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; assembly code that takes user input and creates
; a set of random numbers if called repeatedly using for example
; a loop.
section .data
seedMsg db "Put in 8 characters to act as the basis for random value: " ;Ask the user to put in 8 characters, for example their name
seedMsgLen equ $-seedMsg ; Get the length of the message
section .bss
num1 resb 8 ; variable to store random number
seed resb 8 ; variable to store random number seed
section .text
global _start
mov rax,4 ;; Move the system call 4 to the register rax
; to say name question
mov rbx,1 ;; put the value 1 in the register rbx -
; standard output to the screen
mov rcx, seedMsg ; Put the offset of name in rcx register
;; so we can access the string 'name'
mov rdx, seedMsgLen ;Move length of name in register
int 80h ; Call the operating system with an interrupt.
mov rax,3 ; system call input
mov rbx, 0 ; stand input
mov rcx, seed ; store inputted value in answer - note ascii
; value and should be a name of up to 6 characters
mov rdx, 8 ; size of input value in bytes
int 80h ; interrupt
mov rax, [seed] ; put the name into the register
call random ; call random
call random ; call random
call end ; call end
; random function
xor rdx,rdx ; ensure that rdx is empty to stop overflow
mov rbx, 6 ;To get 0 to 5 move 6 into
div rbx ;Div rax by rbx put remainder in rdx
add rdx, '0' ; make remainder ascii to print
push rax ; put rax on the stack
mov [num1], rdx ; put ascii remainder in num1
mov eax,4 ; system call print to screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, num1 ; ascii remainder
mov edx, 1 ; size of output
int 80h ; interrupt
pop rax ; pop off stack
shr rax, 1 ; shift the binary value right by one 0101101 becomes 0010110. To make more random can use shl (shift left) vary the number of digits moved
ret ; return
; end function
mov eax, 1 ; exit system call
int 80h ; interrupt