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105 lines (90 sloc) 5.27 KB
import todostorage, reminderTextProcessing, datetime
#File = todostorage.toDoRead()
def chatbotread(command):
chatbotkeys = ["what", "who", "get", "grab", "show", "task", "list"]
keysNotStart = ["free", "not started"]
inProgress = ["in progress"]
CompletedTasks = ["completed", "done"]
notCompleted = [""]
ChatbotFile = ""
if (reminderTextProcessing.inArray(chatbotkeys, command)):#Ben G FUNCTION
file = todostorage.toDoRead()
if reminderTextProcessing.inArray(CompletedTasks,command):
for i in range(0,len(file)):
if file[i]["Completed"].lower() == "completed":
ChatbotFile = ChatbotFile + "TaskId: " + file[i]["TaskID"] + " Task: " + file[i]["Task"] + " DateStart: " + file[i]["DateStart"] + " DateDue: " + file[i]["DateDue"] + " User: " + file[i]["User"] + " Completed: " + file[i]["Completed"]+ " TaskDifficulty: " + file[i]["TaskDifficulty"] +"\n"
elif reminderTextProcessing.inArray(inProgress,command):
for i in range(0,len(file)):
if file[i]["Completed"] == "in progress":
ChatbotFile = ChatbotFile + "TaskId: " + file[i]["TaskID"] + " Task: " + file[i]["Task"] + " DateStart: " + file[i]["DateStart"] + " DateDue: " + file[i]["DateDue"] + " User: " + file[i]["User"] + " Completed: " + file[i]["Completed"]+ " TaskDifficulty: " + file[i]["TaskDifficulty"] +"\n"
for i in range(0,len(file)):
if file[i]["Completed"].lower() == "":
ChatbotFile = ChatbotFile + "TaskId: " + file[i]["TaskID"] + " Task: " + file[i]["Task"] + " DateStart: " + file[i]["DateStart"] + " DateDue: " + file[i]["DateDue"] + " User: " + file[i]["User"] + " Completed: " + file[i]["Completed"]+ " TaskDifficulty: " + file[i]["TaskDifficulty"] +"\n"
return ChatbotFile
def AssignTask(Username, command ):
completed = ["complete", "completed", "done", "finished"]
inprogress = ["completing", "started", "starting", "initiating", "doing"]
taskIDIndicator = ["task"]
if reminderTextProcessing.inArray(taskIDIndicator, command):
wordSplit = command.split()
for i in range(0,len(wordSplit)):
if reminderTextProcessing.inArray(taskIDIndicator, wordSplit[i].lower()):
if len(wordSplit) > i + 1:
if reminderTextProcessing.isInt(wordSplit[i + 1]):
TaskID = wordSplit[i + 1]
elif len(wordSplit) > i + 2:
if reminderTextProcessing.isInt(wordSplit[i + 2]):
TaskID = wordSplit[i + 2]
TaskID = None
TaskID = None
if TaskID != None:
completedStatus = ""
if (reminderTextProcessing.inArray(completed, command.lower())):
completedStatus = "completed"
elif (reminderTextProcessing.inArray(inprogress, command.lower())):
completedStatus = "in progress"
todostorage.todoEdit(Username, completedStatus, TaskID)
def TaskDifCheck(line): #checks if the task difficulty has been inputted correctly (made by Ben G)
if reminderTextProcessing.isInt(line["TaskDifficulty"]):
elif not(reminderTextProcessing.isInt(line["TaskDifficulty"])) and line["TaskID"] != "":
line["TaskDifficulty"] = 1
line["TaskDifficulty"] = 0
return line
def daysDelta(): #FUNCTION Created by Ben G
file = todostorage.toDoRead()
now =
now = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, #gets rid of the time since taht won't be needed
startDay, startMonth, startYear = reminderTextProcessing.dateDetermineFromString(file[0]["DateStart"], ["/", "\\", "."])
endDay, endMonth, endYear = reminderTextProcessing.dateDetermineFromString(file[0]["DateDue"], ["/", "\\", "."])
startDate = datetime.datetime(startYear, startMonth, startDay) #all dates for each task has the same times (note year has to be full 2020 not just 20)
endDate = datetime.datetime(endYear, endMonth, endDay)
elapsedDays = now - startDate
maxDays = endDate - startDate
elapsedDays = (elapsedDays.total_seconds()) / (60*60*24) #makes the only unit of measurement of time I have to work with days
maxDays = (maxDays.total_seconds()) / (60*60*24)
maxPoints = 0
currentPoints = 0
for i in range(0,len(file)): #this counts all the points that are possible to get and the amount of points that have currently been earned
file[i] = TaskDifCheck(file[i])
maxPoints = maxPoints + float(file[i]["TaskDifficulty"])
if "progress" in file[i]["Completed"]:
currentPoints = currentPoints + (float(file[i]["TaskDifficulty"]) / 2)
elif "completed" in file[i]["Completed"]:
currentPoints = currentPoints + float(file[i]["TaskDifficulty"])
pointsPDay = (maxPoints / maxDays)
expectedPoints = pointsPDay * elapsedDays
pointsDelta = currentPoints - expectedPoints
dayDelta = pointsDelta / pointsPDay
dayDelta = round(dayDelta,1)
response = ""
if dayDelta < 0:
response = "You are " + str((dayDelta ** 2) ** 0.5) + " days behind"
response = "You are " + str(dayDelta) + " days ahead"
return response