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302 lines (256 sloc) 10.2 KB
#include <algorithm>
#include <thread>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ftxui/component/captured_mouse.hpp" // for ftxui
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Menu, Renderer, Horizontal, Vertical
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase
#include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for Component, ScreenInteractive
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for text, Element, operator|, window, flex, vbox
using namespace ftxui;
#include <can_wrap.hpp>
using can::operator<<;
#include <status_frames.h>
ftxui::Component Wrap( const std::string& name, Component component )
return Renderer(component, [name, component] {
return hbox({
text(name) | size(WIDTH, EQUAL, 10),
component->Render() | xflex,
}) |
Component Window(std::string title, Component component) {
return Renderer(component, [component, title] { //
return window(text(title), component->Render()) | flex;
class CanInterface
AxleTorqueFrame frontAxle;
AxleTorqueFrame rearAxle { false };
StatusFrame status;
SteeringFrame steering;
WheelCountsFrame wheelCounts;
WheelSpeedsFrame wheelSpeeds;
std::array< ProcessFrame* const, 6 > frames { &frontAxle, &rearAxle, &status, &steering, &wheelCounts, &wheelSpeeds };
int canSocket;
can::close( canSocket );
void connect()
canSocket = can::connect( "vcan0" );
void process()
const can_frame frame = can::read( canSocket );
for( auto& f : frames )
if( f->frameId == frame.can_id )
f->process( frame );
//std::cout << *f << std::endl;
class Layout
// == options ======
std::vector<std::string> missionStates { "NOT_SELECTED", "SELECTED", "RUNNING", "FINISHED" };
int missionOpt = 0;
int frontTorque = 0;
int rearTorque = 0;
int steering = 0;
bool ebrake = false;
bool drive = false;
std::array<int,4> wheelTicks { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
ftxui::Component carGrid;
ftxui::Component controls;
ftxui::Component statusInfo;
ftxui::Component info;
ftxui::Component global;
ftxui::Component stateControls;
int count = 0;
Layout( CanInterface &interface )
auto cell = [](const char* t) { return text(t) | border; };
statusInfo = Container::Vertical(
Window( "Warnings", Renderer( [&]
return text( interface.status.warning_message() );
} ) ),
Window( "Faults", Renderer( [&]
return text( interface.status.fault_message() );
} ) ),
Window( "Status", Renderer( [&]
auto as_state = [&]( StatusFrame::AsState state )
switch( state )
case StatusFrame::AsState::AS_OFF: return "OFF";
case StatusFrame::AsState::AS_READY: return "READY";
case StatusFrame::AsState::AS_DRIVING: return "DRIVING";
case StatusFrame::AsState::AS_EMERGENCY: return "EMERGENCY";
case StatusFrame::AsState::AS_FINISHED: return "FINISHED";
return "ERROR";
auto ami_state = [&]( StatusFrame::AmiState state )
switch( state )
case StatusFrame::AmiState::ACCELERATION: return "ACCELERATION";
case StatusFrame::AmiState::SKIDPAD: return "SKIDPAD";
case StatusFrame::AmiState::AUTOCROSS: return "AUTOCROSS";
case StatusFrame::AmiState::TRACK_DRIVE: return "TRACK_DRIVE";
case StatusFrame::AmiState::STATIC_INSPECTION_A: return "STATIC_INSPECTION_A";
case StatusFrame::AmiState::STATIC_INSPECTION_B: return "STATIC_INSPECTION_B";
case StatusFrame::AmiState::AUTONOMOUS_DEMO: return "AUTONOMOUS_DEMO";
return "ERROR";
return vbox({hbox({text("AS "),text(as_state(interface.status.as_state()))}),
hbox({text("AMI "),text(ami_state(interface.status.ami_state()))}),
hbox({text("Handshake "),text(interface.status.handshake()?"ON":"OFF")}),});
} ) ),
} );
carGrid = Renderer( [&]()
auto wheel = [&]( int count, int rpm )
return vbox(
hbox({text("count "), text(std::to_string(count))}),
hbox({text("rpm "), text(std::to_string(rpm))}),
} ) | border;
auto axle = [&]( float current, float max, float requested )
return vbox(
hbox({text("crrnt "), text(std::to_string(current))}),
hbox({text("max "), text(std::to_string(max))}),
hbox({text("rqstd "), text(std::to_string(requested))}),
} ) | border;
auto chassis = [&]( bool as, bool ts, bool ebrake )
return vbox(
hbox({text("AS "), text(as?"ON":"OFF")}),
hbox({text("TS "), text(ts?"ON":"OFF")}),
hbox({text("Ebrake "), text(ebrake?"ON":"OFF")}),
} ) | border;
return gridbox(
wheel( interface.wheelCounts.front_left(),
interface.wheelSpeeds.front_left() ),
vcenter( hcenter( text("Front") ) ),
wheel( interface.wheelCounts.front_right(),
interface.wheelSpeeds.front_right() ),
axle( interface.frontAxle.get_current(),
interface.frontAxle.get_requested() ),
chassis( interface.status.as_switch(),
false ),
axle( interface.rearAxle.get_current(),
interface.rearAxle.get_requested() ),
wheel( interface.wheelCounts.rear_left(),
interface.wheelSpeeds.rear_left() ),
vcenter( hcenter( text("Rear") ) ),
wheel( interface.wheelCounts.rear_right(),
interface.wheelSpeeds.rear_right() ),
} );
} );
controls = Container::Vertical(
Slider( "Front:", &frontTorque, 0, 100, 1 ),
Slider( "Rear :", &rearTorque, 0, 100, 1 ),
Slider( "Steering:", &steering, -20, 20, 1 )
} );
stateControls = Window( "Controls", Container::Vertical(
Window( "Mission status", Menu( &missionStates, &missionOpt ) ),
Checkbox( "Ebrake", &this->ebrake ),
Checkbox( "Drive", &this->drive ),
} ) );
global = Container::Horizontal(
carGrid | xflex_grow | yflex_grow,
controls | size( WIDTH, GREATER_THAN, 30 ) | xflex,
} );
ftxui::Component& operator()()
return this->global;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
CanInterface interface;
Layout layout( interface );
auto screen = ScreenInteractive::Fullscreen();
bool canThreadRunning = true;
std::thread canThread = std::thread( [&]
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(500) );
while( canThreadRunning )
const can_frame frame = can::read( interface.canSocket );
for( auto& f : interface.frames )
if( f->frameId == frame.can_id )
//std::cout << frame << std::endl;
//f->process( frame );
screen.Post( [frame,&f](){ f->process( frame ); } );
screen.Post( Event::Custom );
//std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(5) );
//std::cout << "Ending" << std::endl;
} );
screen.Loop( layout() );
//std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds(500) );
canThreadRunning = false;
return 0;