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114 lines (96 sloc) 3.89 KB
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
class Graph():
def __init__(self, size):
self.edges = defaultdict(list) # dictionary of all connected nodes e.g. {'X': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E'], ...}
self.weights = {} # dictionary of edges and weights e.g. {('X', 'A'): 7, ('X', 'B'): 2, ...}
self.size = size
self.dist = []
for i in range(size):
self.previous = []
for i in range(size):
def add_edge(self, from_node, to_node, weight): # bidirectional
self.weights[(from_node, to_node)] = weight
self.weights[(to_node, from_node)] = weight
def findSmallestNode(self):
smallest = self.dist[self.getIndex(self.Q[0])]
result = self.getIndex(self.Q[0])
for i in range(len(self.dist)):
if self.dist[i] < smallest:
node = self.unpoppedQ[i]
if node in self.Q:
smallest = self.dist[i]
result = self.getIndex(node)
return result
def getIndex(self, neighbour):
for i in range(len(self.unpoppedQ)):
if neighbour == self.unpoppedQ[i]:
return i
def getPopPosition(self, uNode):
result = 0
for i in range(len(self.Q)):
if self.Q[i] == uNode:
return i
return result
def getUnvisitedNodes(self, uNode):
resultList = []
allNeighbours = self.edges[uNode]
for neighbour in allNeighbours:
if neighbour in self.Q:
return resultList
def dijkstra(self, start, end):
self.Q = []
for key in self.edges:
for i in range(len(self.Q)):
if self.Q[i] == start:
self.dist[i] = 0
self.unpoppedQ = self.Q[0:]
while self.Q:
u = self.findSmallestNode()
if self.dist[u] == sys.maxsize:
if self.unpoppedQ[u] == end:
uNode = self.unpoppedQ[u]
self.Q.pop(self.getPopPosition(uNode)) # remove the node 'u' from Q
for v in self.getUnvisitedNodes(uNode): # iterate through all neighbours of node 'u'
newDist = self.dist[u] + self.weights[uNode, v] # add the distance of node 'u'
# to cost of the edge between 'u' and 'v'
vNode = self.getIndex(v) # get the index number of 'v'
if newDist < self.dist[vNode]: # if the new distance is smaller than
# the distance of 'v'
self.dist[vNode] = newDist # set the new distance for node 'v'
self.previous[vNode] = uNode # set node 'u' as previous vertex for 'v'
shortest_path = []
shortest_path.insert(0, end)
u = self.getIndex(end)
while self.previous[u] != None:
shortest_path.insert(0, self.previous[u])
u = self.getIndex(self.previous[u])
return shortest_path, self.dist[self.getIndex(end)]
graph = Graph(8)
edges = [
('O', 'A', 2),
('O', 'B', 5),
('O', 'C', 4),
('A', 'B', 2),
('A', 'D', 7),
('A', 'F', 12),
('B', 'C', 1),
('B', 'D', 4),
('B', 'E', 3),
('C', 'E', 4),
('D', 'E', 1),
('D', 'T', 5),
('E', 'T', 7),
('F', 'T', 3),
for edge in edges:
print(graph.dijkstra('O', 'T'))