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name: "Ian Cornelius"
profilepic: images/profile.png
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B, %Y')`"
qualifications: BSc, MScR, PhD
address: Coventry, United Kingdom
linkedin: iancornelius1
twitter: idonothavetwitter
www: idonothavewww
phone: 012 345 678
headcolor: 38480a
keep_tex: false
[comment]: <> (Imports the libraries I will be using for constructing my CV)
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
# LOads the necessary libraries required for generating a CV
# ORCID is where we shall store our employment and education history
# Client ID is your development ID
orcid_client_id <- "APP-XS7JX4WR7DRSFAEF"
# Client Secret is your 'password'
orcid_client_secret <- "04e4c22f-d777-4d32-939b-48ec31618e1a"
# This script will generate a new authorisation token on the fly
orcid_request <- POST(url = "",
config = add_headers(`Accept` = "application/json",
`Content-Type` = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),
body = list(grant_type = "client_credentials",
scope = "/read-public",
client_id = orcid_client_id,
client_secret = orcid_client_secret),
encode = "form")
orcid_response <- content(orcid_request)
# Set the ORCID_TOKEN variable so we can access the data from ORCID servers
Sys.setenv(ORCID_TOKEN = orcid_response$access_token)
# This is your profile ID
id <- "0000-0001-7936-7822"
[comment1]: <> (Professional Summary or Personal Statement describes who you are in third-person.)
# Professional Summary
[comment2]: <> (Generates two paragraphs of Latin for filler)
`r lorem::ipsum(paragraphs = 2)`
[comment3]: <> (A script to get the employer data from ORCID servers)
# Employment
```{r employment}
# Firstly we fetch the data that is apart of your profile.
orcid_data <- rorcid::orcid_employments(id)
# Secondly, we format this data to only consist of the employment history
emp_data <- orcid_data %>%
purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "affiliation-group", "summaries") %>%
# Thirdly, we print the data to the document
emp_data %>%
what = `employment-summary.role-title`,
when = glue::glue("{`employment-summary.start-date.year.value`} - {`employment-summary.end-date.year.value`}"),
with = ``,
where = ``
[comment4]: <> (A script to get the education data from ORCID servers)
# Education
```{r education}
# Firstly we fetch the data that is apart of your profile.
orcid_data <- rorcid::orcid_educations(id)
# Secondly, we format this data to only consist of the education history
edu_data <- orcid_data %>%
purrr::map(., purrr::pluck, "affiliation-group", "summaries") %>%
# Thirdly, we print the data to the document
edu_data %>%
what = `education-summary.role-title`,
when = glue::glue("{`education-summary.start-date.year.value`} - {`education-summary.end-date.year.value`}"),
with = ``,
where = ``
[comment5]: <> (Plain Markdown to display the technical skills that I have)
# Technical Skills
## Programming/Web Development Languages
* C++, Python, Kotlin/Swift and Java
* HTML, CSS, PHP and MySql
## Software
* JetBrains IntelliJ Idea, PyCharm and CLion
* Microsoft Office 365 Suite, and Visual Studio
[comment6]: <> (Provides a list of my publications. This may not be warranted with your CV.)
# Publications
```{r publications}
# Gets a list of publications from my profile on Google Scholar
scholar::get_publications("feA_m0gAAAAJ") %>%
what = title,
when = year,
with = author,
where = journal