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aa7401 committed Feb 11, 2020
1 parent fe558f4 commit e2cc35a4ac29a03df50d92189cffb9d2539ab6f7
Showing 1 changed file with 6 additions and 1 deletion.
@@ -27,8 +27,13 @@ Now that everyone in the team has a clear idea of the outcome they need to break
2. Create a repository in the organisation giving it the same name as your team.
3. Under _settings > collaborators and teams_, add the team to allow everyone to have access, set the permissions to _write_.
2. Working together, use the _Issue Tracker_ to make a list of all the tasks that need to be completed to ensure the feature is delivered. Make sure all the subject experts in the team are involved in this.
3. . The _Scrum Master_ should select one of the tasks and use the _Labels > Edit Labels_ option to create four labels with four colours:
1. **1 hour** (white)
2. **2 hours** (green)
3. **3 hours** (orange)
4. **4 hours** (red)
3. The _Scrum Master_ should now read out each of the tasks and everyone should use the process of _Planning Poker_ to vote on how many hours the task should take. Use the fingers of one hand to register your vote.
1. If everyone agrees, write the estimation on the task in the issue tracker.
1. If everyone agrees, use the appropriate _label_ to record the estimation on the task in the issue tracker.
2. If there are differences ask the person with the highest score and the person with the lowest to explain their rationales then everyone votes again.
3. If the consensus is that the task will take more than 4 hours, the subject expert(s) need to split it into two smaller tasks which are voted on.
4. The _Scrum Master_ now adds up all the hours from the task cards:

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