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/** \file dab_tracker_com_manager.cpp
#include "dab_tracker_com_manager.h"
#include "dab_tracker_camera.h"
//#include "dab_tracker_blob.h"
//#include "dab_tracker_motion_blob.h"
#if defined TARGET_WIN32
//#include "dab_tracker_nuitrack_camera.h"
using namespace dab;
using namespace dab::tracker;
#pragma mark BlobSender implementation
//BlobSender::BlobSender(OscSender* pOscSender)
//: mOscSender(pOscSender)
//, mSendInterval(0)
//, mCurrentSendStep(0)
//, mNormalize(false)
//, mSendBoundingBox(true)
//, mSendContour(true)
//, mSendHull(true)
//, mLocked(false)
//BlobSender::sendBoundingBox(bool pSendBoundingBox)
// mSendBoundingBox = pSendBoundingBox;
//BlobSender::sendContour(bool pSendContour)
// mSendContour = pSendContour;
//BlobSender::sendHull(bool pSendHull)
// mSendHull = pSendHull;
//BlobSender::setNormalize(const array<int, 2>& pFrameSize)
// mNormScale[0] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[0]);
// mNormScale[1] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[1]);
// mNormalize = true;
//BlobSender::setSendInterval(unsigned int pSendInterval)
// mSendInterval = pSendInterval;
//BlobSender::notifyUpdate(const std::vector<Blob>& pBlobs)
// if(mLocked == true) return;
// mLocked = true;
// if(mCurrentSendStep >= mSendInterval)
// {
// int blobCount = pBlobs.size();
// for(int bI=0; bI<blobCount; ++bI)
// {
// const Blob& blob = pBlobs[bI];
// std::string messageAddress = std::string("/BlobTracker/" + to_string(blob.getProcessorId()) + "/Blob/" + to_string(blob.getId()));
// std::shared_ptr<dab::OscMessage> message( new dab::OscMessage(messageAddress) );
// message->add((float)blob.timeStamp());
// if(mNormalize == false)
// {
// message->add(blob.position().getPtr(), 3);
// message->add(blob.velocity().getPtr(), 3);
// message->add(blob.orientation());
// message->add(blob.area());
// if(mSendBoundingBox == true)
// {
// const std::array<ofVec3f, 2>& boundingBox = blob.boundingBox();
// float boundingBoxData[] = { boundingBox[0].x, boundingBox[0].y, boundingBox[0].z, boundingBox[1].x, boundingBox[1].y, boundingBox[1].z };
// message->add(boundingBoxData, 6);
// }
// if(mSendContour == true)
// {
// const std::vector<ofVec3f>& contour = blob.contour();
// unsigned int contourPointCount = contour.size();
// std::vector<float> contourData(contourPointCount * 3);
// for(int pI=0, dI=0; pI<contourPointCount; ++pI)
// {
// contourData[dI++] = contour[pI].x;
// contourData[dI++] = contour[pI].y;
// contourData[dI++] = contour[pI].z;
// }
// message->add(, contourData.size());
// }
// if(mSendHull == true)
// {
// const std::vector<ofVec3f>& hull = blob.hull();
// unsigned int hullPointCount = hull.size();
// std::vector<float> hullData(hullPointCount * 3);
// for(int pI=0, dI=0; pI<hullPointCount; ++pI)
// {
// hullData[dI++] = hull[pI].x;
// hullData[dI++] = hull[pI].y;
// hullData[dI++] = hull[pI].z;
// }
// message->add(, hullPointCount*3);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// const ofVec3f& position = blob.position();
// float normPos[] = { position.x * mNormScale[0], position.y * mNormScale[1], position.z };
// message->add(normPos, 3);
// const ofVec3f& velocity = blob.velocity();
// float normVelocity[] = { velocity.x * mNormScale[0], velocity.y * mNormScale[1], velocity.z };
// message->add(normVelocity, 3);
// message->add(blob.orientation());
// float area = blob.area();
// float normArea = area * mNormScale[0] * mNormScale[1];
// message->add(normArea);
// if(mSendBoundingBox == true)
// {
// const std::array<ofVec3f, 2>& boundingBox = blob.boundingBox();
// float normBoundingBox[] = { boundingBox[0].x * mNormScale[0], boundingBox[0].y * mNormScale[1], boundingBox[0].z, boundingBox[1].x * mNormScale[0], boundingBox[1].y * mNormScale[1], boundingBox[1].z };
// message->add(normBoundingBox, 6);
// }
// if(mSendContour == true)
// {
// const std::vector<ofVec3f>& contour = blob.contour();
// unsigned int contourPointCount = contour.size();
// std::vector<float> normContourData(contourPointCount*3);
// for(int pI=0, dI=0; pI<contourPointCount; ++pI)
// {
// normContourData[dI++] = contour[pI].x * mNormScale[0];
// normContourData[dI++] = contour[pI].y * mNormScale[1];
// normContourData[dI++] = contour[pI].z;
// }
// message->add(, contourPointCount*3);
// }
// if(mSendHull == true)
// {
// const std::vector<ofVec3f>& hull = blob.hull();
// unsigned int hullPointCount = hull.size();
// std::vector<float> normHullData(hullPointCount * 3);
// for(int pI=0, dI=0; pI<hullPointCount; ++pI)
// {
// normHullData[dI++] = hull[pI].x * mNormScale[0];
// normHullData[dI++] = hull[pI].y * mNormScale[1];
// normHullData[dI++] = hull[pI].z;
// }
// message->add(, normHullData.size());
// }
// }
// mOscSender->send(message);
// }
// mCurrentSendStep = 0;
// }
// else mCurrentSendStep++;
// mLocked = false;
#pragma mark MotionBlobSender implementation
//MotionBlobSender::MotionBlobSender(OscSender* pOscSender)
//: mOscSender(pOscSender)
//, mSendInterval(0)
//, mCurrentSendStep(0)
//, mNormalize(false)
//, mLocked(false)
//MotionBlobSender::setNormalize(const array<int, 2>& pFrameSize)
// mNormScale[0] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[0]);
// mNormScale[1] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[1]);
// mNormalize = true;
//MotionBlobSender::setSendInterval(unsigned int pSendInterval)
// mSendInterval = pSendInterval;
//MotionBlobSender::notifyUpdate(const std::vector<MotionBlob>& pBlobs)
// if(mLocked == true) return;
// mLocked = true;
// if(mCurrentSendStep >= mSendInterval)
// {
// int blobCount = pBlobs.size();
// for(int bI=0; bI<blobCount; ++bI)
// {
// const MotionBlob& blob = pBlobs[bI];
// std::string messageAddress = std::string("/MotionTemplate/" + to_string(blob.getProcessorId()) + "/MotionBlob/" + to_string(blob.getId()));
// std::shared_ptr<dab::OscMessage> message( new dab::OscMessage(messageAddress) );
// message->add((float)blob.timeStamp());
// if(mNormalize == false)
// {
// message->add(blob.position().getPtr(), 3);
// message->add(blob.size().data(), 2);
// }
// else
// {
// const ofVec3f& position = blob.position();
// float normPos[] = { position.x * mNormScale[0], position.y * mNormScale[1], position.z };
// message->add(normPos, 3);
// const std::array<float, 2>& size = blob.size();
// float normSize[] = { size[0] * mNormScale[0], size[1] * mNormScale[1] };
// message->add(normSize, 2);
// }
// message->add(blob.motionOrientation());
// message->add(blob.motionLength());
// if(mNormalize == false)
// {
// message->add(blob.area());
// }
// else
// {
// message->add(blob.area() * mNormScale[0] * mNormScale[1]);
// }
// message->add(blob.priority());
// mOscSender->send(message);
// }
// mCurrentSendStep = 0;
// }
// else mCurrentSendStep++;
// mLocked = false;
#pragma mark MotionFeatureSender implementation
//MotionFeatureSender::MotionFeatureSender(OscSender* pOscSender)
//: mOscSender(pOscSender)
//, mSendInterval(0)
//, mCurrentSendStep(0)
//, mNormalize(false)
//, mLocked(false)
//MotionFeatureSender::setNormalize(const array<int, 2>& pFrameSize)
// mNormScale[0] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[0]);
// mNormScale[1] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[1]);
// mNormalize = true;
//MotionFeatureSender::setSendInterval(unsigned int pSendInterval)
// mSendInterval = pSendInterval;
//MotionFeatureSender::notifyUpdate(const std::vector<MotionFeature>& pFeatures)
// if(mLocked == true) return;
// mLocked = true;
// if(mCurrentSendStep >= mSendInterval)
// {
// std::vector<MotionFeature> motionFeatures = pFeatures;
// int featureCount = motionFeatures.size();
// std::vector<float> featurePositions(featureCount * 3);
// std::vector<float> featureVelocities(featureCount * 3);
// if(mNormalize == false)
// {
// for(int fI=0, dI=0; fI<featureCount; ++fI, dI += 3)
// {
// const MotionFeature& feature = motionFeatures[fI];
// featurePositions[dI] = feature.mPosition.x;
// featurePositions[dI+1] = feature.mPosition.y;
// featurePositions[dI+2] = feature.mPosition.z;
// featureVelocities[dI] = feature.mVelocity.x;
// featureVelocities[dI+1] = feature.mVelocity.y;
// featureVelocities[dI+2] = feature.mVelocity.z;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// for(int fI=0, dI=0; fI<featureCount; ++fI, dI += 3)
// {
// const MotionFeature& feature = motionFeatures[fI];
// featurePositions[dI] = feature.mPosition.x * mNormScale[0];
// featurePositions[dI+1] = feature.mPosition.y * mNormScale[1];
// featurePositions[dI+2] = feature.mPosition.z;
// featureVelocities[dI] = feature.mVelocity.x * mNormScale[0];
// featureVelocities[dI+1] = feature.mVelocity.y * mNormScale[1];
// featureVelocities[dI+2] = feature.mVelocity.z;
// }
// }
// std::string messageAddress = "/MotionFeatures";
// std::shared_ptr<dab::OscMessage> message( new dab::OscMessage(messageAddress) );
// message->add(, featurePositions.size());
// message->add(, featureVelocities.size());
// mOscSender->send(message);
// mCurrentSendStep = 0;
// }
// else mCurrentSendStep++;
// mLocked = false;
#pragma mark MotionFieldSender implementation
//MotionFieldSender::MotionFieldSender(OscSender* pOscSender)
//: mOscSender(pOscSender)
//, mSendInterval(0)
//, mCurrentSendStep(0)
//, mNormalize(false)
//, mLocked(false)
//MotionFieldSender::setNormalize(const array<int, 2>& pFrameSize)
// mNormScale[0] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[0]);
// mNormScale[1] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[1]);
// mNormalize = true;
//MotionFieldSender::setSendInterval(unsigned int pSendInterval)
// mSendInterval = pSendInterval;
//MotionFieldSender::notifyUpdate(const MotionField& pField)
// if(mLocked == true) return;
// mLocked = true;
// if(mCurrentSendStep >= mSendInterval)
// {
// MotionField field = pField;
// int fieldVectorCount = field.mVelocities.size();
// std::vector<float> fieldVelocties( fieldVectorCount * 3 );
// if(mNormalize == false)
// {
// for(int vI=0, d=0; vI<fieldVectorCount; ++vI, d += 3)
// {
// fieldVelocties[d] = field.mVelocities[vI].x;
// fieldVelocties[d+1] = field.mVelocities[vI].y;
// fieldVelocties[d+2] = field.mVelocities[vI].z;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// for(int vI=0, d=0; vI<fieldVectorCount; ++vI, d += 3)
// {
// fieldVelocties[d] = field.mVelocities[vI].x * mNormScale[0];
// fieldVelocties[d+1] = field.mVelocities[vI].y * mNormScale[1];
// fieldVelocties[d+2] = field.mVelocities[vI].z;
// }
// }
// std::string messageAddress = "/MotionField";
// std::shared_ptr<dab::OscMessage> message( new dab::OscMessage(messageAddress) );
// message->add(field.mSize[0]);
// message->add(field.mSize[1]);
// message->add(, fieldVelocties.size());
// mOscSender->send(message);
// mCurrentSendStep = 0;
// }
// else mCurrentSendStep++;
// mLocked = false;
#pragma mark SkeletonSender implementation
//SkeletonSender::SkeletonSender(OscSender* pOscSender)
// : mOscSender(pOscSender)
// , mSendInterval(0)
// , mCurrentSendStep(0)
// , mNormalize(false)
// , mLocked(false)
//SkeletonSender::setNormalize(const array<int, 2>& pFrameSize)
// mNormScale[0] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[0]);
// mNormScale[1] = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(pFrameSize[1]);
// mNormalize = true;
//SkeletonSender::setSendInterval(unsigned int pSendInterval)
// mSendInterval = pSendInterval;
//SkeletonSender::notifyUpdate(const std::vector<Skeleton>& pSkeletons)
// if (mLocked == true) return;
// mLocked = true;
// if (mCurrentSendStep >= mSendInterval)
// {
// int skeletonCount = pSkeletons.size();
// for (int sI = 0; sI<skeletonCount; ++sI)
// {
// const Skeleton& skeleton = pSkeletons[sI];
// if (skeleton.valid() == false) continue;
// std::string messageAddress = std::string("/SkeletonTracker/" + to_string(skeleton.trackerId()) + "/Skeleton/" + to_string(;
// std::shared_ptr<dab::OscMessage> message(new dab::OscMessage(messageAddress));
// const std::vector<ofVec3f>& jointPositions = skeleton.jointPositions();
// const std::vector< std::array<unsigned int, 2> >& jointConnections = skeleton.jointConnections();
// int jointCount = jointPositions.size();
// int connectionCount = jointConnections.size();
// std::vector<float> positionArray(jointCount*3);
// std:vector<int> connectionArray(connectionCount*2);
// if (mNormalize == false)
// {
// for (int jI = 0, aI=0; jI < jointCount; ++jI, aI += 3)
// {
// positionArray[aI] = jointPositions[jI].x;
// positionArray[aI+1] = jointPositions[jI].y;
// positionArray[aI+2] = jointPositions[jI].z;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// for (int jI = 0, aI = 0; jI < jointCount; ++jI, aI+=3)
// {
// positionArray[aI] = jointPositions[jI].x * mNormScale[0];
// positionArray[aI + 1] = jointPositions[jI].y * mNormScale[1];
// positionArray[aI + 2] = jointPositions[jI].z;
// }
// }
// for (int cI = 0, aI=0; cI < connectionCount; ++cI, aI+=2)
// {
// connectionArray[aI] = jointConnections[cI][0];
// connectionArray[aI+1] = jointConnections[cI][1];
// }
// message->add(, positionArray.size());
// message->add<int>(, connectionArray.size());
// mOscSender->send(message);
// }
// mCurrentSendStep = 0;
// }
// else mCurrentSendStep++;
// mLocked = false;
#pragma mark CameraOscControl implementation
CameraOscControl::CameraOscControl(Camera* pCamera)
: mCamera(pCamera)
CameraOscControl::notify(std::shared_ptr<OscMessage> pMessage)
if (mMessageQueue.size() > mMaxMessageQueueLength) mMessageQueue.pop_front();
while (mMessageQueue.size() > 0)
std::shared_ptr< OscMessage > oscMessage = mMessageQueue[0];
CameraOscControl::update(std::shared_ptr<OscMessage> pMessage)
std::string address = pMessage->address();
std::cout << "address " << address << "\n";
const std::vector<_OscArg*>& arguments = pMessage->arguments();
if ("/RecordStill") == 0) recordStill(arguments);
else if ("/StartRecording") == 0) startRecording(arguments);
else if ("/StopRecording") == 0) stopRecording(arguments);
catch (dab::Exception& e)
std::cout << e << "\n";
CameraOscControl::startRecording(const std::vector<_OscArg*>& pArgs) throw (dab::Exception)
CameraOscControl::stopRecording(const std::vector<_OscArg*>& pArgs) throw (dab::Exception)
CameraOscControl::recordStill(const std::vector<_OscArg*>& pArgs) throw (dab::Exception)
int argCount = pArgs.size();
if(argCount == 1 && pArgs[0]->oscType() == OSC_TYPE_INT32)
int timeStamp = *pArgs[0];
std::string stillFileName = "still_" + std::to_string(timeStamp);
std::cout << "CameraOscControl::recordStill " << timeStamp << "\n";
else if (argCount == 1 && pArgs[0]->oscType() == OSC_TYPE_STRING)
std::string fileName = pArgs[0]->operator const std::string&();
else throw(dab::Exception( "ERR_OSC: Wrong Parameters for /RecordStill", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ));
#pragma mark ComManager implementation
ComManager::createOscReceiver(const std::string& pReceiverName, unsigned int pPort) throw (Exception)
if (mOscReceivers.find(pReceiverName) != mOscReceivers.end()) throw Exception("TRACKER ERROR: osc receiver " + pReceiverName + " already exists", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
OscReceiver* oscReceiver = new OscReceiver(pReceiverName, pPort);
mOscReceivers[pReceiverName] = oscReceiver;
ComManager::createOscSender(const std::string& pSenderName, const std::string& pIpAddress, unsigned int pPort) throw (Exception)
if( mOscSenders.find(pSenderName) != mOscSenders.end() ) throw Exception("TRACKER ERROR: osc sender " + pSenderName + " already exists", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
OscSender* oscSender = new OscSender(pSenderName, pIpAddress, pPort);
mOscSenders[pSenderName] = oscSender;
ComManager::addCameraOscControl(const std::string& pReceiverName, Camera* pCamera) throw (Exception)
if (mOscReceivers.find(pReceiverName) == mOscReceivers.end()) throw Exception("TRACKER ERROR: osc receiver " + pReceiverName + " not found", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
std::shared_ptr<CameraOscControl> camOscControl( new CameraOscControl(pCamera) );
//ComManager::registerBlobs(const std::string& pSenderName, BlobTracker* pBlobTracker) throw (Exception)
// if( mOscSenders.find(pSenderName) == mOscSenders.end() ) throw Exception("TRACKER ERROR: osc sender " + pSenderName + " not found", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// OscSender* oscSender = mOscSenders[pSenderName];
// std::cout << "oscSender " << oscSender << "\n";
// std::shared_ptr<BlobSender> blobSender = std::shared_ptr<BlobSender>( new BlobSender(oscSender) );
// pBlobTracker->registerListener(blobSender);
// mBlobSenders.push_back(blobSender);
// return blobSender;
//ComManager::registerMotionBlobs(const std::string& pSenderName, MotionBlobTracker* pMotionBlobTracker) throw (Exception)
// if( mOscSenders.find(pSenderName) == mOscSenders.end() ) throw Exception("TRACKER ERROR: osc sender " + pSenderName + " not found", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// OscSender* oscSender = mOscSenders[pSenderName];
// std::shared_ptr<MotionBlobSender> motionBlobSender = std::shared_ptr<MotionBlobSender>( new MotionBlobSender(oscSender) );
// pMotionBlobTracker->registerListener(motionBlobSender);
// mMotionBlobSenders.push_back(motionBlobSender);
// return motionBlobSender;
//ComManager::registerMotionFeatures(const std::string& pSenderName, MotionFeatureTracker* pMotionFeatureTracker) throw (Exception)
// if( mOscSenders.find(pSenderName) == mOscSenders.end() ) throw Exception("TRACKER ERROR: osc sender " + pSenderName + " not found", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// OscSender* oscSender = mOscSenders[pSenderName];
// std::shared_ptr<MotionFeatureSender> motionFeatureSender = std::shared_ptr<MotionFeatureSender>( new MotionFeatureSender(oscSender) );
// pMotionFeatureTracker->registerListener(motionFeatureSender);
// mMotionFeatureSenders.push_back(motionFeatureSender);
// return motionFeatureSender;
//ComManager::registerMotionField(const std::string& pSenderName, MotionFieldTracker* pMotionFieldTracker) throw (Exception)
// if( mOscSenders.find(pSenderName) == mOscSenders.end() ) throw Exception("TRACKER ERROR: osc sender " + pSenderName + " not found", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// OscSender* oscSender = mOscSenders[pSenderName];
// std::shared_ptr<MotionFieldSender> motionFieldSender = std::shared_ptr<MotionFieldSender>( new MotionFieldSender(oscSender) );
// pMotionFieldTracker->registerListener(motionFieldSender);
// mMotionFieldSenders.push_back(motionFieldSender);
// return motionFieldSender;
//ComManager::registerSkeletons(const std::string& pSenderName, Camera* pCamera) throw (Exception)
// if (mOscSenders.find(pSenderName) == mOscSenders.end()) throw Exception("TRACKER ERROR: osc sender " + pSenderName + " not found", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// OscSender* oscSender = mOscSenders[pSenderName];
// std::shared_ptr<SkeletonSender> skeletonSender=(nullptr);
// #if defined TARGET_WIN32
// if(dynamic_cast<NuiTrackCamera*>(pCamera) != nullptr)
// {
// NuiTrackCamera* camera = static_cast<NuiTrackCamera*>(pCamera);
// skeletonSender = std::shared_ptr<SkeletonSender>(new SkeletonSender(oscSender));
// camera->registerListener(skeletonSender);
// mSkeletonSenders.push_back(skeletonSender);
// }
// #endif
// return skeletonSender;
for (auto camControlIter = mCameraOscControls.begin(); camControlIter != mCameraOscControls.end(); camControlIter++)