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405 lines (331 sloc) 8.35 KB
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 mt(rd());
int randomInt(int exclusiveMax)
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, exclusiveMax - 1);
return dist(mt);
int randomInt(int min, int max) // inclusive min/max
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, max - min);
return dist(mt) + min;
bool randomBool(double probability = 0.5)
std::bernoulli_distribution dist(probability);
return dist(mt);
struct Rect
int x, y;
int width, height;
class Dungeon
enum Tile
Unused = ' ',
Floor = '.',
Corridor = ',',
Wall = '#',
ClosedDoor = ' ',
OpenDoor = ' ',
UpStairs = '<',
DownStairs = ' '
enum Direction
Dungeon(int width, int height)
: _width(width)
, _height(height)
, _tiles(width * height, Unused)
, _rooms()
, _exits()
void generate(int maxFeatures)
// place the first room in the center
if (!makeRoom(_width / 2, _height / 2, static_cast<Direction>(randomInt(4), true)))
std::cout << "Unable to place the first room.\n";
// we already placed 1 feature (the first room)
for (int i = 1; i < maxFeatures; ++i)
if (!createFeature())
std::cout << "Unable to place more features (placed " << i << ").\n";
if (!placeObject(UpStairs))
std::cout << "Unable to place up stairs.\n";
if (!placeObject(DownStairs))
std::cout << "Unable to place down stairs.\n";
for (char& tile : _tiles)
if (tile == Unused)
tile = '.';
else if (tile == Floor || tile == Corridor)
tile = ' ';
void print()
for (int y = 0; y < _height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < _width; ++x)
std::cout << getTile(x, y);
std::cout << std::endl;
char getTile(int x, int y) const
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= _width || y >= _height)
return Unused;
return _tiles[x + y * _width];
void setTile(int x, int y, char tile)
_tiles[x + y * _width] = tile;
bool createFeature()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
if (_exits.empty())
// choose a random side of a random room or corridor
int r = randomInt(_exits.size());
int x = randomInt(_exits[r].x, _exits[r].x + _exits[r].width - 1);
int y = randomInt(_exits[r].y, _exits[r].y + _exits[r].height - 1);
// north, south, west, east
for (int j = 0; j < DirectionCount; ++j)
if (createFeature(x, y, static_cast<Direction>(j)))
_exits.erase(_exits.begin() + r);
return true;
return false;
bool createFeature(int x, int y, Direction dir)
static const int roomChance = 50; // corridorChance = 100 - roomChance
int dx = 0;
int dy = 0;
if (dir == North)
dy = 1;
else if (dir == South)
dy = -1;
else if (dir == West)
dx = 1;
else if (dir == East)
dx = -1;
if (getTile(x + dx, y + dy) != Floor && getTile(x + dx, y + dy) != Corridor)
return false;
if (randomInt(100) < roomChance)
if (makeRoom(x, y, dir))
setTile(x, y, ClosedDoor);
return true;
if (makeCorridor(x, y, dir))
if (getTile(x + dx, y + dy) == Floor)
setTile(x, y, ClosedDoor);
else // don't place a door between corridors
setTile(x, y, Corridor);
return true;
return false;
bool makeRoom(int x, int y, Direction dir, bool firstRoom = false)
static const int minRoomSize = 3;
static const int maxRoomSize = 6;
Rect room;
room.width = randomInt(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
room.height = randomInt(minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
if (dir == North)
room.x = x - room.width / 2;
room.y = y - room.height;
else if (dir == South)
room.x = x - room.width / 2;
room.y = y + 1;
else if (dir == West)
room.x = x - room.width;
room.y = y - room.height / 2;
else if (dir == East)
room.x = x + 1;
room.y = y - room.height / 2;
if (placeRect(room, Floor))
if (dir != South || firstRoom) // north side
_exits.emplace_back(Rect{ room.x, room.y - 1, room.width, 1 });
if (dir != North || firstRoom) // south side
_exits.emplace_back(Rect{ room.x, room.y + room.height, room.width, 1 });
if (dir != East || firstRoom) // west side
_exits.emplace_back(Rect{ room.x - 1, room.y, 1, room.height });
if (dir != West || firstRoom) // east side
_exits.emplace_back(Rect{ room.x + room.width, room.y, 1, room.height });
return true;
return false;
bool makeCorridor(int x, int y, Direction dir)
static const int minCorridorLength = 3;
static const int maxCorridorLength = 6;
Rect corridor;
corridor.x = x;
corridor.y = y;
if (randomBool()) // horizontal corridor
corridor.width = randomInt(minCorridorLength, maxCorridorLength);
corridor.height = 1;
if (dir == North)
corridor.y = y - 1;
if (randomBool()) // west
corridor.x = x - corridor.width + 1;
else if (dir == South)
corridor.y = y + 1;
if (randomBool()) // west
corridor.x = x - corridor.width + 1;
else if (dir == West)
corridor.x = x - corridor.width;
else if (dir == East)
corridor.x = x + 1;
else // vertical corridor
corridor.width = 1;
corridor.height = randomInt(minCorridorLength, maxCorridorLength);
if (dir == North)
corridor.y = y - corridor.height;
else if (dir == South)
corridor.y = y + 1;
else if (dir == West)
corridor.x = x - 1;
if (randomBool()) // north
corridor.y = y - corridor.height + 1;
else if (dir == East)
corridor.x = x + 1;
if (randomBool()) // north
corridor.y = y - corridor.height + 1;
if (placeRect(corridor, Corridor))
if (dir != South && corridor.width != 1) // north side
_exits.emplace_back(Rect{ corridor.x, corridor.y - 1, corridor.width, 1 });
if (dir != North && corridor.width != 1) // south side
_exits.emplace_back(Rect{ corridor.x, corridor.y + corridor.height, corridor.width, 1 });
if (dir != East && corridor.height != 1) // west side
_exits.emplace_back(Rect{ corridor.x - 1, corridor.y, 1, corridor.height });
if (dir != West && corridor.height != 1) // east side
_exits.emplace_back(Rect{ corridor.x + corridor.width, corridor.y, 1, corridor.height });
return true;
return false;
bool placeRect(const Rect& rect, char tile)
if (rect.x < 1 || rect.y < 1 || rect.x + rect.width > _width - 1 || rect.y + rect.height > _height - 1)
return false;
for (int y = rect.y; y < rect.y + rect.height; ++y)
for (int x = rect.x; x < rect.x + rect.width; ++x)
if (getTile(x, y) != Unused)
return false; // the area already used
for (int y = rect.y - 1; y < rect.y + rect.height + 1; ++y)
for (int x = rect.x - 1; x < rect.x + rect.width + 1; ++x)
if (x == rect.x - 1 || y == rect.y - 1 || x == rect.x + rect.width || y == rect.y + rect.height)
setTile(x, y, Wall);
setTile(x, y, tile);
return true;
bool placeObject(char tile)
if (_rooms.empty())
return false;
int r = randomInt(_rooms.size()); // choose a random room
int x = randomInt(_rooms[r].x + 1, _rooms[r].x + _rooms[r].width - 2);
int y = randomInt(_rooms[r].y + 1, _rooms[r].y + _rooms[r].height - 2);
if (getTile(x, y) == Floor)
setTile(x, y, tile);
// place one object in one room (optional)
_rooms.erase(_rooms.begin() + r);
return true;
return false;
int _width, _height;
std::vector<char> _tiles;
std::vector<Rect> _rooms; // rooms for place stairs or monsters
std::vector<Rect> _exits; // 4 sides of rooms or corridors
int main()
Dungeon d(50, 50);
char c = d.getTile(0,0);
std::cout << c << "Press Enter to quit... ";
return 0;