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package notify
import (
ntf ""
func TestEmailNew(t *testing.T) {
emailParams := EmailParams{
From: "test@from",
VerificationTemplatePath: "testdata/verification.html.tmpl",
MsgTemplatePath: "testdata/msg.html.tmpl",
smtpParams := ntf.SMTPParams{
Host: "test@host",
Port: 1000,
TLS: true,
StartTLS: true,
Username: "test@username",
Password: "test@password",
email, err := NewEmail(emailParams, smtpParams)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, email, "email returned")
assert.NotNil(t, email.msgTmpl, "e.template is set")
assert.Equal(t, emailParams.From, email.EmailParams.From, "emailParams.From unchanged after creation")
if smtpParams.TimeOut == 0 {
assert.Equal(t, defaultEmailTimeout, email.TimeOut, "empty emailParams.TimeOut changed to default")
} else {
assert.Equal(t, smtpParams.TimeOut, email.TimeOut, "emailParams.TimOut unchanged after creation")
assert.Equal(t, smtpParams.Host, email.Host, "emailParams.Host unchanged after creation")
assert.Equal(t, smtpParams.Username, email.Username, "emailParams.Username unchanged after creation")
assert.Equal(t, smtpParams.Password, email.Password, "emailParams.Password unchanged after creation")
assert.Equal(t, smtpParams.Port, email.Port, "emailParams.Port unchanged after creation")
assert.Equal(t, smtpParams.TLS, email.TLS, "emailParams.TLS unchanged after creation")
assert.Equal(t, smtpParams.StartTLS, email.StartTLS, "emailParams.TLS unchanged after creation")
assert.Equal(t, "email: with username 'test@username' at server test@host:1000 with TLS with StartTLS", email.String())
func Test_initTemplatesErr(t *testing.T) {
testSet := []struct {
name string
errText string
emailParams EmailParams
name: "with wrong path to verification template",
errText: "notfound.tmpl: file does not exist",
emailParams: EmailParams{
VerificationTemplatePath: "notfound.tmpl",
name: "with wrong path to message template",
errText: "notfound.tmpl: file does not exist",
emailParams: EmailParams{
MsgTemplatePath: "notfound.tmpl",
name: "with error on read verification template",
errText: "can't parse verification template: template: verifyTmpl",
emailParams: EmailParams{
VerificationTemplatePath: "testdata/bad.html.tmpl",
MsgTemplatePath: "testdata/msg.html.tmpl",
name: "with error on read message template",
errText: "can't parse message template: template: msgTmpl",
emailParams: EmailParams{
VerificationTemplatePath: "testdata/verification.html.tmpl",
MsgTemplatePath: "testdata/bad.html.tmpl",
for _, d := range testSet {
d := d
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
e, err := NewEmail(d.emailParams, ntf.SMTPParams{})
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, e)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), d.errText)
func TestEmailSendErrors(t *testing.T) {
var err error
e := Email{}
e.TokenGenFn = TokenGenFn
e.verifyTmpl, err = template.New("test").Parse("{{.Test}}")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualError(t, e.SendVerification(context.Background(), VerificationRequest{Email: "", Token: "some"}),
"error executing template to build verification message: template: test:1:2: executing \"test\" at <.Test>: can't evaluate field Test in type notify.verifyTmplData")
e.msgTmpl, err = template.New("test").Parse("{{.Test}}")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualError(t, e.Send(context.Background(), Request{Comment: store.Comment{ID: "999"}, parent: store.Comment{User: store.User{ID: "test"}}, Emails: []string{""}}),
"1 error occurred:\n\t* problem sending user email notification to \"\": "+
"error executing template to build comment reply message: "+
"template: test:1:2: executing \"test\" at <.Test>: "+
"can't evaluate field Test in type notify.msgTmplData\n\n")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
assert.EqualError(t, e.Send(ctx, Request{Comment: store.Comment{ID: "999"}, parent: store.Comment{User: store.User{ID: "test"}}, Emails: []string{""}}),
"sending email messages about comment \"999\" aborted due to canceled context")
assert.EqualError(t, e.Send(context.Background(), Request{Comment: store.Comment{ID: "999"}, parent: store.Comment{User: store.User{ID: "error"}}, Emails: []string{""}}),
"1 error occurred:\n\t* problem sending user email notification to \"\":"+
" error creating token for unsubscribe link: token generation error\n\n")
func TestEmailSend_ExitConditions(t *testing.T) {
email, err := NewEmail(EmailParams{
VerificationTemplatePath: "testdata/verification.html.tmpl",
MsgTemplatePath: "testdata/msg.html.tmpl",
}, ntf.SMTPParams{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, email, "expecting email returned")
// prevent triggering e.autoFlush creation
emptyRequest := Request{Comment: store.Comment{ID: "999"}}
assert.NoError(t, email.Send(context.Background(), emptyRequest),
"Message without Emails and AdminEmails is not sent and returns nil")
func TestEmail_Send(t *testing.T) {
email, err := NewEmail(EmailParams{
From: "",
VerificationTemplatePath: "testdata/verification.html.tmpl",
MsgTemplatePath: "testdata/msg.html.tmpl",
}, ntf.SMTPParams{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, email)
email.TokenGenFn = TokenGenFn
email.UnsubscribeURL = ""
req := Request{
Comment: store.Comment{ID: "999", User: store.User{ID: "1", Name: "test_user"}, ParentID: "1", PostTitle: "test_title"},
parent: store.Comment{ID: "1", User: store.User{ID: "999", Name: "parent_user"}},
Emails: []string{""},
assert.Contains(t, email.Send(context.Background(), req).Error(), "problem sending user email notification to \"\"")
// test buildMessageFromRequest separately for message text
msg, err := email.buildMessageFromRequest(req, req.Emails[0], false)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, `
New reply from test_user on your comment to «test_title»
User: test_user
01.01.0001 at 00:00
Comment: for parent_user
Unsubscribe link:
`, msg.body)
assert.Equal(t, "", msg.unsubscribeLink)
assert.Equal(t, `New reply to your comment for "test_title"`, msg.subject)
// send email to both user and admin, without parent set
email.AdminEmails = []string{""}
req = Request{
Comment: store.Comment{ID: "999", User: store.User{ID: "1", Name: "test_user"}, PostTitle: "test_title"},
Emails: []string{""},
assert.Error(t, email.Send(context.Background(), req))
msg, err = email.buildMessageFromRequest(req, email.AdminEmails[0], true)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, `
New comment from test_user on your site to «test_title»
User: test_user
01.01.0001 at 00:00
`, msg.body)
assert.Equal(t, `New comment to your site for "test_title"`, msg.subject)
assert.Empty(t, msg.unsubscribeLink)
func TestEmail_SendVerification(t *testing.T) {
email, err := NewEmail(EmailParams{
From: "",
VerificationTemplatePath: "testdata/verification.html.tmpl",
MsgTemplatePath: "testdata/msg.html.tmpl",
}, ntf.SMTPParams{})
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotNil(t, email)
email.TokenGenFn = TokenGenFn
// proper VerificationRequest without email
req := VerificationRequest{
SiteID: "remark",
User: "test_username",
Token: "secret_",
assert.NoError(t, email.SendVerification(context.Background(), req))
// proper VerificationRequest with email
req.Email = ""
assert.Error(t, email.SendVerification(context.Background(), req), "failed to make smtp client")
// VerificationRequest with canceled context
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
assert.EqualError(t, email.SendVerification(ctx, req), "sending message to \"test_username\" aborted due to canceled context")
// test buildVerificationMessage separately for message text
res, err := email.buildVerificationMessage(req.User, req.Email, req.Token, req.SiteID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, res, `Confirmation for test_username on site remark
Sent to
assert.Contains(t, res, `secret_`)
assert.NotContains(t, res, ``)
email.SubscribeURL = ""
res, err = email.buildVerificationMessage(req.User, req.Email, req.Token, req.SiteID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, res, `Confirmation for test_username on site remark
Subscribe url:
Sent to
func TokenGenFn(user, _, _ string) (string, error) {
if user == "error" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("token generation error")
return "token", nil