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108 lines (85 sloc) 3.05 KB
def bubbleSort(data):
'''Sorts a list of elements using the bubble sort algorithm'''
for i in range(len(data), -1, -1): #Loop controlling the point to compare up to
for j in range(i - 1): #Loop comparing values in the list
print("COMP:", j, end=' ')
if data[j] > data[j+1]:
temp = data[j+1]
data[j+1] = data[j]
data[j] = temp
print("NOT SWAPPED")
return data
def mergeSort(data):
'''Sorts a list of elements using merge sort algorithm'''
if len(data) > 1:
#Splits list into two halves at the midpoint
midpoint = len(data) // 2
leftList = data[:midpoint]
rightList = data[midpoint:]
leftIndex = 0
rightIndex = 0
mergeIndex = 0
#Compares and merges both lists
while(leftIndex < len(leftList) and rightIndex < len(rightList)):
if leftList[leftIndex] < rightList[rightIndex]:
data[mergeIndex] = leftList[leftIndex]
leftIndex += 1
data[mergeIndex] = rightList[rightIndex]
rightIndex += 1
mergeIndex += 1
#Adds in remaining elements from the left list
while leftIndex < len(leftList):
data[mergeIndex] = leftList[leftIndex]
leftIndex += 1
mergeIndex += 1
#Adds in remaining elements from the right list
while rightIndex < len(rightList):
data[mergeIndex] = rightList[rightIndex]
rightIndex += 1
mergeIndex += 1
return data
def quickSort(data, start, end):
'''Sorts a list using the quick sort algorithm'''
if start < end:
#Finds the split point
pivotIndex = partition(data, start, end)
#Sorts the two halves of the dataset
quickSort(data, start, pivotIndex - 1)
quickSort(data, pivotIndex + 1, end)
def partition(data, start, end):
'''Partition function for quick sort'''
pivotValue = data[start]
lowIndex = start + 1
highIndex = end
while True:
#Increments the low index
while lowIndex <= highIndex and data[lowIndex] <= pivotValue:
lowIndex += 1
#Decrements the high index
while highIndex >= lowIndex and data[highIndex] >= pivotValue:
highIndex -= 1
if highIndex < lowIndex:
#Ends the loop if the indexes cross
#Swaps data around then allows the loop to run again
temp = data[lowIndex]
data[lowIndex] = data[highIndex]
data[highIndex] = temp
temp = data[start]
data[start] = data[highIndex]
data[highIndex] = temp
return highIndex
inputData = [3, 8, 42, 9, 31, 12, 25]
quickSort(inputData, 0, len(inputData) - 1)