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import functools
from urllib import request
from .meta import *
import datetime
import bcrypt
# decorator function for protecting different routes
def login_required(view):
# accept and wrap a given view
# can have 0 or >=1 arguments
def wrapped_view(*args, **kwargs):
# check if user has logged in the current session
if "user" not in flask.session:
flask.flash("You need to be logged in for this feature.")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("login"))
# return to the view function if yes
return view(*args, **kwargs)
# call the wrapped function
return wrapped_view
def index():
Main Page.
#Get data from the DB using meta function
rows = query_db("SELECT * FROM product")
return flask.render_template("index.html",
bookList = rows)
@app.route("/products", methods=["GET","POST"])
def products():
Single Page (ish) Application for Products
theItem = flask.request.args.get("item")
if theItem:
#We Do A Query for It
theQry = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE id = ?"
args = (theItem,)
itemQry = query_db(theQry, args, True)
theQry1 = "SELECT * FROM review INNER JOIN user ON review.userID = WHERE review.productID = ?;"
# add a , becasue args parameter is a tuple, i.e., accepts tuples
args = (itemQry['id'],)
reviewQry = query_db(theQry1, args)
#If there is form interaction and they put somehing in the basket
if flask.request.method == "POST":
quantity = flask.request.form.get("quantity")
quantity = int(quantity)
except ValueError:
flask.flash("Error Buying Item")
return flask.render_template("product.html",
item = itemQry,
app.logger.warning("Buy Clicked %s items", quantity)
#And we add something to the Session for the user to keep track
basket = flask.session.get("basket", {})
basket[theItem] = quantity
flask.session["basket"] = basket
flask.flash("Item Added to Cart")
return flask.render_template("product.html",
item = itemQry,
books = query_db("SELECT * FROM product")
return flask.render_template("products.html",
books = books)
# ------------------
# USER Level Stuff
# ---------------------
@app.route("/user/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def login():
Login Page
if flask.request.method == "POST":
#Get data
user = flask.request.form.get("email")
password = flask.request.form.get("password")"Attempt to login as %s:%s", user, password)
theQry = "SELECT * FROM User WHERE email = ?"
args = (user,)
userQry = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
if userQry is None:
flask.flash("No Such User")
else:"User is Ok")
if bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode('utf-8'), userQry["password"]):"Login as %s Success", userQry["email"])
flask.session["user"] = userQry["id"]
flask.flash("Login Successful")
return (flask.redirect(flask.url_for("index")))
flask.flash("Password is Incorrect")
return flask.render_template("login.html")
@app.route("/user/create", methods=["GET","POST"])
def create():
""" Create a new account,
we will redirect to a homepage here
if flask.request.method == "GET":
return flask.render_template("create_account.html")
#Get the form data
email = flask.request.form.get("email")
password = flask.request.form.get("password")
# hash the passwords before adding them to the database
# the hash is calculated using a byte string first and must be UTF-8 encoding
encodedPw = password.encode('utf-8')
salt = bcrypt.gensalt()
hashedPw = bcrypt.hashpw(encodedPw, salt)
#Sanity check do we have a name, email and password
if not email or not password:
flask.flash("Not all info supplied")
return flask.render_template("create_account.html",
email = email)
#Otherwise we can add the user
theQry = "Select * FROM User WHERE email = ?"
args = (email,)
userQry = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
if userQry:
flask.flash("A User with that Email Exists")
return flask.render_template("create_account.html",
name = name,
email = email)
#Crate the user"Create New User")
# parametrized query will supply values at execution time, avoiding SQLi as well
# testing with bandit should drop the number of injectable queries
theQry = "INSERT INTO user (id, email, password) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?)"
args = (email, hashedPw)
userQry = write_db(theQry, args)
flask.flash("Account Created, you can now Login")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("login"))
def settings(userId):
Update a users settings,
Allow them to make reviews
theQry = "Select * FROM User WHERE id = ?"
args = (userId,)
thisUser = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
# the user shouldn't be able to access other accounts' settings
if thisUser['id'] != flask.session['user']:
flask.flash("Access denied: Unauthorized access to another account")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("settings", userId=flask.session['user']))
elif not thisUser:
flask.flash("No Such User")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("index"))
theSQL = "SELECT * FROM purchase WHERE userID = ?"
args = (userId,)
purchaces = query_db(theSQL, args)
theSQL = """
SELECT productId, date,
FROM purchase
INNER JOIN product ON purchase.productID =
WHERE userID = ?;
args = (userId,)
purchaces = query_db(theSQL, args)
return flask.render_template("usersettings.html",
user = thisUser,
purchaces = purchaces)
def logout():
Login Page
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("index"))
@app.route("/user/<userId>/update", methods=["GET","POST"])
def updateUser(userId):
Process any chances from the user settings page
theQry = "Select * FROM User WHERE id = ?"
args = (userId,)
thisUser = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
if not thisUser:
flask.flash("No Such User")
return flask.redirect(flask.flask_url_for("index"))
#otherwise we want to do the checks
if flask.request.method == "POST":
current = flask.request.form.get("current")
password = flask.request.form.get("password")"Attempt password update for %s from %s to %s", userId, current, password)"%s == %s", current, thisUser["password"])
if current:
if current == thisUser["password"]:"Password OK, update")
#Update the Password
theSQL = "UPDATE user SET password = ? WHERE id = ?"
args = (password, userId)"SQL %s", theSQL)
write_db(theSQL, args)
flask.flash("Password Updated")
flask.flash("Current Password is incorrect")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("settings",
userId = thisUser['id']))
flask.flash("Update Error")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("settings", userId=userId))
# -------------------------------------
# Functionality to allow user to review items
# ------------------------------------------
@app.route("/review/<userId>/<itemId>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def reviewItem(userId, itemId):
"""Add a Review"""
theQry = "Select * FROM User WHERE id = ?"
args = (userId,)
thisUser = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
if thisUser['id'] != flask.session['user']:
flask.flash("Access denied: Unauthorized access to another account")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("settings", userId=flask.session['user']))
#Handle input
if flask.request.method == "POST":
reviewStars = flask.request.form.get("rating")
reviewComment = flask.request.form.get("review")
#Clean up review whitespace
reviewComment = reviewComment.strip()
reviewId = flask.request.form.get("reviewId")"Review Made %s", reviewId)"Rating %s Text %s", reviewStars, reviewComment)
if reviewId:
#Update an existing oe"Update Existing")
theSQL = "UPDATE review SET stars = ?, review = ? WHERE id = ?"
args = (reviewStars, reviewComment, reviewId)
app.logger.debug("%s", theSQL)
write_db(theSQL, args)
flask.flash("Review Updated")
else:"New Review")
theSQL = """
INSERT INTO review (userId, productId, stars, review)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);
args = (userId, itemId, reviewStars, reviewComment)"%s", theSQL)
write_db(theSQL, args)
flask.flash("Review Made")
#Otherwise get the review
theQry = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE id = ?;"
args = (itemId,)
item = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
theQry = "SELECT * FROM review WHERE userID = ? AND productID = ?;"
args = (userId, itemId)
review = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
app.logger.debug("Review Exists %s", review)
return flask.render_template("reviewItem.html",
item = item,
review = review,
# ---------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
@app.route("/basket", methods=["GET","POST"])
def basket():
theBasket = []
#Otherwise we need to work out the Basket
#Get it from the session
sessionBasket = flask.session.get("basket", None)
if not sessionBasket:
flask.flash("No items in basket")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("index"))
totalPrice = 0
for key in sessionBasket:
theQry = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE id = ?"
args = (key,)
theItem = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
quantity = int(sessionBasket[key])
thePrice = theItem["price"] * quantity
totalPrice += thePrice
theBasket.append([theItem, quantity, thePrice])
return flask.render_template("basket.html",
basket = theBasket,
@app.route("/basket/payment", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def pay():
Fake paymeent.
#Get the total cost
cost = flask.request.form.get("total")
#Fetch USer ID from Sssion
theQry = "Select * FROM User WHERE id = ?"
args = (flask.session["user"],)
theUser = query_db(theQry, args, one=True)
#Add products to the user
sessionBasket = flask.session.get("basket", None)
theDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
for key in sessionBasket:
#As we should have a trustworthy key in the basket.
theQry = "INSERT INTO PURCHASE (userID, productID, date) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
args = (theUser['id'], key, theDate)
write_db(theQry, args)
#Clear the Session
flask.session.pop("basket", None)
return flask.render_template("pay.html",
# ---------------------------
# ---------------------------
def serve_image(name):
Helper function to serve an uploaded image
return flask.send_from_directory(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], name)
def database_helper():
Helper / Debug Function to create the initial database
You are free to ignore scurity implications of this
return "Done"