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163 lines (114 sloc) 5.56 KB
import csv
import datetime as dt
from decimal import *
import math
Please write you name here: Salah Abdo
def process_shifts(path_to_csv):
with open('work_shifts.csv') as file:
next(file, None) #skip the first line(Header)
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
shifts = {}
for row in reader:
startShift = row[3]
endShift = row[1]
breakNotes = row[0]
payRate = row[2]
start_dt = dt.datetime.strptime(startShift, '%H:%M') # convert start time string to time using 24 hour format
end_dt = dt.datetime.strptime(endShift, '%H:%M')
diff = (end_dt - start_dt)
shiftHours = int((diff.seconds/60)) # convert hour to minutes
breakTime = breakNotes.split("-") #split each time a - is seen to separate the time
breakTime0 = breakTime[0].strip() # remove all whitespaces
breakTime1 = breakTime[1].strip()
if not breakTime0.isdigit() & breakTime1.isdigit():
if breakTime0[-2:] == "AM": # check if letters AM is present
breakTime0 = breakTime0.replace("AM", "") #remove the letters AM and leave the number as it is
elif breakTime0[-2:] == "PM": # check if letters PM is present
breakTime0 = breakTime0.replace("PM", "") #remove the letters PM
breakTime0 = float(breakTime0) + 12 # convert number to 24 hour time
elif breakTime0.isdigit(): # for instances where the break start time and end time using different format ("4-4:10PM")
if breakTime1[-2:] == "AM":
breakTime0 = float(breakTime0)
breakTime0 = float(breakTime0) +12
if breakTime1[-2:] == "AM":
breakTime1 = breakTime1.replace("AM", "")
elif breakTime1 [-2:] == "PM":
breakTime1 = breakTime1.replace("PM", "")
breakTime1 = float(breakTime1) + 12
elif breakTime1.isdigit():
if breakTime0[-2:] == "AM":
breakTime1 = float(breakTime0)
elif breakTime1.isdigit() & breakTime0[-2:] == "PM":
breakTime1 = float(breakTime0) +12
endBreak = str(round(Decimal(breakTime1),2)) #convert to decimal, rounded up to two decimal places to represent time
endBreak = endBreak.replace(".", ":")
endBreak = dt.datetime.strptime(endBreak, '%H:%M')
startBreak = str(round(Decimal(breakTime0),2))
startBreak = startBreak.replace(".", ":")
startBreak = dt.datetime.strptime(startBreak, '%H:%M')
breakTime = (endBreak - startBreak)
breakHours = int((breakTime.seconds/60)) #calculate total break in minutes
hoursWorked = shiftHours - breakHours
labourCost = int((hoursWorked/60) * float(payRate))
if startShift in shifts: # if start time is already present then increase the labour cost for that specific time
shifts[startShift] += labourCost
shifts[startShift] = labourCost
def process_sales(path_to_csv):
with open('transactions.csv') as file:
next(file, None) #skip the first line(Header)
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
sales = {}
for row in reader:
sale = float(row[0])
time = row[1][:2] + ':00' # time rounded up to every hour
if time in sales:
sales[time] += int(sale)
sales[time] = int(sale)
def compute_percentage(shifts, sales):
computePercentage = {}
for time in sorted(shifts): # iterate over key only
labourCost = shifts[time]
sale = sales[time]
percentage = round((labourCost / sale)*100,2)
sale = None
percentage = labourCost * (-1)
computePercentage[time] = percentage
def best_and_worst_hour(percentages):
bestAndWorst = []
worstHour = min(percentages, key=percentages.get) # gets smallest value key in the dictionary
for key, value in percentages.items():
bestHourSales = math.inf #set to infinity
bestHour = ""
if value > 0:
if value < bestHourSales:
bestHourSales = value
bestHour = key
def main(path_to_shifts, path_to_sales):
Do not touch this function, but you can look at it, to have an idea of
how your data should interact with each other
shifts_processed = process_shifts(path_to_shifts)
sales_processed = process_sales(path_to_sales)
percentages = compute_percentage(shifts_processed, sales_processed)
best_hour, worst_hour = best_and_worst_hour(percentages)
return best_hour, worst_hour
if __name__ == '__main__':
# You can change this to test your code, it will not be used
path_to_sales = "transactions.csv"
path_to_shifts = "work_shifts.csv"
best_hour, worst_hour = main(path_to_shifts, path_to_sales)
# Please write you name here: Salah Abdo