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completed explanation of module code
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aa7401 committed Mar 17, 2019
1 parent bd5b49f commit f1b24ce00bbf42634fc0b70af3c46936716674b8
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 1 deletion.
@@ -24,7 +24,13 @@ Now locate the second `'/login')` route (this is currently commented

Now we need to look at the `accounts.js` module. This implements some very important concepts that you will need to understand and apply to your assignment.

1. The `accounts` module contains two types of function:
1. The [function declarations]( such as `runSQL()` have a private scope and are not visible outside the module.
2. Any [function expressions]( stored as keys in the `module.exports` object such as `module.exports.checkCredentials` are available to any code that imports this module.
2. All the code in a function is wrapped in a [try-catch]( block to handle any exceptions.
3. The catch block simple propagates the [Error]( object to the calling code.
4. Any non-valid code flow is handled by throwing an Error object which forces the code flow to jump directly to the catch block.
5. This means that if the program flow reaches the end of the try block everything was successful and data can be returned.

### 1.1 Test Your Understanding

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