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113 lines (74 sloc) 3.03 KB
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% watch_malloc()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Main entry point to the program
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function watch_malloc(vargin)
% Create a figure
figurehandle = figure ;
set(figurehandle, 'CloseRequestFcn', @myclosereq);
setappdata(0,'figurehandle',figurehandle) ;
% Create initial data
delT = 0.1 ;%update frequency
x = -29:delT:0 ;
usr = memory;
m = usr.MemUsedMATLAB/1024/1024;
y = m*ones(size(x)) ;
setappdata(figurehandle,'delT', delT);
% Plot initial data to the figure
plot(x, y, 'LineWidth', 4);
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Memory (MB)')
% Create and start a timer
mytimer = timer('TimerFcn' ,@malloc_update, ...
'StartDelay' , 0 , ...
'Period' , delT , ...
'Name' ,'objectTimer' , ...
'ExecutionMode','fixedrate' );
% Disable access to the handle
set(figurehandle, 'HandleVisibility', 'callback')
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% timerUpdate()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Function for timer object to call.
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function malloc_update(varargin)
% Get handles
fig = getappdata(0,'figurehandle');
axe = get(fig,'Children');
% Get current system resources
usr = memory;
m = usr.MemUsedMATLAB/1024/1024;
% Find the axis data
h = get(axe,'Children');
xdata = get(h,'XData');
ydata = get(h,'YData');
% Update figure for the new time
xdata = xdata+getappdata(fig,'delT');
ydata = [ydata(2:end), m];
set(h, 'XData', xdata);
set(h, 'YData', ydata);
% Create a new figure title
title(axe,[ 'Allocated: ' num2str(max(ydata)) ' MB'])
% Fix the 'tick spacing' problem when scrolling
set(axe, 'XLim', [min(xdata)-1 max(xdata)+1]);
% Make sure the axis limits go to zero
ylim = get(axe,'YLim');
ylim(1) = 0 ;
ylim(2) = max(ydata)*1.2 ;
set(axe,'YLim',ylim) ;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% myclosereq()
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Deletes the timer when the figure is closed
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function myclosereq(varargin)
% Stop and delete timer
mytimer = timerfind('Name', 'objectTimer') ;
if ~isempty(mytimer)
stop (mytimer) ;
delete(mytimer) ;
% Call normal close request
closereq ;