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Markdown Marking
Dan Goldsmith
1st Week
last Week
An Example Coursework Brief
20 Hours
Feedback Via Moodle, or whatever abominiation Aula comes up with

Learning Outcomes Assessed

  1. Writing documents in something other than word
  2. Responsive, Mobile First output
  3. Including Code and Maths

Task And Mark Distribution

This is an example of how we can write coursework, using consistant templates without entering the horrors of nested tables in Word.

Weirdly, HTML turns out to be pretty good at this sort of stuff. I mean its not like we have been using it for format layout for the last 20 years.

Now I know you like your word (or Excel) based marking sheets, but they are a pain to use:

  • Simple things like using tables, are impossible to do in a sane way with the word nested table approach.
  • Depending on where we copy and paste from, the output formatting can get Borked.
  • Using Excel, means we have that one tiny line to enter feedback in. Heaven help you if you want line breaks, or to edit something halfway through.

Equally, HTML means that the forms are Responsive, Mobile First, and Web Scale....

Sub Section

We support a decent amount of formatting.

The AULA Standard.

  • Bold Text
  • itallic italic
  • Underline, isn't by default.
  • HyperLinks
  • In line codeExamples()

Moving Beyond that...

Now stand back, for your own safety.......

  • Bullet points
  • That are not Emojis
    • And Can be Nested


  1. Enumerated List Item
  2. Here is another one
  3. And yet another one

Block Quotes:

A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.


Grade Fail (<35%) Near Miss (<40%) Pass (<50%)
Report X
Rendering Table Data More Data And More Data

Source code formatting in many languages

def helloWorld(name):
    print ("hello {0}".format(name))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Maths !!!

Euler's formula is remarkable: (e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0)

And other inline maths $y = mx+c$

Or More Maths

\begin{equation} \label{eq:stokes} \int_{\partial\Omega} \omega = \int_{\Omega} \mathrm{d}\omega ,. \end{equation}

Writing in Markdown

Ok Markdown may not be to everyones taste, but if you cant write a text file, you really should question some of your life decisions.

Also the markdown may not be your markdown. As far as I can make out its John Grubers original markdown spec. But there are pugins