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import reminderStorage
import datetime
import calendar
import time
def isInt(variable): #determines if an inputted variable can be a string
variable = int(variable)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def monthsToYears(monthsAdd):
months = monthsAdd % 13
years = int(monthsAdd / 13)
return months, years
def daysToMonth(daysAdd, time, nowTime): #this is if the number of days exceed the amount of days in the month
currentDaysInMonth = calendar.monthrange(time.year, time.month)[1] #
months = time.month
days = daysAdd
years = 0
while True:
if days > currentDaysInMonth:
months = months + 1
difference = days - currentDaysInMonth
days = difference
days = days % (currentDaysInMonth + 1)
tempMonth = months
months = monthsToYears(months)[0]
years = years + monthsToYears(tempMonth)[1]
if months == 0:
months = 1
currentDaysInMonth = calendar.monthrange(time.year + years, months)[1]
if days <= currentDaysInMonth:
return days, months, years
def hoursToDays(hoursAdd):
hours = hoursAdd % 24
days = int(hoursAdd / 24)
return hours, days
def minutesToHours(minutesAdd):
minutes = minutesAdd % 60
hours = int(minutesAdd / 60)
return minutes, hours
def dictToDateTime(dict):
return datetime.datetime(dict["year"], dict["month"], dict["day"], dict["hour"], dict["minute"], 0)
def timeAddition(timeChange, now =, nowTime = True):
minutes, hours = minutesToHours(timeChange["minute"] + now.minute) #this section just makes the time more convienient to work with (example is 69 minutes will turn into 1 hour and 9 minutes)
timeChange["minute"] = minutes
timeChange["hour"] = timeChange["hour"] + hours
hours, days = hoursToDays(timeChange["hour"] + now.hour)
timeChange["hour"] = hours
timeChange["day"] = timeChange["day"] + days
days, months, years = daysToMonth(timeChange["day"] +, now, nowTime)
timeChange["day"] = days
timeChange["month"] = timeChange["month"] + months
timeChange["year"] = timeChange["year"] + years + now.year
months, years = monthsToYears(timeChange["month"])
timeChange["month"] = months
timeChange["year"] - timeChange["year"] + years
if timeChange["month"] == 0:
timeChange["month"] = 12
if timeChange["day"] == 0:
timeChange["day"] = calendar.monthrange(timeChange["year"], timeChange["month"])[1]
return timeChange
def puncRemove(string):
string = string.replace(".","")
string = string.replace(",","")
string = string.replace("?","")
#string = string.replace(":","")
string = string.replace("/","")
return string
def addTimeDecipher(numberLoc, words, addTimeLoc): #this will try to get the datetime from the statement if it can from the view that it is saying something like in 3 hours
addTime = {"minute" : 0, "hour" : 0, "day" : 0, "month" : 0, "year" : 0} #these variables are there in case the user wants a reminder later in a set period of time (example is set reminder in 2 days)
noPunc = puncRemove(arrayToString(words)).lower()
if "tommorow" in noPunc or "tomorrow" in noPunc: #finding common ways of saying a period of time in the future without writing a number
addTime["day"] = addTime["day"] + 1
if "in a day" in noPunc:
addTime["day"] = addTime["day"] + 1
if "in an hour" in noPunc:
addTime["hour"] = addTime["hour"] + 1
if "in a minute" in noPunc:
addTime["minute"] = addTime["minute"] + 1
if "in a month" in noPunc:
addTime["month"] = addTime["month"] + 1
if "in a year" in noPunc:
addTime["year"] = addTime["year"] + 1
if "next year" in noPunc:
addTime["year"] = addTime["year"] + 1
if addTimeLoc != None:
for i in range(0, len(numberLoc)):
numberInSentence = int(removeLetters(words[numberLoc[i]]))
if numberLoc[i] + 1 < len(words):
if ("minute" in words[numberLoc[i] + 1].lower()): #this determines if there needs to be an addition of times (example could be the number means 3 hours later)
addTime["minute"] = numberInSentence + addTime["minute"]
elif ("hour" in words[numberLoc[i] + 1].lower()):
addTime["hour"] = numberInSentence + addTime["hour"]
elif ("day" in words[numberLoc[i] + 1].lower()):
addTime["day"] = numberInSentence + addTime["day"]
elif ("month" in words[numberLoc[i] + 1].lower()):
addTime["month"] = numberInSentence + addTime["month"]
elif ("year" in words[numberLoc[i] + 1].lower()):
addTime["year"] = numberInSentence + addTime["year"]
return addTime
def isNearMonth(words, numberLoc, months, monthAsNumber): #will try to see if a month is nearby
if numberLoc + 2 < len(words):
twoBackAndFoward = words[numberLoc - 2] + words[numberLoc - 1] + words[numberLoc] + words[numberLoc + 1] + words[numberLoc + 2]
if inArray(months, twoBackAndFoward.lower()): #I know this is a bit inefficient but its a bit easier and faster to program and has insignificant performance impact
for i in range(0,len(months)):
if months[i].lower() in twoBackAndFoward.lower():
return monthAsNumber[i] #returns the month as a number
return None
return None
def inArray(array, string): #will determine if a character in a string is the same as an element of an array
for i in range(0,len(array)):
if array[i].lower() in string.lower():
return True
return False
def timeDetermineFromString(time, timeDetermine, next = None): #will try and determine the time if the input is the time (written as hour:minute maybe am or pm which will be shown as next for next sentence)
wordSplit = list(time)
for i in range(0,len(wordSplit)):
for j in range(0,len(timeDetermine)):
if timeDetermine[j] == wordSplit[i]:
if isInt(wordSplit[i - 1]): #determines the hours of the time
hour = wordSplit[i - 1]
if isInt(wordSplit[i - 2]) and i - 2 >= 0: #i - 2 >= 0 is there since if i - 2 is negative it would go to the end of an array which if its a number could get an additional 10 to 90 hours
hour = int(wordSplit[i - 2] + hour)
if not(int(hour) > 12):
if (next != None and next.lower() == "pm") or "pm" in time:
if int(hour) == 12:
hour = 12
hour = int(hour) + 12
if hour > 23:
hour = 0
elif (next != None and next.lower() == "am") or "am" in time:
if int(hour) == 12:
hour = 0
if isInt(wordSplit[i + 1]) and isInt(wordSplit[i + 2]): #determines the minutes of the time
minute = int(wordSplit[i + 1] + wordSplit[i + 2])
return minute, hour
return None, None
def dateDetermineFromString(date, dateDetermine): #will try and determine the date if the input is the date (will be written as days/month/year)
wordSplit = list(date)
day = None
month = None
year = None
for i in range(0,len(wordSplit)):
for j in range(0,len(dateDetermine)):
if dateDetermine[j] == wordSplit[i]:
if isInt(wordSplit[i - 1]): #determines the day of date
day = wordSplit[i - 1]
if isInt(wordSplit[i - 2]):
day = int(wordSplit[i - 2] + day)
if len(wordSplit) > i + 1:
if isInt(wordSplit[i + 1]) and isInt(wordSplit[i + 2]): #determines the minutes of the time
month = int(wordSplit[i + 1] + wordSplit[i + 2])
if inArray(dateDetermine, wordSplit[i + 3]):
if isInt(wordSplit[i + 4]) and isInt(wordSplit[i + 5]):
year = wordSplit[i + 4] + wordSplit[i + 5]
if len(wordSplit) > i + 6:
if isInt(wordSplit[i + 6]) and isInt(wordSplit[i + 7]):
year = int(year + wordSplit[i + 6] + wordSplit[i + 7])
year = int(year) + 2000
if day != None and month != None and year != None:
return day, month, year
return None, None, None
def puncYear(word): #this is to determine if there is punctuation in the middle of the number (2020. is very different to 20.20)
split = word.split()
punc = [".", ",","/","\\",":"]
for i in range(1,len(split) - 1):
if inArray(punc, split[i]):
return False
return True
def removeLetters(string): #removes letters from a string
string = puncRemove(string)
letters = "abcdefghijklomnpqrstuvwxyz"
for i in range(0,len(letters)):
if letters[i] in string.lower():
string = string.replace(letters[i],"")
return string
def makeTimeInt(timeDict): #this is to make all the variables in the time dictionaries an integer since they occasiaonaly don't come out as such
timeDict["minute"] = int(timeDict["minute"])
timeDict["hour"] = int(timeDict["hour"])
timeDict["day"] = int(timeDict["day"])
timeDict["month"] = int(timeDict["month"])
timeDict["year"] = int(timeDict["year"])
return timeDict
def specificTimeDecipher(numberLoc, words, specificTimeLoc, timeSection): #will try to determine a specific time that was inputted (example is 1st of jan 2021 will be determined as year = 2021, month = 1, day = 1)
time = {"minute" : None, "hour" : None, "day" : 0, "month" : 0, "year" : 0}
months = ["jan", "feb", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"]
monthAsNumber = []
timeDetermine = [":"] #this is the punctuation that will determine if the time was said (example is 3:30 meaning hour = 3, minute = 30)
dateAsNumDetermine = ["/", "\\", "."] #punctuation that will determine the date (example would be 3/11/2020 would mean day = 3, month = 1, year = 2020) note it will not be the american format
for i in range(0,len(months)): #this will act as a way to convert a month into a number (example jan = 1, feb = 2)
monthAsNumber.append(i + 1)
for i in range(timeSection["start"],timeSection["end"]): #sometimes a month isn't near a number so you have to look through every word in the section
if inArray(months, words[i].lower()):
for j in range(0,len(months)):
if months[j] in words[i].lower():
time["month"] = monthAsNumber[j]
if specificTimeLoc != None:
month = None
for i in range(0, len(numberLoc)):
month = isNearMonth(words, numberLoc[i], months, monthAsNumber) #this will determine if the month was mentioned
if month != None:
time["month"] = month
if len(removeLetters(words[numberLoc[i]])) == 4:
time["year"] = int(removeLetters(words[numberLoc[i]]))
elif len(removeLetters(words[numberLoc[i]])) == 2 or len(removeLetters(words[numberLoc[i]])) == 1:
time["day"] = int(removeLetters(words[numberLoc[i]]))
dateLoc = []
timeLoc = []
for i in range(timeSection["start"],timeSection["end"]): #will determine if time is specified and date is specified in number form
if time["year"] == 0 and len(puncRemove(words[i])) == 4 and puncYear(words[i]) and isInt(puncRemove(words[i])):
time["year"] = int(puncRemove(words[i]))
if inArray(timeDetermine, words[i]):
if inArray(dateAsNumDetermine, words[i]):
if isInt(removeLetters(words[i])): #this checks to see if a specific hour has been inputted
if int(removeLetters(words[i])) <= 12:
if "am" in words[i].lower():
if int(removeLetters(words[i])) == 12:
time["hour"] = 0
time["hour"] = int(removeLetters(words[i]))
elif "pm" in words[i].lower():
if int(removeLetters(words[i])) == 12:
time["hour"] = 12
time["hour"] = int(removeLetters(words[i])) + 12
if i + 1 < len(words):
if words[i + 1].lower() == "am":
if int(removeLetters(words[i]) == 12):
time["hour"] = 0
time["hour"] = int(removeLetters(words[i]))
elif words[i + 1].lower() == "pm":
if int(removeLetters(words[i]) == 12):
time["hour"] = 12
time["hour"] = int(removeLetters(words[i])) + 12
if inArray(months, words[i]):
for j in range(0,len(months)):
if months[j] in words[i]:
time["month"] = monthAsNumber[j]
for i in range(0,len(timeLoc)):
if timeLoc[i] + 1 < len(words):
minute, hour = timeDetermineFromString(words[timeLoc[i]], timeDetermine, words[timeLoc[i] + 1])
minute, hour = timeDetermineFromString(words[timeLoc[i]], timeDetermine)
if minute != None and hour != None:
time["minute"] = minute
time["hour"] = hour
for i in range(0,len(dateLoc)):
day, month, year = dateDetermineFromString(words[dateLoc[i]], dateAsNumDetermine)
if day != None and month != None and year != None:
time["day"] = day
time["month"] = month
time["year"] = year
return makeTimeInt(time) #ensures all values in time is an integer
return makeTimeInt(time)
def arrayToString(array): #makes an array of characters into a string of characters
string = str(array[0])
for i in range(1,len(array)):
string = string + " " + str(array[i])
return string
def reminderStatement(words, reminderSection): #this will put the reminder together as a string
if reminderSection["start"] != None:
string = str(words[reminderSection["start"]])
for i in range(reminderSection["start"] + 1, reminderSection["end"]):
string = string + " " + words[i]
return string
return ""
def specificTimeClean(specTime, addTime): #this is to make the specific time make sense, for example if you want a reminder at 3 am and its currently at 5pm you want 3 am the next day not the same day
now =
if addTime["day"] == 0 and specTime["day"] == 0 and None != specTime["hour"]:
if specTime["minute"] != None:
if now.hour > specTime["hour"] or (now.hour == specTime["hour"] and now.minute > specTime["minute"]):
addTime["day"] = addTime["day"] + 1
elif now.hour >= specTime["hour"]:
addTime["day"] = addTime["day"] + 1
if specTime["month"] != 0 and addTime["year"] == 0 and specTime["year"] == 0 and now.month > specTime["month"]:
addTime["year"] = addTime["year"] + 1
return addTime
def CheckUnspoken(time, startPos): #this is one of the checks for if parts of the date or time should be its minimum (example if someone only specifies only the month of febuary then you don't want to get 15:30 3rd of Febuary you want 00:00 1 Febuary)
timeMeasurements = ["minute", "hour", "day", "month", "year"]
startPosNum = 0
for i in range(0,len(timeMeasurements)):
if timeMeasurements[i] == startPos:
startPosNum = i
for i in range(startPosNum + 1, len(timeMeasurements)):
if time[timeMeasurements[i]] != 0:
return True
return False
def setReminder(command, user, write = True):
words = command.split()
numberLoc = []
time = {"minute" : 0, "hour" : 0, "day" : 0, "month" : 0, "year" : 0}
reminderStatementIndicator = ["that", "to"] #specific words that will indicate that the user will actually say their reminder (example: user may say remind me at ... to <insert reminder>)
TimeIndicator = ["at","in","for","on"]
startStateLoc = None #this is where the first word of the actual reminder starts
TimeLoc = None
for i in range(0,len(words)):
if words[i] in TimeIndicator and TimeLoc == None: #this will try to find where the time will be said
TimeLoc = i
elif words[i] in reminderStatementIndicator and startStateLoc == None: #this will try to find where the actual reminder starts
startStateLoc = i
timeSection = {"start" : 0, "end" : 0} #tjis will be the beggining and the end section of the time section of the sentence
reminderSection = {"start" : 0, "end" : 0} #this will be the beggining and the end of the reminder section of the sentence
if TimeLoc != None:
if startStateLoc > TimeLoc:
timeSection["start"] = 0
timeSection["end"] = startStateLoc + 1
reminderSection["start"] = startStateLoc
reminderSection["end"] = len(words)
timeSection["start"] = TimeLoc
timeSection["end"] = len(words)
reminderSection["start"] = startStateLoc
reminderSection["end"] = TimeLoc + 1
for i in range(timeSection["start"],timeSection["end"]): #this determines where the numbers are located in the sentence the user has inputted
if isInt(removeLetters(words[i])):
reminderSection["start"] = startStateLoc
reminderSection["end"] = len(words)
addTimeAddition = addTimeDecipher(numberLoc, words, TimeLoc) #this is if time addition is needed
futureTime = specificTimeDecipher(numberLoc, words, TimeLoc, timeSection) #this is if a specific time is specified
year = True
if futureTime["year"] == 0:
year = False
addTimeAddition = specificTimeClean(futureTime, addTimeAddition)
now = #need to do this since you can't have 0 year and 0 month
futurePlusCurrent = futureTime
if futurePlusCurrent["minute"] == None: #this will construct a specific time that makes sense (saying febuary will bring 00:00 1 feb) and also won't have something such as month 0 occuring
if CheckUnspoken(futurePlusCurrent, "minute") and addTimeAddition["minute"] == 0:
futurePlusCurrent["minute"] = 0
futurePlusCurrent["minute"] = now.minute
if futurePlusCurrent["hour"] == None:
if CheckUnspoken(futurePlusCurrent, "hour"):
futurePlusCurrent["hour"] = 0
futurePlusCurrent["hour"] = now.hour
if futurePlusCurrent["day"] == 0:
if CheckUnspoken(futurePlusCurrent, "day"):
futurePlusCurrent["day"] = 1
futurePlusCurrent["day"] =
if futurePlusCurrent["month"] == 0:
if CheckUnspoken(futurePlusCurrent, "month"):
futurePlusCurrent["month"] = 1
futurePlusCurrent["month"] = now.month
if futurePlusCurrent["year"] == 0:
futurePlusCurrent["year"] = now.year
time = timeAddition(addTimeAddition, dictToDateTime(futurePlusCurrent), False) #adding them since people may have specified some parts of the desired time and not specified the other parts
#if False == year: #a little fix from a slight error timeAddition makes
#time["year"] = futureTime["year"]
reminder = reminderStatement(words, reminderSection)
timeSentence = reminderStatement(words, timeSection) #just to check where the program thinks the time is
dateTime = dictToDateTime(time) #converting the dictionary to a datetime struct because it would automatically send out an error if there is an illegal date or time (example month 0 cannot exist and minute 67 can't exits)
reminderSplit = reminder.split() #just to get rid of an unneccsary word that sometime comes up at the end
if len(reminderSplit) != 0:
if inArray(TimeIndicator, reminderSplit[len(reminderSplit) - 1]):
reminderSection["end"] = reminderSection["end"] - 1
reminder = reminderStatement(words, reminderSection)
obj = reminderStorage.reminder(user, str(dateTime), reminder)
if write == True:
return "reminder " + str(obj.reminder) + " for " + str(obj.dateTime)
def sayReminders(user): #will list all the reminders that the user has if the user asks for it
reminderObjList = reminderStorage.userReminderList(user)
if len(reminderObjList) > 0:
string = str(reminderObjList[0].dateTime) + " " + reminderObjList[0].reminder
for i in range(0,len(reminderObjList)):
string = "\n" + str(reminderObjList[i].dateTime) + " " + reminderObjList[i].reminder
return string
return "you haven't got any reminders"
if __name__ == "__main__": #this is just the test of the code, won't be main running file
response = setReminder(input("Type in you reminder"), "Ben", False)
#timeChange = {"minute" : 61, "hour" : 0, "day" : 0, "month" : 13, "year" : 0}
#day, month, year = dateDetermineFromString("5/12/23", ["/", "\\", "."])
#print(setReminder("remind me to create a reminder at 9:08 pm", "Ben", False))