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BVH Parser Class
By Omid Alemi
Created: June 12, 2017
Based on:
import re
import numpy as np
from bvh_data import BVH_Joint, BVH_MocapData
class BVH_Scanner():
A wrapper class for re.Scanner
def __init__(self):
def identifier(scanner, token):
return 'IDENT', token
def operator(scanner, token):
return 'OPERATOR', token
def digit(scanner, token):
return 'DIGIT', token
def open_brace(scanner, token):
return 'OPEN_BRACE', token
def close_brace(scanner, token):
return 'CLOSE_BRACE', token
self.scanner = re.Scanner([
(r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', identifier),
#(r'-*[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?', digit), # won't work for .34
#(r'[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+', digit), # won't work for 4.56e-2
#(r'[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?', digit),
(r'-*[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?', digit),
(r'}', close_brace),
(r'}', close_brace),
(r'{', open_brace),
(r':', None),
(r'\s+', None)
def scan(self, stuff):
return self.scanner.scan(stuff)
class BVH_Parser():
A class to parse a BVH file.
Extracts the skeleton and channel values
def __init__(self, filename=None):
def reset(self):
self._skeleton = {}
self.bone_context = []
self._motion_channels = []
self._motions = []
self.current_token = 0
self.framerate = 0.0
self.root_name = ''
self.scanner = BVH_Scanner() = BVH_MocapData()
def parse(self, filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as bvh_file:
raw_contents =
tokens, remainder = self.scanner.scan(raw_contents)
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
self._parse_motion(tokens) = self._skeleton = self._motion_channels = self._to_DataFrame() = self.root_name = self.framerate
def _to_DataFrame(self):
'''Returns all of the channels parsed from the file as a pandas DataFrame'''
import pandas as pd
time_index = pd.to_timedelta([f[0] for f in self._motions], unit='s')
frames = [f[1] for f in self._motions]
channels = np.asarray([[channel[2] for channel in frame] for frame in frames])
column_names = ['%s_%s'%(c[0], c[1]) for c in self._motion_channels]
return pd.DataFrame(data=channels, index=time_index, columns=column_names)
def _new_bone(self, parent, name):
bone = {'parent': parent, 'channels': [], 'offsets': [],'children': []}
return bone
def _push_bone_context(self,name):
def _get_bone_context(self):
return self.bone_context[len(self.bone_context)-1]
def _pop_bone_context(self):
self.bone_context = self.bone_context[:-1]
return self.bone_context[len(self.bone_context)-1]
def _read_offset(self, bvh, token_index):
if bvh[token_index] != ('IDENT', 'OFFSET'):
return None, None
token_index = token_index + 1
offsets = [0.0] * 3
for i in range(3):
offsets[i] = float(bvh[token_index][1])
token_index = token_index + 1
return offsets, token_index
def _read_channels(self, bvh, token_index):
if bvh[token_index] != ('IDENT', 'CHANNELS'):
return None, None
token_index = token_index + 1
channel_count = int(bvh[token_index][1])
token_index = token_index + 1
channels = [""] * channel_count
for i in range(channel_count):
channels[i] = bvh[token_index][1]
token_index = token_index + 1
return channels, token_index
def _parse_joint(self, bvh, token_index):
end_site = False
joint_id = bvh[token_index][1]
token_index = token_index + 1
joint_name = bvh[token_index][1]
token_index = token_index + 1
parent_name = self._get_bone_context()
if (joint_id == "End"):
joint_name = parent_name+ '_Nub'
end_site = True
joint = self._new_bone(parent_name, joint_name)
if bvh[token_index][0] != 'OPEN_BRACE':
print('Was expecting brance, got ', bvh[token_index])
return None
token_index = token_index + 1
offsets, token_index = self._read_offset(bvh, token_index)
joint['offsets'] = offsets
if not end_site:
channels, token_index = self._read_channels(bvh, token_index)
joint['channels'] = channels
for channel in channels:
self._motion_channels.append((joint_name, channel))
self._skeleton[joint_name] = joint
while (bvh[token_index][0] == 'IDENT' and bvh[token_index][1] == 'JOINT') or (bvh[token_index][0] == 'IDENT' and bvh[token_index][1] == 'End'):
token_index = self._parse_joint(bvh, token_index)
if bvh[token_index][0] == 'CLOSE_BRACE':
return token_index + 1
print('Unexpected token ', bvh[token_index])
def _parse_hierarchy(self, bvh):
self.current_token = 0
if bvh[self.current_token] != ('IDENT', 'HIERARCHY'):
return None
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
if bvh[self.current_token] != ('IDENT', 'ROOT'):
return None
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
if bvh[self.current_token][0] != 'IDENT':
return None
root_name = bvh[self.current_token][1]
root_bone = self._new_bone(None, root_name)
self.current_token = self.current_token + 2 #skipping open brace
offsets, self.current_token = self._read_offset(bvh, self.current_token)
channels, self.current_token = self._read_channels(bvh, self.current_token)
root_bone['offsets'] = offsets
root_bone['channels'] = channels
self._skeleton[root_name] = root_bone
for channel in channels:
self._motion_channels.append((root_name, channel))
while bvh[self.current_token][1] == 'JOINT':
self.current_token = self._parse_joint(bvh, self.current_token)
self.root_name = root_name
def _parse_motion(self, bvh):
if bvh[self.current_token][0] != 'IDENT':
print('Unexpected text')
return None
if bvh[self.current_token][1] != 'MOTION':
print('No motion section')
return None
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
if bvh[self.current_token][1] != 'Frames':
return None
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
frame_count = int(bvh[self.current_token][1])
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
if bvh[self.current_token][1] != 'Frame':
return None
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
if bvh[self.current_token][1] != 'Time':
return None
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
frame_rate = float(bvh[self.current_token][1])
self.framerate = frame_rate
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
frame_time = 0.0
self._motions = [()] * frame_count
for i in range(frame_count):
channel_values = []
for channel in self._motion_channels:
channel_values.append((channel[0], channel[1], float(bvh[self.current_token][1])))
self.current_token = self.current_token + 1
self._motions[i] = (frame_time, channel_values)
frame_time = frame_time + frame_rate