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import discord, time, random, pickle, os, sys, requests
client = discord.Client()
'''Allows people to send messages to the channel without the bot replying to them'''
def human(message):
if message.content.startswith('!Human'):
return "RETUR" #This is recognised by and returns
'''Allows people to use their own commands without this bot replying to them'''
def ignore(message):
with open("ignore.txt",'rb') as rfp: #Opens ignore.txt as a list
ignore = pickle.load(rfp)
for i in ignore: #Check to see if that command is in the ignore list
if message.content.startswith(i):
return "RETUR"
'''Checks to see if the message recieved is a greeting and then replies back with a random greeting back'''
def greetings(message):
with open("greetings.txt",'rb') as rfp: #Open greetings.txt as a list
greetings = pickle.load(rfp)
for i in greetings:
if message.content.startswith(i): #Check to see if the message is within the list
msg = greetings[random.randint(0, len(greetings)-1)] + ' {}'.format(message) #Sets the message with username
if 100 > random.randint(0, 100): #Sets the chance of the bot to ask a follow up question, currently set to 100%
msg = msg + "\n" + askQuestion() #Adds askQuestion() string to msg
return msg
#def fQuestion(message):
# with open("fQuestion.txt",'rb') as rfp:
# fQuestion = pickle.load(rfp)
# for i in fQuestion:
# if i in message.content:
# msg = 'How are you {}?'.format(message) #Asks how the person is doing an mentions them
# return msg
'''Responds to a question with a random response stored in memory'''
def fResponse(message):
response = str(message) #Sets the message as a string
with open("fResponse.txt",'rb') as rfp: #Open the friendly responses as a list
fresponse = pickle.load(rfp)
for i in fresponse:
if response in i: #If the response matches an entry in the list
msg = fresponse[random.randint(0, len(fresponse)-1)] #Set a random response
return msg
'''Asks a random question to the user'''
def fQuestion(message):
question = str(message)
with open("fQuestion.txt",'rb') as rfp: #Open the friendly questions as a list
fquestion = pickle.load(rfp)
with open("fResponse.txt",'rb') as rfp: #Open the friendly responses as a list
fresponse = pickle.load(rfp)
for i in fquestion:
if question in i: #If the question matches an entry in the list
msg = fresponse[random.randint(0, len(fresponse)-1)] #Sends a random response from friendly response
return msg
'''Asks a random question from the user with prompt from the greetings function'''
def askQuestion():
with open("fQuestion.txt",'rb') as rfp: #Open the friendly questions as a list
fquestion = pickle.load(rfp)
msg = fquestion[random.randint(0, len(fquestion)-1)] #Asks a random question
return msg
'''Checks to see if the user is asking for the URL's and then displays all the stored URLs'''
def url(message):
if message.content.startswith('!URL'): #If the user asks for all the URLs
i = 0
with open("url.txt",'rb') as rfp: #Load in all the stored URLs
url = pickle.load(rfp)
msg = ""
for i in url:
msg = msg + "\n" + i #Adds all the URLs to a string
#while i <= (len(url)-1): #Add All urls to a string
# msg = msg + "\n" + url[i]
# i = i + 1
# print(i)
return msg
'''Tests to see if the bot is running'''
def test(message):
if message.content.startswith('!Mafs'):
msg = "2+2=4 \n -1 that's 3 \n quik mafs"
return msg
if message.content.startswith('!Test'):
msg = 'TEST LOL'
return msg
'''Starts a shell script stored on the Raspberry Pi that is running the bot'''
def update(message):
if message.content.startswith('!Update'):
os.system('cd ~ \n ./') #Starts a shell script
exit() #Closes the program before the update
'''Starts another program in the DiscordBot folder'''
def pyStart(message):
if message.content.startswith('!PyStart'):
t = str(message.content) #Sets t to the message
t = t.replace("!PyStart ", "") #Removes !PyStart
m = "python3 " + t #Makes OS command for Linux
os.system(m) #Starts the program
return "Started Program"
return "Program failed to start"
'''Stops the bot'''
def exitBot(message):
if message.content.startswith('!Exit'):
'''Adds the previous memory into storage'''
def add(lstmsg, message):
if message.content.startswith('!addurl'):
with open("url.txt",'rb') as rfp:
url = pickle.load(rfp)
url.append(lstmsg) #Adds URL
pickle.dump(url, open("url.txt",'wb')) #Write URL
return "Added URL "
if message.content.startswith('!greeting'):
with open("greetings.txt",'rb') as rfp:
greetings = pickle.load(rfp)
pickle.dump(greetings, open("greetings.txt",'wb') )
return "Added Greeting "
if message.content.startswith('!friendlyQuestion'):
with open("fQuestion.txt",'rb') as rfp:
fQuestion = pickle.load(rfp)
pickle.dump(fQuestion, open("fQuestion.txt",'wb') )
return "Added Friendly Question "
if message.content.startswith('!friendlyResponse'):
with open("fResponse.txt",'rb') as rfp:
fresponse = pickle.load(rfp)
fresponse.append(lstmsg) #Adds the last message to the responses
pickle.dump(fresponse, open("fResponse.txt",'wb') ) #Writes to file
return "Added Friendly Response "
if message.content.startswith('!ignore'):
if lstmsg == "!ignore": #Stops the user adding !ignore to the ignore list
return "Can't add !ignore" #Returns an error message
with open("ignore.txt",'rb') as rfp:
ignore = pickle.load(rfp)
ignore.append(lstmsg) #Adds the last message to the ignore list
pickle.dump(ignore, open("ignore.txt",'wb') ) #Writes to file
msg = "Added '" + lstmsg + "' to ignore "
return msg
'''Remove an entry in the memory'''
def remove(message):
if message.content.startswith('!Remove'):
msg = str(message.content)
msg = msg.replace("!Remove ", "")
if msg.lower() == "help": #Check to see if the user is asking for help
msg = "Syntax: !Remove [value_to_remove] from [list_to_remove_from] \n"
msg = msg + "Lists: greeting, ignore, url, fResponse, fQuestion"
return msg
wordList = msg.split(" from ")
toRemove = wordList[0] #Gets word to remove
removeFrom = wordList[1] #Gets lit t remove from
if removeFrom == "greeting":
fileName = "greetings.txt"
with open(fileName,'rb') as rfp:
listRemove = pickle.load(rfp)
elif removeFrom == "ignore":
fileName = "ignore.txt"
with open(fileName,'rb') as rfp:
listRemove = pickle.load(rfp)
elif removeFrom == "url":
fileName = "url.txt"
with open(fileName,'rb') as rfp:
listRemove = pickle.load(rfp)
elif removeFrom == "fResponse":
fileName = "fResponse.txt"
with open(fileName,'rb') as rfp:
listRemove = pickle.load(rfp)
elif removeFrom == "fQuestion":
fileName = "fQuestion.txt"
with open(fileName,'rb') as rfp:
listRemove = pickle.load(rfp)
msg = "Syntax: !Remove [value_to_remove] from [list_to_remove_from] \n" #Displays the help
msg = msg + "Lists: greeting, ignore, url, fResponse, fQuestion"
return msg
if toRemove in listRemove: #Remove the entry so long as it exists within the list
while toRemove in listRemove: #This is from when a bug created multiple entries in the list
pickle.dump(listRemove, open(fileName,'wb'))
msg = "Removed '" + toRemove + "' from " + removeFrom
return msg
elif toRemove not in listRemove:
msg = "'" + toRemove + " is not in " + removeFrom
return msg
'''Display all entries stored in memory'''
def display(message):
if message.content.startswith('!Display'):
fileNames = ("greetings.txt", "ignore.txt", "url.txt", "fResponse.txt", "fQuestion.txt")
msg = ""
for files in fileNames: #Opens the file names in order
with open(files,'rb') as rfp:
listDisplay = pickle.load(rfp)
msg = msg + files.replace(".txt", " - ") #Replaces the extention
msg = msg + str(listDisplay)
msg = msg + "\n"
return msg
'''Display commands stored in memory and can add and remove'''
def displayCommands(message):
if message.content.startswith('!displayCommands'): #Returns all the commands on the bot
commands = open("commands.txt", "r")
msg =
return msg
if message.content.startswith('!addCommand'): #Adds a command along with details about the command
commandToAdd = str(message.content)
commandToAdd = commandToAdd.replace("!addCommand ", "")
commands = open("commands.txt", "a")
commandToAdd = "\n" + commandToAdd
commandToAdd = commandToAdd.replace("\n", "")
msg = "'" + commandToAdd + "' was added to commands"
return msg
if message.content.startswith('!removeCommand'): #Removed the command
commandToRemove = str(message.content)
commandToRemove = commandToRemove.replace("!removeCommand ", "")
commands = open("commands.txt", "r")
commandFile =
if commandToRemove in commandFile: #Checks to see if it exists
#commandToRemove = commandToRemove + "\n"
commandFile.replace(commandToRemove, "")
commands = open("commands.txt", "w")
if commandToRemove not in commandFile: #Checks to see if the entry had been removed
msg = "Removed '" + commandToRemove + "' from the commands"
return msg
msg = "Unable to remove '" + commandToRemove + "' from the commands"
return msg
msg = commandFile + " is not in commands"
return msg
'''Opens all memory files and looks for duplicates in the lists'''
def removeDuplicates():
fileNames = ("greetings.txt", "ignore.txt", "url.txt", "fResponse.txt", "fQuestion.txt")
msg = ""
for files in fileNames: #Opens the files
with open(files,'rb') as rfp: #Assigns to list
listDisplay = pickle.load(rfp)
listDisplay = list(set(listDisplay)) #Sets it to a list to remove duplicates
pickle.dump(listDisplay, open(files,'wb'))
'''Gets the temperature from a seperate Raspberry Pi on the local network'''
def temperature(message):
from lxml import html
import requests
if message.content.startswith('!TempInfo'):
page = requests.get('')
tree = html.fromstring(page.content) #Download the webpage
t = (tree.xpath('//p/text()')) #Pull the uptime from the webpage
t = str(t)
t = t.replace("[' ', ' ', ' ", "") #Remove useless data
t = t.replace(" ']", "")
return t
if message.content.startswith('!TempCode'):
import urllib
from urllib.request import urlopen
url = '' #Downloads the source code
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as url:
webContent = str( #Reads the file
webContent = webContent.strip("b'") #Remove all strings as 'b'
webContent = webContent[:-1]
webContent = webContent.replace("<br>", "") #Replace all <br> with nothing
webContent = webContent.replace("\\n", " <br> ") #Replace all the enters with <br>
webContent = webContent.replace("\\t", "")
f = open('sourcecode.html', 'w') #Writes the code to a file
if message.content.startswith('!Temp'):
page = requests.get('')
tree = html.fromstring(page.content) #Download the webpage
t = (tree.xpath('//h1/text()'))
t = str(t)
if "°C" in t: #Check to see if the webpage is displaying correctly
t = t.strip("[' ', '") #Remove useless data
t = t.replace("Â", "")
t = t.strip("', ' ']")
if message.content.startswith('!TempF'): #If the user asks for t
import re
c = t
t = re.findall(r'\b\d+\b', t)
t = float(t[0]) #Assigns the number to a float
t = (t*(9/5)) + 32 #Converts to farenheit
t = str(t) + "°F (" + c + ")" #Creates the string
t = "The Current Temperature at Godiva Place is " + t
t = t + " \nIf you want to see a live image of the weather use !Webcam Godiva"
t = "There is currently an error with the weather station. Please try again later"
return t
'''Gets a webcam image and stores it to memory'''
def webcam(message):
if message.content.startswith('!Webcam'):
import datetime
msg = message.content
if "godiva" in msg.lower():
try: #Checks to see if the webcam is working
r = requests.get("", timeout=10.0)
except requests.Timeout as err:
return "This webcam appears to be down"
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "webcam.jpg") #Downloads the image and saves it
msg = "This photo was taken on " +"%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S") + " at Godiva Place"
f = open("OldWebcam.txt", "w") #Writes the old message for later use
return msg
if "ullswater" in msg.lower():
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "webcam.jpg") #Downloads the image and saves it
msg = "This photo was taken on " +"%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S") + " at Ullswater"
f = open("OldWebcam.txt", "w") #Writes the old message for later use
return msg
if "warwick" in msg.lower():
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "webcam.jpg") #Downloads the image and saves it
msg = "This photo was taken on " +"%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S") + " in Warwick"
f = open("OldWebcam.txt", "w") #Writes the old message for later use
return msg
if "california" in msg.lower():
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "webcam.jpg")
msg = "This photo was taken on " +"%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S") + " in Sequoia national park"
f = open("OldWebcam.txt", "w")
return msg
if "save" in msg.lower():
import sys
time ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
comm = "cp webcam.jpg Photos/" + time + ".jpg" #Saves the image along as the current time
os.system(comm) #Excecutes the command
return "The following image has been saved to " + time + ".jpg"
f = open("OldWebcam.txt", "r")
msg = "Please specify a location; you will now be shown the last photo taken on this bot \n" +
return msg
'''Displays the code for'''
def code(message):
if message.content.startswith('!Code'): #This code broke as Discord can only allow 2000 characters for the bot
C = open("/home/pi/DiscordBot/", "r")
msg = ('{}'.format(message) + " - Here is the code: \n" +
return msg
#def dab(message):
# if message.content.startswith('!dab4eva'): #A piece of code that I added for fun
# while True:
# msg = 'Dab'
# await client.send_message(, msg)
'''Displays an error code if the message is not recognised'''
def notInMem(message):
lstmsg = message.content
msg = "I can't find that within my memory, type a category. \n Categories: \n !greeting, !addurl, !friendlyResponse, !friendlyQuestion or !ignore"
return msg
'''Displays all help due for the github'''
def gitHelp(message):
if message.content.startswith('!help'):
msg = '---CLONE GIT--- \n'
msg = msg + '1) git clone \n'
msg = msg + '2) (Put in Username and Password) \n'
msg = msg + '---PUSH GIT--- \n'
msg = msg + '1) cd DiscordBot \n'
msg = msg + '2) git init \n'
msg = msg + '3) git add . \n'
msg = msg + "4) git commit -m 'Discord' \n"
msg = msg + '5) git remote add origin \n'
msg = msg + '6) git push -u origin master \n'
msg = msg + '7) (Put in Username and Password) \n'
msg = msg + '---PULL GIT--- \n'
msg = msg + '1) git pull \n'
msg = msg + '2) (Put in Username and Password) \n'
return msg
'''Prints the message content'''
def testInput(message):