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Ignacy committed Oct 9, 2021
1 parent b983dac commit d56f1bb5c515f171a7ab5cbcad2007a5905c8457
Showing 1 changed file with 25 additions and 2 deletions.
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
def choose(options):
for option in options:
choice = input("\nEnter your option: ")
return choice

def userChoose():
print("For many years mike and bob would play around together and get into places they shouldn't go to, which meant they would inevitably get into trouble. One day bob saw an abandoned library written on it was CEFR and they decided to go in together, there Mike saw a glimpse of an old machine which reminded him of an artificial robot he once saw on the internet which was weird and unexpected given they are in an abandoned rusty place.")
print("so they decide to slowly approach the machine together, bob decides to take some dust off a small paper on the machine and reeds the following this is a time machine which is made in 2021 by Madison ray than mike saw a huge CAUTION sign, mike suggested to leave but with bob's adventurous spirit there was no way he was leaving a treasure like that behind")
print("all of a sudden the machine started making a weird noise and a screen poped up in it there was a place for a 4 character password")
@@ -81,7 +82,29 @@ def userChoose():
if user27 == "z3":
print("'01110111 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 01110011 00100001' (where are the humans!) communicate the robots among themselves.")
print("As a patrol vehicle exits at the scout site Bob and Mike understand that it is quite possible that the Colonel and his men are in danger. They quickly exit the campsite and each grabs a metal rod so they can use it for protection. They began following the patrol vehicle and reach the foot of the MINI building. Their theory was right. This seems to be the base of the robots. 'The Hive' as both state while gasping. They look up at the towering building and gulp with fear. In hopes of saving the Colonel and going back to their time, they have to enter this building. With the courage to finally enter, they both move amongst the robots and the walls of the corporation with complete stealth, not to be seen at all. They finally reach the elevators and go to the highest level of the building in hopes of reaching the Colonel and Dr Maddison.")
list28 = ["x16. Enter the Elevator"]
option28 = input("x16. Enter the Elevator")
if option28 == "x16":
print("With their luck, the elevator door gets stuck and they are given to methods of opening the door. Either to brute force their way through it or to rewire it.")
option29 = input("Chose option A to Rewire or b to brute force way")
if option29 == "A":
print("To their luck there is absolutely no way for them to exit the elevator other than to rewire the elevator doors to force them to open. So they choose to rewire it.")
option30 = input("Option A 'What next said bob' or b for 'What next said bob'")
if option30 == "A":
print("A mist appears with a green colour to it, they have no idea what it is but they begin to lose focus and consciousness. A minute of being unconscious they find that Colonel Sanders clothes were on the commander robot, as for Dr Maddison she has emerged from the dark with a half-human half-robot body. They have finally reached the truth, not their goal. Dr Maddison was the reason of this war.")
print("THE END?")
elif option30 == "B":
print("A mist appears with a green colour to it, they have no idea what it is but they begin to lose focus and consciousness. A minute of being unconscious they find that Colonel Sanders clothes were on the commander robot, as for Dr Maddison she has emerged from the dark with a half-human half-robot body. They have finally reached the truth, not their goal. Dr Maddison was the reason of this war.")
print("THE END?")
elif option29 == "b":
print("They roll up their sleeves and hold a power stance, their muscles pop out and they begin to turn red as they use all their energy and strength to make their muscles work on this. Finally, they open the wire panel and reprogram the elevator doors. They both knew they had no chance of using force. CLUNK!! A noise emits from within the elevator doors and it opens finally they have reached them. There they are, their whole goal has been completed.")
option30 = input("Option A 'What next said bob' or b for 'What next said bob'")
if option30 == "A":
print("A mist appears with a green colour to it, they have no idea what it is but they begin to lose focus and consciousness. A minute of being unconscious they find that Colonel Sanders clothes were on the commander robot, as for Dr Maddison she has emerged from the dark with a half-human half-robot body. They have finally reached the truth, not their goal. Dr Maddison was the reason of this war.")
print("THE END?")
elif option30 == "B":
print("A mist appears with a green colour to it, they have no idea what it is but they begin to lose focus and consciousness. A minute of being unconscious they find that Colonel Sanders clothes were on the commander robot, as for Dr Maddison she has emerged from the dark with a half-human half-robot body. They have finally reached the truth, not their goal. Dr Maddison was the reason of this war.")
print("THE END?")

#Iggi this is were Beho stopped. If you'll work realize that there are two paths from the go to the festival and then the abandoned building which both will end with the elevator. So there is a slight obstacle since you need to find a way to implement a code that works for both and leads them to your part in the end.
#Also both Rawi and I have placed a list that has the option of entering the elevator so that should help you determine where to begin and work around

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