGetSet function, get a token, store an read it")
if (Path("./data/token.jeff").exists()):
os.rename("./data/token.jeff", "./data/temp_tk.jeff")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - If token works on the website API
print(" - Get token: ", end="")
test_Token = tokenGetSet()
test_UseToken = readJSON("{}"
test_Error = (False if ("Error" not in test_UseToken and
test_UseToken["response_code"] != 3) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Token))
# Test 2 - If token was kept in file, and if function reads it
print(" - Read token: ", end="")
test_tokenFile = "Error"
if (Path("./data/token.jeff").exists()):
with open('./data/token.jeff', "r") as test_TkFile:
test_tokenFile =
print("OK" if test_Token == test_tokenFile else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Token))
print("# Ran 2 tests in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
if (Path("./data/token.jeff").exists()):
if (Path("./data/temp_tk.jeff").exists()):
os.rename("./data/temp_tk.jeff", "./data/token.jeff")
########## Test getCategories function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getCategories function, get possible categories")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - If categories has the required fields
test_categories = getCategories();
print(" - Get Categories: ", end="")
test_Error = (False if ("id" in test_categories[0] and
"name" in test_categories[0]) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_categories))
# Test 2 - If function sorts only the categories
print(" - Only Categories: ", end="")
test_temp_cat = []
if ("Error" not in test_categories):
for i in test_categories:
.replace("Entertainment: ","")
.replace("Science: ", "")))
test_onlyCategories = getCategories(True);
print("OK" if (test_onlyCategories == test_temp_cat)
else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_onlyCategories))
# Test 3 - If returns a set number of random categories
test_nrCat = [-30, -24, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 24, 30]
print(" - Random Categories: ", end="")
for i in test_nrCat:
test_randomCat = getCategories(True, i)
test_Error = (False if (test_randomCat in test_onlyCategories or
test_randomCat == test_onlyCategories) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_randomCat))
print("# Ran 2 tests in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test getOpentDB function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getOpentDB function, get data from OpentDB")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - If function gets random data
print(" - Random data: ", end="")
test_Data = getQuestion("", "")
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and "Question" in test_Data and
"A" in test_Data and "B" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)
print("{}".format("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data)))
# Test 2 - If function gets all possible categories
print(" - All Categories: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_catList = getCategories(True)
if ("Error" in test_catList):
test_Error = True
test_Cat = test_catList
for i in test_catList:
test_Data = getQuestion(i, "")
if ("Type" not in test_Data or "Question" not in test_Data or
"A" not in test_Data or "B" not in test_Data or
"corrAnswer" not in test_Data):
test_Error = True
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
# Test 3 - If function gets all difficulties
print(" - All Difficulties: ", end="")
test_Error = False
for i in ["easy", "medium", "hard"]:
test_Data = getQuestion("", i)
if ("Type" not in test_Data or "Question" not in test_Data or
"A" not in test_Data or "B" not in test_Data or
"corrAnswer" not in test_Data):
test_Error = True
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
# Test 4 - If function possible number of questions Input
print(" - Number Questions: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_nrQuest = [-100, -50, -1, 0, 1, 50, 100]
for i in test_nrQuest:
test_Data = getQuestion("", "", i)
if (i == 1):
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data
and "Question" in test_Data and
"A" in test_Data and "B" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)
if (len(test_Data) != i and test_Data[0] != "Error"):
test_Error = True
elif (test_Data[0] != "Error"):
for i in test_Data:
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in i and "Question" in i and
"A" in i and "B" in i and
"corrAnswer" in i) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test getBirthday function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getBirthday function, get data from a JSON file on GitHub")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
print(" - Get Birthday: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getBirthday()
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Name" in test_Data and
"Date" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test getHistory function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getHistory function, get data from a JSON file on GitHub")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
print(" - Get History: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getHistory()
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Event" in test_Data and
"Date" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test getQuote function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getQuote function, get data from a JSON file on GitHub")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
print(" - Get Quote: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getQuote()
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Name" in test_Data and
"Quote" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test getQuestion function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getQuestion function, get questions from the choosen type and check for errors")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - OpentDB with one question
print(" - OpentDB 1 Question: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getQuestion("", "", 1, "OpentDB")
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"A" in test_Data and
"B" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
# Test 2 - OpentDB with ten question
print(" - OpentDB 10 Question: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getQuestion("", "", 10, "OpentDB")
for q in test_Data:
if ("Type" not in q or "Question" not in q or "A" not in q or "B" not in q or "corrAnswer" not in q):
test_Error = True
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
# Test 3, 4 and 5 - Birthday, History and Quote
for source in ["Birthday", "History", "Quote"]:
print(" - {} Question: ".format(source), end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getQuestion("", "", 1, source)
test_Error = (False if ("Type" in test_Data and
"Question" in test_Data and
"corrAnswer" in test_Data) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))
########## Test getGoogleSearch function ##########
print("#" * 50)
print("# Checking getGoogleSearch function, gets the first search from google")
time_Start = time.perf_counter()
# Test 1 - Get a random search
print(" - Get Search: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getGoogleSearch("Hi")
test_Error = (False if (type(test_Data) == tuple) else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
# Test 2 - Get known search result 1
print(" - What is pizza: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getGoogleSearch("What is pizza")
test_Error = (False if (test_Data[0] == "Pizza is a yeasted flatbread typically topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. It is commonly topped with a selection of meats, vegetables." and
test_Data[1] == "") else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
# Test 3 - Get known search result 1
print(" - How train works: ", end="")
test_Error = False
test_Data = getGoogleSearch("How train works")
test_Error = (False if (test_Data[0] == "Trains act as a major form of transportation worldwide. Learn how trains evolved from horse-drawn carts to the high-speed sleek railways of today." and
test_Data[1] == "") else True)
print("OK" if not test_Error else "NOT OK\n{}".format(test_Data))
print("# Ran 4 test in {}s".format(round(time.perf_counter() - time_Start, 3)))