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%Reading the .nc file
FileNC = '' ;
%Printing information of the file in command window
long = ncread(FileNC,'lon');
%Length of longitude
nx = length(long) ;
lat = ncread(FileNC,'lat');
%Length of Latitude
ny = length(lat) ;
%Total number of time hours in a day
time = ncread(FileNC,'hour');
%Longitude and latitude for plotting. Converting it to double values
%Selecting the data type
disp('Please select which climate model you would like to view: ');
type=input('1- chimere_ozone \n2- emep_ozone \n3- ensemble_ozone \n4- eurad_ozone \n5- lotoseuros_ozone \n6- match_ozone \n7- mocage_ozone \n8- silam_ozone \n');
%Data having all the data in it
if type==1
Data = ncread(FileNC,'chimere_ozone') ;
elseif type==2
Data = ncread(FileNC,'emep_ozone') ;
elseif type==3
Data = ncread(FileNC,'ensemble_ozone') ;
elseif type==4
Data = ncread(FileNC,'eurad_ozone') ;
elseif type==5
Data = ncread(FileNC,'lotoseuros_ozone') ;
elseif type==6
Data = ncread(FileNC,'match_ozone') ;
elseif type==7
Data = ncread(FileNC,'mocage_ozone') ;
elseif type==8
Data = ncread(FileNC,'silam_ozone') ;
% user interface - allows the user to select an option to their needs
disp('Please select your desired format: ')
userInput = ('a - Standard Display (Trichromacy)\nb - Monochromacy Display \nc - Protanopia Display \n');
option = input(userInput,'s');
%Creating meshgrid
[X,Y] = meshgrid(lat,lon);
figure (1)
%Trichromacy: Ozone Overlay
if (option == 'a' || option == 'A') % this figure will display if a is selected
for i = 1:24 %Loop for iterating
clf; % figure is cleared to display following hour
% Creating the map of EUROPE
worldmap('Europe'); % Part of Earth to be displayed
load coastlines % loading coastlines on map
plotm(coastlat,coastlon); %plotting coast data
land = shaperead('landareas', 'UseGeoCoords', true);%Plotting Land
geoshow(gca, land, 'FaceColor', [0.5 0.7 0.5]);
lakes = shaperead('worldlakes', 'UseGeoCoords', true); %Plotting Lakes
geoshow(lakes, 'FaceColor', 'blue');
rivers = shaperead('worldrivers', 'UseGeoCoords', true); %Plotting rivers
geoshow(rivers, 'Color', 'blue');
cities = shaperead('worldcities', 'UseGeoCoords', true); % Plotting cities
geoshow(cities, 'Marker', '.', 'Color', 'red');
% Plots the data and sets transparency and edges
surfm(X, Y, Data(:,:,i)', 'EdgeColor', 'none',...
'FaceAlpha', 0.7); % edge colour outlines the edges, 'FaceAlpha', sets the transparency
colormap default; % Normal vision mode
colorbar % Displaying colour bar
title(sprintf("Standard View: Hour " + i + "\n" )); % title (displays hour and the type of view)
pause(5); % time for each hour - pauses for 1 second
% Monochromacy: Ozone Overlay
elseif (option == 'b' || option == 'B') % this figure will display if c is selected
for i = 1:24 %Loop for iterating
clf; % figure is cleared to display following hour
% Creating the map of EUROPE
worldmap('Europe'); % Part of Earth to be displayed
load coastlines % loading coastlines on map
plotm(coastlat,coastlon); %plotting coast data
land = shaperead('landareas', 'UseGeoCoords', true);%Plotting Land
geoshow(gca, land, 'FaceColor', [0.5 0.7 0.5]);
lakes = shaperead('worldlakes', 'UseGeoCoords', true); %Plotting Lakes
geoshow(lakes, 'FaceColor', 'blue');
rivers = shaperead('worldrivers', 'UseGeoCoords', true); %Plotting rivers
geoshow(rivers, 'Color', 'blue');
cities = shaperead('worldcities', 'UseGeoCoords', true); % Plotting cities
geoshow(cities, 'Marker', '.', 'Color', 'red');
% Plotting the data
surfm(X, Y, Data(:,:,i), 'EdgeColor', 'none',...
'FaceAlpha', 0.7) % edge colour outlines the edges, 'FaceAlpha', sets the transparency
colormap gray; %ColorBlindness mode for monachromatic vision
colorbar % Displaying colour bar
title(sprintf("Monochromacy View: Hour " + i + "\n" )) % title
pause(0.1) % time for each hour
% Protanopia: Ozone Overlay
elseif (option == 'c' || option == 'C') % this figure will display if c is selected
disp('Not coded yet');
%Error Message if no option selected
disp('Sorry that is not an option from above! Please run the program again')