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; Assembly code to loop and print reducing numbers (count down)
section .data
message db "Count Down: ", 10 ; message countdown
messageLen equ $-message; length of message
newLine db 10 ; newline like endl in C++
section .bss
number resb 1 ; number variable 1 byte long
section .text
global _start
call printMessage ; call print message function
mov rax,9 ;Move integer 9 into rax register
loopNum: ; loop function
push rax ; push rax value on the stack
add rax,'0' ; convert integer in rax into ascii to print
mov [number],rax ;put the value in rax in the variable number
call print ; call print function
pop rax ; get rax back from the stack
dec rax ;decrement the value of rax by 1
cmp rax,0 ; compare rax with 0
jne loopNum ;if not equal to zero go to loopNum
call end ; call end function
mov eax,4 ; system call for print to screen
mov ebx, 1; standard out
mov ecx, message ; count down message
mov edx, messageLen ; length of message
int 80h ; interrupt
mov eax,4 ; system call for print to screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, number ; number variable
mov edx, 1 ; size of number
int 80h ; interrupt
mov eax,4 ; system call for print to screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, newLine; new line like endl C++
mov edx, 1 ; size of number
int 80h ; interrupt
mov eax,1 ; system call for exit
mov ebx,0 ; return value
int 80h ; interrupt