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;Assembly code to show how to increment a variable and print the value
section .data
incMessage db "The inc value is :"
incMessageLen equ $-incMessage
cr db 10; newline
incValue db 5 ; the variable to be incremented
section .bss
section .text
global _start ;must be declared for using gcc
_start: ;tell linker entry point
inc byte [incValue] ; increment the value in the variable
mov eax, [incValue] ; move the incValue variable in eax
add eax, 48 ; convert the integer into ascii value to print
mov [incValue], eax ; Put the value back variable
; write the incremented statement to screen.
mov eax, 4 ; System call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, incMessage; print inc message
mov edx, incMessageLen; Length of message
int 80h ; interrupt
; write the incremented value to screen.
mov eax, 4 ; System call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, incValue; print value
mov edx, 1; One byte is size
int 80h ; interrupt
; write the incremented value to screen.
mov eax, 4 ; System call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, cr; newline
mov edx, 1; One byte is size
int 80h ; interrupt
; write the news line to screen. Same as endl in C++
;exit program
mov eax,1 ;system call exit
int 0x80 ;call interrupt