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function [LowFreq_PreAnalysis_Outputs, extra] = LowFreq_PreAnalysis(HistoricData, info)
% created February 2021 by Keirnan Fowler, University of Melbourne
% 1. This framework explicity separates the annual precipitation into
% high frequency and low frequency components, and stochastically
% generates each component separately.
% 2. The model used for the low frequency component is called the
% 'Broken Line Process'. It has two parameters that need to be
% decided: the timescale parameter and the amplitude parameter.
% 3. To ensure all subareas synchronously go into and out of multiyear
% wet and dry periods, all subareas need to have the same timescale
% parameter.
% 4. For the base case, the timescale parameter is decided based on
% the number of zero crossings in the combined historic low
% frequency series (ie. combined across subareas). The formula
% used is in Supplementary Material ##.
% 5. The amplitude parameter is then decided for each subarea
% individually. The basis for deciding is that the Historic Hurst
% exponent value for that subarea must be preserved in the final
% stochastic data (high+low combined).
% 6. As part of the stress test, the low frequency component can be
% perturbed.
% 7. Perturbations in low frequency component are quantified as a
% change in Hurst exponent.
% 8. The change in Hurst exponent is acheived solely by changing the
% parameters of the Broken Line process - no change to high
% frequency stochastic generation is made.
% 9. An increase in Hurst can be achieved by changing the low frequency
% component so that it has a longer period, or higher amplitude
% oscillations, or both. Here, we opt for both.
% 10. To understand how this is acheived, imagine the following (for a
% given subarea): a 2D plot, x = timescale parameter; y = amplitude
% parameter. The base case parameter
% values from 4. and 5. plot as a point in this space. For a given
% Hurst value, we can connect all the points in the space that
% result in that value (post being recombined with the high
% frequency component). For a higher Hurst value, the isoline will
% be up and to the right (longer period and/or higher amplitude).
% 11. During perturbation, the parameters are changed so that the
% direction of change is perpendicular to the isolines (or as
% close to this as possible given the restrictions in 12). As per
% 10, this means the direction will be up and to the right, or put
% another way it means the angle will be between 0 and 90 degrees.
% 12. As per 3, all regions need to have the same timescale parameter.
% The value of this parameter will change with perturbation of
% Hurst, but the key point is that for a given perturbation all
% subareas need to have the same timescale parameter value. As per
% 5, this does not apply to the amplitude parameter. In fact, the
% amplitude parameter can change to ensure the desired (perturbed)
% Hurst value is obtained in each subarea.
% This code is intended as a pre-analysis to be undertaken prior to
% stochastic data generation. It is faster to do the routines herein
% once only at the start, rather than repeating them for every possible
% perturbation.
% Main output is a set of tables (one for each subarea) where the columns are:
% - perturbation
% - resulting Hurst value
% - timescale parameter value
% - amplitude parameter value
% The idea is to trial many different perturbation values and then at
% run time the required parameter values can be read off the table, or
% interpolated if the exact perturbation value has not been tested.
% (a) For each subarea, calculate the historic Hurst value.
% (b) Calculate the base case timescale parameter as per 4.
% (c) For each subarea, stochastically generate the high frequency
% component in exactly the same manner as happens at run time.
% (d) For each subarea, calculate the base case amplitude parameter as per 5.
% (e) For each subarea, test every angle between 1 degree and 89 degrees
% (see point 11), in increments of 1 degree. The test involves
% moving a set distance (pars.test_distance) in the specified
% direction and recording the change in Hurst.
% (f) Decide on a direction (to be applied across all subareas) that
% gives the greatest change in Hurst value, on average, across all
% the subareas.
% (g) Calculate the gradient [?Hurst / dist. in 2D space] for each
% subarea separately and then take the average across all subareas.
% (h) Use the gradient to populate the third column of the tables (ie.
% for each perturbation, assign a timescale parameter)
% (i) For each perturbation, given the timescale parameter, solve for
% the exact value of the amplitude parameter that will give the
% desired (perturbed) Hurst value. Do this separately for each
% subarea.
% set perturbations to test (defined as change in Hurst value)
% These don't neccesarily have to correspond to the adopted perturbations -
% if not, interpolation is used.
output_table.perturbation = [-0.03 -0.015 0 +0.015 +0.03 +0.045 +0.06 +0.075];
%% (a) For each subarea, calculate the historic Hurst value.
HistoricHurst = GetHistoricHurst(HistoricData, info);
%% (b) Calculate the base case timescale parameter as per 4.
param_timescale_hist = GetParamTimescaleHist(HistoricData, info);
%% (c) For each subarea, stochastically generate the high frequency
% component in exactly the same manner as happens at run time.
TS_P_ann_HighFreq = GetP_Matalas(HistoricData, info);
%% (d) For each subarea, calculate the base case amplitude parameter as per 5.
disp('Starting base case parameter calculations...')
[param_amplitude_hist, TS_rand] = GetParamAmp_unpert(HistoricData, param_timescale_hist, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricHurst);
%% (e) For each subarea, test every angle between 1 degree and 89 degrees
% (see point 11), in increments of 1 degree. The test involves
% moving a set distance (pars.test_distance) in the specified
% direction and recording the change in Hurst.
disp('Done. Starting directional tests for Broken Line parameters...') = 0.1; % one tenth of a unit
DirectionalTestResults = DirectionalTest(HistoricData, param_timescale_hist, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricHurst, param_amplitude_hist, TS_rand);
%% (f) Decide on a direction (to be applied across all subareas) that
% gives the greatest change in Hurst value, on average, across all
% the subareas.
% and
% (g) Calculate the gradient [?Hurst / dist. in 2D space] for each
% subarea separately and then take the average across all subareas.
[upslope_angle_deg, grad] = FinaliseDirection(DirectionalTestResults, info);
%% (h) Use the gradient and angle to populate the second column of the tables (ie.
% for each perturbation, assign a timescale parameter)
output_table.timescale = GetTimescale(output_table.perturbation, grad, upslope_angle_deg, param_timescale_hist);
%% (i) For each perturbation, given the timescale parameter, solve for
% the exact value of the amplitude parameter that will give the
% desired (perturbed) Hurst value. Do this separately for each
% subarea.
disp('Done. Finalising Broken Line parameters...')
[output_table.amplitude, output_table.Hurst] = GetAmplitude(HistoricData, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricHurst, TS_rand, output_table.timescale, output_table.perturbation);
%% create final output
LowFreq_PreAnalysis_Outputs = CreateFinalOutput(output_table, TS_rand, info);
extra = CreateExtraOutput(info, DirectionalTestResults, upslope_angle_deg, grad);
%% functions
function HistoricHurst = GetHistoricHurst(HistoricData, info)
SubareaList = info.SubareaList'; HistoricHurst = [];
for subarea = SubareaList % equivalent of VBA "For Each subarea in SubareaList"
ThisHistHurst = GetHurst(HistoricData.precip_annual.(subarea{:}), false);
HistoricHurst(end+1) = ThisHistHurst;
% save as table
subarea = SubareaList'; HistoricHurst = HistoricHurst';
HistoricHurst = table(subarea, HistoricHurst);
function param_timescale_hist = GetParamTimescaleHist(HistoricData, info)
TimeseriesLength = size(HistoricData.precip_ann_LowFreq.adopted_combined, 1);
NumZeroCrossings = GetNumZeroCrossings(HistoricData.precip_ann_LowFreq.adopted_combined);
param_timescale_hist = TimeseriesLength / (2*NumZeroCrossings + 1); % see Supplementary Material ##
function [param_amplitude_hist, TS_rand] = GetParamAmp_unpert(HistoricData, param_timescale_hist, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricHurst);
% generate TS_rand, a single timeseries of random deviations for use across all regions.
n = size(TS_P_ann_HighFreq, 1); TS_rand = rand(n+1, 1);
SubareaList = info.SubareaList'; param_amplitude_hist = [];
for subarea = SubareaList % equivalent of VBA "For Each subarea in SubareaList"
pos = strcmp(HistoricHurst.subarea, subarea{:});
ThisHistHurst = HistoricHurst.HistoricHurst(pos);
% do a search to find the best param_amplitude_hist so that the
% historic Hurst value is matched
fun = @(param_amplitude) abs(ThisHistHurst - GetStochHurstGivenPars(param_timescale_hist, param_amplitude, TS_rand, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricData, subarea));
initial_val = 100;
options = optimset('TolFun',1e-3, 'TolX', 1e-2);
param_amplitude_hist(end+1) = fminsearch(fun, initial_val, options);
% save as table
subarea = SubareaList'; param_amplitude_hist = param_amplitude_hist';
param_amplitude_hist = table(subarea, param_amplitude_hist);
function DirectionalTestResults = DirectionalTest(HistoricData, param_timescale_hist, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricHurst, param_amplitude_hist, TS_rand)
% Notes:
% The objective is to find the angle (direction in parameter space) that
% gives the greatest increase in Hurst. While fminsearch would have
% been a good option here, the objective function surface is often
% irregular** and thus may be multi-modal, so we use a more manual
% approach: We manually test every angle between 1 and 89 degrees, in
% 1 degree increments.
% ** I think because higher values of param_timescale_hist incorporate
% progressively less Broken Line segments in the stochastic timeseries,
% and the removal of each segment has a unique affect on Hurst.
SubareaList = info.SubareaList';
for subarea = SubareaList % equivalent of VBA "For Each subarea in SubareaList"
pos = strcmp(HistoricHurst.subarea, subarea{:});
ThisHistHurst = HistoricHurst.HistoricHurst(pos);
this_param_amplitude_hist = param_amplitude_hist.param_amplitude_hist(pos);
AnglesToTest = 1:89; % anywhere between 1 degree and 89 degrees, in one-degree increments
for i = 1:size(AnglesToTest, 2)
angle = AnglesToTest(i);
[HurstChange(i), NewHurst(i)] = GetHurstChangeForSlope(angle, param_timescale_hist, this_param_amplitude_hist, ThisHistHurst, TS_rand, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricData, subarea);
DirectionalTestResults.HurstChange.(subarea{:}) = HurstChange;
DirectionalTestResults.NewHurst.(subarea{:}) = NewHurst;
disp(['Done for subarea ' subarea{:}])
function [upslope_angle_deg, grad] = FinaliseDirection(DirectionalTestResults, info)
plotting = false; % make true if you want to see a plot
SubareaList = info.SubareaList'; array_AllSubareas = [];
for subarea = SubareaList % equivalent of VBA "For Each subarea in SubareaList"
array_AllSubareas(1:89, end+1) = DirectionalTestResults.HurstChange.(subarea{:});
if plotting, plot(DirectionalTestResults.HurstChange.(subarea{:}), '-o'); hold on; end
mean_AllSubareas = mean(array_AllSubareas, 2);
[delta_Hurst, upslope_angle_deg] = max(mean_AllSubareas);
if plotting, plot(mean_AllSubareas, 'LineWidth', 5); end
% delta_Hurst is the average increase in Hurst over pars.test_distance.
% However, we need the gradient, which is the change over a single unit of distance.
grad = delta_Hurst /;
function timescale_param = GetTimescale(list_of_perturbations, grad, upslope_angle_deg, param_timescale_hist)
% Use the gradient to assign a timescale parameter for each perturbation.
% Logic is as follows:
% if grad is 0.2 it means the Hurst changes by 0.2 for each unit
% of distance traversed in 2D parameter space. So if we need a
% perturbation of 0.3 we need to traverse 1.5 units in 2D space.
% However, the timescale parameter indicates distance in the x direction,
% whereas the above distance is travelled in the direction indicated by
% upslope_angle_deg. Thus we need to multiply by cos(angle) to get the
% distance on the x-axis.
NumPert = size(list_of_perturbations, 2);
for iPert = 1:NumPert
ThisPert = list_of_perturbations(iPert);
DistTravelled_angle = ThisPert / grad;
DistTravelled_xdir = DistTravelled_angle * cos(upslope_angle_deg / (180/pi()));
timescale_param(iPert) = param_timescale_hist + DistTravelled_xdir;
function [amplitude, Hurst] = GetAmplitude(HistoricData, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricHurst, TS_rand, timescales, perturbations)
SubareaList = info.SubareaList';
for subarea = SubareaList % equivalent of VBA "For Each subarea in SubareaList"
% initialisation
pos = strcmp(HistoricHurst.subarea, subarea{:});
ThisHistHurst = HistoricHurst.HistoricHurst(pos);
amplitude.(subarea{:}) = []; Hurst.(subarea{:}) = [];
NumPert = size(perturbations, 2);
for iPert = 1:NumPert
% key values for input into search algorithm
ThisPert = perturbations(iPert);
TargetHurst = ThisHistHurst + ThisPert;
ThisParamTimescale = timescales(iPert);
% given the above, we now conduct a search to identify the
% value of the amplitude parameter that gives us TargetHurst.
fun = @(param_amplitude) abs(TargetHurst - GetStochHurstGivenPars(ThisParamTimescale, param_amplitude, TS_rand, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricData, subarea));
initial_val = 50;
options = optimset('TolFun',1e-3, 'TolX', 1e-2);
ThisParamAmplitude = fminsearch(fun, initial_val, options);
% store information in function output tables
amplitude.(subarea{:})(end+1) = ThisParamAmplitude;
Hurst. (subarea{:})(end+1) = TargetHurst;
disp(['Done for subarea ' subarea{:}])
function LowFreq_PreAnalysis_Outputs = CreateFinalOutput(output_table, TS_rand, info)
SubareaList = info.SubareaList';
for subarea = SubareaList % equivalent of VBA "For Each subarea in SubareaList"
perturbation = output_table.perturbation';
Hurst_NewVal = output_table.Hurst.(subarea{:})';
param_timescale = output_table.timescale';
param_amplitude = output_table.amplitude.(subarea{:})';
LowFreq_PreAnalysis_Outputs.(subarea{:}) = table(perturbation, Hurst_NewVal, param_timescale, param_amplitude);
LowFreq_PreAnalysis_Outputs.TS_rand = TS_rand;
function extra = CreateExtraOutput(info, DirectionalTestResults, upslope_angle_deg, grad)
extra.test_distance =;
extra.DirectionalTestResults = DirectionalTestResults;
extra.upslope_angle_deg = upslope_angle_deg;
extra.grad = grad;
function [HurstChange, NewHurst] = GetHurstChangeForSlope(angle, param_timescale_hist, param_amplitude_hist, HistHurst, TS_rand, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricData, subarea)
% determine the change in Hurst if we traverse a set distance** in the
% direction specified. This code is best read by visualing the 2D
% space with the timescale parameter on the x-axis and the amplitude
% parameter * 0.01 on the y-axis.
% ** for the set distance we use one tenth of a unit
param_timescale_test = param_timescale_hist +*cos(angle / (180/pi()));
param_amplitude_test = 100*((param_amplitude_hist/100) +*sin(angle / (180/pi())));
NewHurst = GetStochHurstGivenPars(param_timescale_test, param_amplitude_test, TS_rand, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricData, subarea);
HurstChange = NewHurst - HistHurst;
function NumCrossings = GetNumZeroCrossings(ts)
for k=2:size(ts,1)
if ts(k) * ts(k-1)<0
function [StochHurst, TS_BrokenLine] = GetStochHurstGivenPars(param_timescale, param_amplitude, TS_rand, info, TS_P_ann_HighFreq, HistoricData, subarea)
% generate the stochastic timeseries for the low frequency component,
% using the Broken Line process with the parameter values specified
TS_BrokenLine = GenTS_BrokenLine(param_timescale, param_amplitude, TS_rand,;
% sum the stochastic low and high frequency components together, along with the mean annual precipitation
TotalP = TS_BrokenLine' + TS_P_ann_HighFreq.(subarea{:}) + mean(HistoricData.precip_annual.(subarea{:}));
% calculate the Hurst value of the combined timeseries
% StochHurst = GetHurstMean(TotalP, size(HistoricData.precip_annual, 1));
StochHurst = GetHurstMean(TotalP, size(HistoricData.precip_annual, 1));
function HurstCoeff = GetHurstMean(data, HistSeriesLength)
% get an average Hurst Coefficient for an arbitrarily long period, by
% splitting it into shorter segments of equal length to the historic
% data and calculating the Hurst Coefficient separately for each of the
% segments, then taking the average.
len = size(data, 1);
ind(1) = 1; this_count = 1;
for i = 2:len
if this_count == HistSeriesLength % divide into segments of length HistSeriesLength
ind(i) = ind(i-1)+1; this_count = 1;
ind(i) = ind(i-1); this_count = this_count + 1;
% calculate the number of segments
NumSegments = max(ind);
% calculate the Hurst coefficient for each of the segments separately
for iSegment = 1:NumSegments
ind2 = ind==iSegment;
Hurst_all(iSegment) = GetHurst(data(ind2), 'PlottingOff');
HurstCoeff = mean(Hurst_all);
function HurstCoeff = GetHurst(data, PlotToggle)
% created 16/02/2020 by Keirnan Fowler, University of Melbourne
% calculate the original version of the Hurst Coefficient (ie. the one
% hydrologists use, not economists). Only input is a timeseries of
% data.
% divide into partial periods
[NumDurations, durations, NumPartials, ind] = GetPartials(data);
% calculate rescaled range for each partial period
RSranges = GetRescaledRanges(data, ind, NumDurations, NumPartials);
% calculate Hurst exponent by fitting power law to results
% and, optionally, produce plots
HurstCoeff = GetHurstAndPlot(RSranges, durations, NumDurations, NumPartials, PlotToggle);
function [NumDurations, durations, NumPartials, ind] = GetPartials(data)
n = size(data, 1);
% Assemble information about segment duration when the full period is
% divided into N, N/2, N/4, N/8 etc...
NextDuration = n; NumDivs = 1; iDuration = 0;
while NextDuration>=2
% information about this duration
iDuration = iDuration + 1;
durations(iDuration) = NextDuration;
NumPartials(iDuration) = floor(n/durations(iDuration));
% information about the next shortest duration (we will not proceed
% unless there are sufficient years)
NumDivs = NumDivs*2;
NextDuration = floor(n/NumDivs);
NumDurations = iDuration;
% create an array (ind) that indicates the years that belong to each segment
ind = zeros(NumDurations, n);
for iDuration = 1:NumDurations
pos_end= 0;
for iPartial = 1:NumPartials(iDuration)
pos_start = pos_end + 1;
pos_end = pos_start + durations(iDuration) - 1;
ind(iDuration, pos_start:pos_end) = iPartial;
function RSranges = GetRescaledRanges(data, ind, NumDurations, NumPartials)
n = size(data, 1);
for iDuration = 1:NumDurations
for iPartial = 1:NumPartials(iDuration)
% get this partial timeseries
ThisInd = find(ind(iDuration, :)==iPartial);
ThisTS = data(ThisInd);
% calculate the mean and standard deviation
ThisMean = mean(ThisTS); ThisSD = std(ThisTS);
% create a mean-adjusted series
ThisTS = ThisTS - ThisMean;
% calculate the cumulative deviate series
ThisTS = cumsum(ThisTS);
% compute the range
ThisRange = range(ThisTS);
% compute the rescaled range
RSranges(iDuration, iPartial) = ThisRange / ThisSD;
function HurstCoeff = GetHurstAndPlot(RSranges, durations, NumDurations, NumPartials, PlotToggle)
%% Get Hurst exponent
% get relevant ordinates in log-log space
for iDuration = 1:NumDurations
x(iDuration) = log(durations(iDuration));
y(iDuration) = log(mean(RSranges(iDuration, 1:NumPartials(iDuration))));
% line of best fit
[m, c] = LinReg_get_m_and_c(x, y);
% Hurst exponent is slope of log-log line
HurstCoeff = m;
%% optional - do plotting
DoPlots = false;
if strcmp(PlotToggle, 'PlottingOn'), DoPlots = true; end
if DoPlots
% remember the x and y values we just calculated
x_log = x; y_log = y;
% initiate figure
% subplot 1: rescaled ranges versus partial record length
subplot(1, 2, 1); hold on;
% individual values for each instance of a partial record
for iDuration = 1:NumDurations
x = repmat(durations(iDuration), NumPartials(iDuration), 1);
y = RSranges(iDuration, 1:NumPartials(iDuration));
scatter(x, y);
% average values for each value of record length (unlogged)
x = []; y = [];
for iDuration = 1:NumDurations
x(iDuration) = durations(iDuration);
y(iDuration) = mean(RSranges(iDuration, 1:NumPartials(iDuration)));
scatter(x, y, 30, 'k', 'filled');
grid on; xlabel('length of partial record (years)'); ylabel('rescaled range (-)');
% subplot 2: averages only, in log-log space, with fitted line
subplot(1, 2, 2); hold on;
scatter(x_log, y_log, 30, 'k', 'filled');
grid on; xlabel('log_{n}(length in years)'); ylabel('log_{n}(rescaled range)')
% line of best fit
plot([1.1 5], [m*1.1+c, m*5+c], '-r');
% labelling
text(3, 1, ['Hurst coefficient = ' num2str(HurstCoeff)]);
function [m, c] = LinReg_get_m_and_c(x, y)
P = polyfit(x,y,1);
m = P(1); c = P(2);