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import requests, os, json
from uuid import uuid4
from flask import Flask, request, session
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from twilio import twiml
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
from pprint import pprint
from utils import Drink, Order, Pizza
with open("db.json", "w") as db:
app = Flask(__name__)
googleApiKey = os.getenv('GOOGLE_API_KEY')
# gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=googleApiKey)
secret_key = str(uuid4())
app.secret_key = secret_key
def printMenuToUser(twilResp: MessagingResponse):
twilResp.message("1 - Pizza")
twilResp.message("2 - Soft Drinks")
def cartCleanReplace(item: str):
conditions = {'1': '{','2': '}', '3': '\\', '4':'"', '5':'[',
'6':'{', '7':'}', '8':']', '9': ':', '10': ' '}
for _, value in conditions.items():
item = item.replace(value, '')
return item
def createUser():
if 'user' not in session:
session['user'] = str(uuid4())
def printPizzaToppings(twilResp: MessagingResponse):
twilResp.message("1 - Cheese")
twilResp.message("2 - Pepperoni")
twilResp.message("3 - Sausage")
twilResp.message("4 - Bacon")
def printDrinksMenu(twilResp: MessagingResponse):
twilResp.message("1 - Coke")
twilResp.message("2 - Fanta")
twilResp.message("3 - Sprite")
# The main endpoint where messages arrive
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def pizza():
incoming_msg = request.values.get('Body', '')
resp = MessagingResponse()
msg = resp.message()
responded = False
if 'exit' == incoming_msg:
if 'user' in session:
msg.body("Your order has been cancelled. Thank you for trying out The Pizza Bot and have a good day!")
responded = True
elif 'menu' == incoming_msg:
msg.body("Here is the menu for the day: ")
responded = True
elif 'pizza' == incoming_msg:
# return a pizza quote, ask for user address and create session for user
msg.body('Pizza party coming right up! Please enter your address to view the closest restaurants delivering pizza.')
responded = True
elif 'done' == incoming_msg:
msg.body("Please type in the phone number you can be reached at: ")
session['orderStatus'] = 'complete'
responded = True
if 'user' in session:
# user enters address
if 'location' not in session:
location = str(incoming_msg)
# save the location of the user in order
session['location'] = location
# convert incoming location to http-request friendly
prepped_location = location.replace(' ', '+')
# grab coordinates of user location
r = requests.get(f'{prepped_location}&key={googleApiKey}')
if r.status_code == 200:
geo_details = r.json()['results'][0]['geometry']['location']
latitude = geo_details['lat']
longitude = geo_details['lng']
# check for available pizza places within 5km
r = requests.get(f'{latitude},{longitude}&rankby=distance&keyword=pizza&key={googleApiKey}')
if r.status_code == 200:
results = r.json()['results']
if results == []:
resp.message("We're so sorry. There are no available locations close to you.")
# pick top 3 pizza locations
places = [place for place in results if ('opening_hours' in place) and (place['opening_hours']['open_now'] or place['business_status'] == 'OPERATIONAL') and results.index(place) < 3]
if places != []:
msg.body("Here are the 3 closest available locations. Please select a location using the number in front of the location: ")
count = 1
for place in places:
message = f"{count} - {place['name']} - {place['vicinity']}"
count += 1
order = Order(id=session['user'], orderLocation=location, possible_locations=places, phone_no=None)
session['places'] = True
resp.message("There are no open locations within 5km of you.")
msg.body('Could not find your location. Please try again.')
responded = True
# user picks an order location
if 'orderLocation' not in session:
# grab user location choice and add to order
location_choice = int(incoming_msg)
order_dict = Order.getOrder(session['user'])
possible_locations = order_dict['possible_locations']
order_dict['address'] = session['location']
# save user order location choice to store
selected_location = possible_locations[location_choice - 1]
order_dict['orderLocation'] = selected_location
order = Order.orderFromStore(order_dict=order_dict)
session['orderLocation'] = True
# respond to user
msg.body(f'You have selected {selected_location["name"]} and your location has been saved')
msg.body("You can type menu to print the menu for the day")
responded = True
if 'orderStatus' in session:
order_dict = Order.getOrder(session['user'])
order_dict['phone_no'] = incoming_msg
msg.body("Here is your cart: ")
for item in order_dict['cart']:
if "drink" in item:
drinks = cartCleanReplace(item['drink'].replace("choice", ""))
resp.message(f"Drinks - {drinks}")
if "pizza" in item:
toppings = cartCleanReplace(item['pizza'].replace("toppings", ""))
resp.message(f"Pizza with - {toppings}")
order = Order.orderFromStore(order_dict=order_dict)
resp.message("Your order has been succesfully submitted and will be delivered shortly." +
" Thank you for trying out The Pizza Bot!")
responded = True
val = ''
val = int(str(incoming_msg))
except ValueError as err:
val = str(incoming_msg).replace(',', ' ').strip().split(" ")
for value in val:
value = int(value)
except ValueError as err:
val = [int(value) for value in val]
if 'pizza' in session:
order_pizza = Pizza(toppings=val)
order_dict = Order.getOrder(id=session['user'])
order = Order.orderFromStore(order_dict=order_dict)
pizza_dict = {
'pizza': (json.dumps(order_pizza.__dict__))
msg.body(f"Your pizza has been added to your cart!")
resp.message("Remember you can type 'done' to complete your order! You can text 'menu' to see the menu again!")
responded = True
elif 'drinks' in session:
order_drink = Drink(choice=val)
order_dict = Order.getOrder(id=session['user'])
order = Order.orderFromStore(order_dict=order_dict)
drink_dict = {
'drink': (json.dumps(order_drink.__dict__))
msg.body(f"Your drink(s) has/have been added to your cart!")
resp.message("Remember you can type 'done' to complete your order! You can text 'menu' to see the menu again!")
responded = True
if int(incoming_msg) == 1:
session['pizza'] = True
msg.body("You have selected Pizza. Please select the toppings you would like separated by commas. " +
"For example, for extra cheese and pepperoni, text - 1, 2")
responded = True
if int(incoming_msg) == 2:
session['drinks'] = True
msg.body("You have selected Drinks. They all come in 75cl bottles." +
" Please select the drink you would like separated by commas. " +
" For example, for Coke and Fanta, text - 1, 2")
responded = True
if not responded:
if 'user' in session:
msg.body("Seems like an invalid command was used! Please follow the last prompt")
msg.body("Hi there! I'm The Pizza Bot! I'm here to help you order delicious pizza! " +
"You can begin an order with the command: pizza. " +
"You can complete an order with the command: done. " +
"You can see my available items on the menu at any time with the command: menu. " +
"You can cancel the process at any time by texting the command: exit.")
return str(resp)
if __name__ == '__main__':