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Switch branches/tags

Name already in use

A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Are you sure you want to create this branch?
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815 lines (718 sloc) 27.6 KB
package cmd
import (
func TestServerApp(t *testing.T) {
port := chooseRandomUnusedPort()
app, ctx, cancel := prepServerApp(t, func(o ServerCommand) ServerCommand {
o.Port = port
return o
go func() { _ = }()
// send ping
resp, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/ping", port))
defer http.DefaultClient.CloseIdleConnections()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "pong", string(body))
// add comment
client := http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}
defer client.CloseIdleConnections()
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/comment", port),
strings.NewReader(`{"text": "test 123", "locator":{"url": "", "site": "remark"}}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
req.SetBasicAuth("admin", "password")
resp, err = client.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusCreated, resp.StatusCode)
body, _ = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
email, err := app.dataService.AdminStore.Email("")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", email, "default admin email")
func TestServerApp_DevMode(t *testing.T) {
port := chooseRandomUnusedPort()
app, ctx, cancel := prepServerApp(t, func(o ServerCommand) ServerCommand {
o.Port = port
o.AdminPasswd = "password"
o.Auth.Dev = true
return o
go func() { _ = }()
providers := app.restSrv.Authenticator.Providers()
require.Equal(t, 9+1, len(providers), "extra auth provider")
assert.Equal(t, "dev", providers[len(providers)-2].Name(), "dev auth provider")
// send ping
resp, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/ping", port))
defer http.DefaultClient.CloseIdleConnections()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close())
assert.Equal(t, "pong", string(body))
func TestServerApp_AnonMode(t *testing.T) {
port := chooseRandomUnusedPort()
app, ctx, cancel := prepServerApp(t, func(o ServerCommand) ServerCommand {
o.Port = port
o.Auth.Anonymous = true
return o
go func() { _ = }()
providers := app.restSrv.Authenticator.Providers()
require.Equal(t, 9+1, len(providers), "extra auth provider for anon")
assert.Equal(t, "anonymous", providers[len(providers)-1].Name(), "anon auth provider")
client := http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}
defer client.CloseIdleConnections()
// send ping
resp, err := client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/ping", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "pong", string(body))
// try to login with good name
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/auth/anonymous/login?user=blah123&aud=remark", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
// try to add a comment as good anonymous
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/comment", port),
strings.NewReader(`{"text": "test 123", "locator":{"url": "", "site": "remark"}}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
tkn, claims := getAuthFromCookie(t, app, resp)
require.NotEmpty(t, tkn)
assert.False(t, claims.User.BoolAttr("blocked"), "should not be blocked")
req.Header.Add("X-JWT", tkn)
resp, err = client.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusCreated, resp.StatusCode)
// try to login with non-latin name
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/auth/anonymous/login?user=Раз_Два%20%20Три_34567&aud=remark", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
// try to login with bad name
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/auth/anonymous/login?user=**blah123&aud=remark", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusForbidden, resp.StatusCode)
// try to login with short name
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/auth/anonymous/login?user=bl%%20%%20&aud=remark", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusForbidden, resp.StatusCode)
// try to login with name what have space in prefix
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/auth/anonymous/login?user=%%20somebody&aud=remark", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusForbidden, resp.StatusCode)
// try to login with name what have space in suffix
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/auth/anonymous/login?user=somebody%%20&aud=remark", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusForbidden, resp.StatusCode)
// try to login with long name
ln := strings.Repeat("x", 65)
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/auth/anonymous/login?user=%s&aud=remark", port, ln))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusForbidden, resp.StatusCode)
// try to login with admin name
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/auth/anonymous/login?user=umpUtun&aud=remark", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
// try to add a comment as anonymous with admin name
req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/comment", port),
strings.NewReader(`{"text": "test 123", "locator":{"url": "", "site": "remark"}}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
tkn, claims = getAuthFromCookie(t, app, resp)
require.NotEmpty(t, tkn)
assert.True(t, claims.User.BoolAttr("blocked"), "should be blocked")
req.Header.Add("X-JWT", tkn)
resp, err = client.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusUnauthorized, resp.StatusCode)
func getAuthFromCookie(t *testing.T, app *serverApp, resp *http.Response) (tkn string, claims token.Claims) {
var err error
for _, c := range resp.Cookies() {
if c.Name == "JWT" {
tkn = c.Value
claims, err = app.restSrv.Authenticator.TokenService().Parse(c.Value)
require.NoError(t, err)
return tkn, claims
func TestServerApp_WithSSL(t *testing.T) {
opts := ServerCommand{}
sslPort := chooseRandomUnusedPort()
opts.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: fmt.Sprintf("https://localhost:%d", sslPort), SharedSecret: "123456"})
// prepare options
p := flags.NewParser(&opts, flags.Default)
port := chooseRandomUnusedPort()
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"--admin-passwd=password", "--port=" + strconv.Itoa(port), "--store.bolt.path=/tmp/xyz", "--backup=/tmp",
"--avatar.type=bolt", "--avatar.bolt.file=/tmp/ava-test.db",
"--ssl.type=static", "--ssl.cert=testdata/cert.pem", "--ssl.key=testdata/key.pem",
"--ssl.port=" + strconv.Itoa(sslPort), "--image.fs.path=/tmp"})
require.NoError(t, err)
defer os.Remove("/tmp/xyz")
defer os.Remove("/tmp/xyz/remark.db")
defer os.Remove("/tmp/ava-test.db")
// create app
app, err := opts.newServerApp(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() { _ = }()
client := http.Client{
// prevent http redirect
CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
// allow self-signed certificate
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
defer client.CloseIdleConnections()
// check http to https redirect response
resp, err := client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/blah?param=1", port))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, resp.StatusCode)
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("https://localhost:%d/blah?param=1", sslPort), resp.Header.Get("Location"))
// check https server
resp, err = client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("https://localhost:%d/ping", sslPort))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "pong", string(body))
func TestServerApp_WithRemote(t *testing.T) {
opts := ServerCommand{}
opts.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
// prepare options
p := flags.NewParser(&opts, flags.Default)
port := chooseRandomUnusedPort()
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"--admin-passwd=password", "--cache.type=none",
"--store.type=rpc", "--store.rpc.api=",
"--port=" + strconv.Itoa(port), "--admin.type=rpc", "--admin.rpc.api=", "--avatar.fs.path=/tmp"})
require.NoError(t, err)
opts.Auth.Github.CSEC, opts.Auth.Github.CID = "csec", "cid"
opts.BackupLocation, opts.Image.FS.Path = "/tmp", "/tmp"
// create app
app, err := opts.newServerApp(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() { _ = }()
// send ping
resp, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/ping", port))
defer http.DefaultClient.CloseIdleConnections()
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode)
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "pong", string(body))
func TestServerApp_Failed(t *testing.T) {
opts := ServerCommand{}
opts.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p := flags.NewParser(&opts, flags.Default)
// RO bolt location
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"--backup=/tmp", "--store.bolt.path=/dev/null", "--image.fs.path=/tmp"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, err = opts.newServerApp(context.Background())
assert.EqualError(t, err, "failed to make data store engine: failed to create bolt store: can't make directory /dev/null: mkdir /dev/null: not a directory")
// RO backup location
opts = ServerCommand{}
opts.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
_, err = p.ParseArgs([]string{"--store.bolt.path=/tmp", "--backup=/dev/null/not-writable"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
defer os.Remove("/tmp/remark.db")
_, err = opts.newServerApp(context.Background())
assert.EqualError(t, err, "failed to create backup store: can't make directory /dev/null/not-writable: mkdir /dev/null: not a directory")
// invalid url
opts = ServerCommand{}
opts.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
_, err = p.ParseArgs([]string{"--backup=/tmp", "----store.bolt.path=/tmp"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, err = opts.newServerApp(context.Background())
assert.EqualError(t, err, "invalid remark42 url")
opts = ServerCommand{}
opts.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
_, err = p.ParseArgs([]string{"--backup=/tmp", "--store.type=blah"})
assert.Error(t, err, "blah is invalid type")
opts.Store.Type = "blah"
_, err = opts.newServerApp(context.Background())
assert.EqualError(t, err, "failed to make data store engine: unsupported store type blah")
// wrong redis location
opts = ServerCommand{}
opts.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p = flags.NewParser(&opts, flags.Default)
_, err = p.ParseArgs([]string{"--store.bolt.path=/tmp", "--cache.type=redis_pub_sub", "--cache.redis_addr=wrong_address"})
assert.NoError(t, err)
_, err = opts.newServerApp(context.Background())
assert.EqualError(t, err,
"failed to make cache: cache backend initialization, redis PubSub initialisation: "+
"problem subscribing to channel remark42-cache on address wrong_address: "+
"dial tcp: address wrong_address: missing port in address")
func TestServerApp_Shutdown(t *testing.T) {
app, ctx, cancel := prepServerApp(t, func(o ServerCommand) ServerCommand {
o.Port = chooseRandomUnusedPort()
return o
time.AfterFunc(100*time.Millisecond, func() {
st := time.Now()
err :=
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, time.Since(st).Seconds() < 1, "should take about 100msec")
func TestServerApp_MainSignal(t *testing.T) {
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
err := syscall.Kill(syscall.Getpid(), syscall.SIGTERM)
require.NoError(t, err)
s := ServerCommand{}
s.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p := flags.NewParser(&s, flags.Default)
port := chooseRandomUnusedPort()
args := []string{"test", "--store.bolt.path=/tmp/xyz", "--backup=/tmp", "--avatar.type=bolt",
"--avatar.bolt.file=/tmp/ava-test.db", "--port=" + strconv.Itoa(port), "--image.fs.path=/tmp"}
defer os.Remove("/tmp/xyz")
defer os.Remove("/tmp/xyz/remark.db")
defer os.Remove("/tmp/ava-test.db")
_, err := p.ParseArgs(args)
require.NoError(t, err)
st := time.Now()
err = s.Execute(args)
assert.NoError(t, err, "execute should be without errors")
assert.True(t, time.Since(st).Seconds() < 5, "should take under five sec", time.Since(st).Seconds())
func TestServerApp_DeprecatedArgs(t *testing.T) {
s := ServerCommand{}
s.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p := flags.NewParser(&s, flags.Default)
args := []string{
assert.Empty(t, s.SMTP.Host)
assert.Empty(t, s.SMTP.Port)
assert.Empty(t, s.SMTP.TLS)
assert.Empty(t, s.SMTP.Username)
assert.Empty(t, s.SMTP.Password)
assert.Empty(t, s.SMTP.TimeOut)
_, err := p.ParseArgs(args)
require.NoError(t, err)
deprecatedFlags := s.HandleDeprecatedFlags()
{Old: "", New: "", Version: "1.5"},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.port", Version: "1.5"},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.tls", Version: "1.5"},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.username", Version: "1.5"},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.password", Version: "1.5"},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.timeout", Version: "1.5"},
{Old: "", Version: "1.5"},
{Old: "img-proxy", New: "image-proxy.http2https", Version: "1.5"},
{Old: "", New: "notify.admins=email", Version: "1.9"},
{Old: "notify.type", New: "notify.(users|admins)", Version: "1.9"},
{Old: "notify.telegram.token", New: "telegram.token", Version: "1.9"},
{Old: "notify.telegram.timeout", New: "telegram.timeout", Version: "1.9"},
{Old: "notify.telegram.api", Version: "1.9"},
assert.Equal(t, "", s.SMTP.Host)
assert.Equal(t, 666, s.SMTP.Port)
assert.Equal(t, true, s.SMTP.TLS)
assert.Equal(t, "test_user", s.SMTP.Username)
assert.Equal(t, "test_password", s.SMTP.Password)
assert.Equal(t, 15*time.Second, s.SMTP.TimeOut)
func TestServerApp_DeprecatedArgsCollisions(t *testing.T) {
s := ServerCommand{}
s.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p := flags.NewParser(&s, flags.Default)
args := []string{
_, err := p.ParseArgs(args)
require.NoError(t, err)
deprecatedFlagsCollisions := s.findDeprecatedFlagsCollisions()
{Old: "notify.type", New: "notify.(users|admins)", Collision: true},
{Old: "", New: "", Collision: true},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.port", Collision: true},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.username", Collision: true},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.password", Collision: true},
{Old: "", New: "smtp.timeout", Collision: true},
{Old: "notify.telegram.token", New: "telegram.token", Collision: true},
{Old: "notify.telegram.timeout", New: "telegram.timeout", Collision: true},
// case which should return nothing
s = ServerCommand{}
s.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p = flags.NewParser(&s, flags.Default)
args = []string{
_, err = p.ParseArgs(args)
require.NoError(t, err)
deprecatedFlagsCollisions = s.findDeprecatedFlagsCollisions()
assert.Empty(t, []DeprecatedFlag{}, deprecatedFlagsCollisions)
func Test_ACMEEmail(t *testing.T) {
cmd := ServerCommand{}
cmd.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p := flags.NewParser(&cmd, flags.Default)
args := []string{"--ssl.type=auto"}
_, err := p.ParseArgs(args)
require.NoError(t, err)
cfg, err := cmd.makeSSLConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", cfg.ACMEEmail)
cmd = ServerCommand{}
cmd.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p = flags.NewParser(&cmd, flags.Default)
args = []string{"--ssl.type=auto", ""}
_, err = p.ParseArgs(args)
require.NoError(t, err)
cfg, err = cmd.makeSSLConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", cfg.ACMEEmail)
cmd = ServerCommand{}
cmd.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p = flags.NewParser(&cmd, flags.Default)
args = []string{"--ssl.type=auto", "--admin.type=shared", ""}
_, err = p.ParseArgs(args)
require.NoError(t, err)
cfg, err = cmd.makeSSLConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", cfg.ACMEEmail)
cmd = ServerCommand{}
cmd.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "123456"})
p = flags.NewParser(&cmd, flags.Default)
args = []string{"--ssl.type=auto", "--admin.type=shared"}
_, err = p.ParseArgs(args)
require.NoError(t, err)
cfg, err = cmd.makeSSLConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", cfg.ACMEEmail)
func TestServerAuthHooks(t *testing.T) {
port := chooseRandomUnusedPort()
app, ctx, cancel := prepServerApp(t, func(o ServerCommand) ServerCommand {
o.Port = port
return o
go func() { _ = }()
// make a token for user dev
tkService := app.restSrv.Authenticator.TokenService()
tkService.TokenDuration = time.Second
claims := token.Claims{
StandardClaims: jwt.StandardClaims{
Audience: "remark",
Issuer: "remark",
ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(time.Second).Unix(),
NotBefore: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute).Unix(),
User: &token.User{
ID: "dev",
Name: "developer one",
tk, err := tkService.Token(claims)
require.NoError(t, err)
client := http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}
defer client.CloseIdleConnections()
// add comment
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/comment", port),
strings.NewReader(`{"text": "test 123", "locator":{"url": "", "site": "remark"}}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
req.Header.Set("X-JWT", tk)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close())
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusCreated, resp.StatusCode, "non-blocked user able to post")
// add comment with no-aud claim
claimsNoAud := claims
claimsNoAud.Audience = ""
tkNoAud, err := tkService.Token(claimsNoAud)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Logf("no-aud claims: %s", tkNoAud)
req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/comment", port),
strings.NewReader(`{"text": "test 123", "locator":{"url": "",
"site": "remark"}}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
req.Header.Set("X-JWT", tkNoAud)
resp, err = client.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close())
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusUnauthorized, resp.StatusCode, "user without aud claim rejected, \n"+tkNoAud+"\n"+string(body))
// block user dev as admin
req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPut,
fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/admin/user/dev?site=remark&block=1&ttl=10d", port), http.NoBody)
assert.NoError(t, err)
req.SetBasicAuth("admin", "password")
resp, err = client.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, resp.StatusCode, "user dev blocked")
b, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close())
// try add a comment with blocked user
req, err = http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/api/v1/comment", port),
strings.NewReader(`{"text": "test 123 blah", "locator":{"url": "", "site": "remark"}}`))
require.NoError(t, err)
req.Header.Set("X-JWT", tk)
resp, err = client.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
body, err = io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, resp.Body.Close())
assert.True(t, resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden || resp.StatusCode == http.StatusUnauthorized,
"blocked user can't post, \n"+tk+"\n"+string(body))
func TestServerCommand_parseSameSite(t *testing.T) {
tbl := []struct {
inp string
res http.SameSite
{"", http.SameSiteDefaultMode},
{"default", http.SameSiteDefaultMode},
{"blah", http.SameSiteDefaultMode},
{"none", http.SameSiteNoneMode},
{"lax", http.SameSiteLaxMode},
{"strict", http.SameSiteStrictMode},
cmd := ServerCommand{}
for i, tt := range tbl {
tt := tt
t.Run(strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res, cmd.parseSameSite(tt.inp))
func Test_splitAtCommas(t *testing.T) {
tbl := []struct {
inp string
res []string
{"a string", []string{"a string"}},
{"vv1, vv2, vv3", []string{"vv1", "vv2", "vv3"}},
{`"vv1, blah", vv2, vv3`, []string{"vv1, blah", "vv2", "vv3"}},
`Access-Control-Allow-Headers:"DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type",header123:val, foo:"bar1,bar2"`,
[]string{"Access-Control-Allow-Headers:\"DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type\"", "header123:val", "foo:\"bar1,bar2\""},
{"", []string{}},
for i, tt := range tbl {
t.Run(strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res, splitAtCommas(tt.inp))
func chooseRandomUnusedPort() (port int) {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
port = 40000 + int(rand.Int31n(10000))
if ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port)); err == nil {
_ = ln.Close()
return port
func waitForHTTPServerStart(port int) {
// wait for up to 3 seconds for server to start before returning it
client := http.Client{Timeout: time.Second}
defer client.CloseIdleConnections()
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
if resp, err := client.Get(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d", port)); err == nil {
_ = resp.Body.Close()
func waitForHTTPSServerStart(port int) {
// wait for up to 3 seconds for HTTPS server to start
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
conn, _ := net.DialTimeout("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", port), time.Millisecond*10)
if conn != nil {
_ = conn.Close()
func prepServerApp(t *testing.T, fn func(o ServerCommand) ServerCommand) (*serverApp, context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
cmd := ServerCommand{}
cmd.SetCommon(CommonOpts{RemarkURL: "", SharedSecret: "secret"})
// prepare options
p := flags.NewParser(&cmd, flags.Default)
_, err := p.ParseArgs([]string{"--admin-passwd=password", "--site=remark"})
require.NoError(t, err)
cmd.Avatar.FS.Path, cmd.Avatar.Type, cmd.BackupLocation, cmd.Image.FS.Path = "/tmp/remark42_test", "fs", "/tmp/remark42_test", "/tmp/remark42_test"
cmd.Store.Bolt.Path = fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/%d", cmd.Port)
cmd.Store.Bolt.Timeout = 10 * time.Second
cmd.Auth.Github.CSEC, cmd.Auth.Github.CID = "csec", "cid"
cmd.Auth.Google.CSEC, cmd.Auth.Google.CID = "csec", "cid"
cmd.Auth.Facebook.CSEC, cmd.Auth.Facebook.CID = "csec", "cid"
cmd.Auth.Yandex.CSEC, cmd.Auth.Yandex.CID = "csec", "cid"
cmd.Auth.Microsoft.CSEC, cmd.Auth.Microsoft.CID = "csec", "cid"
cmd.Auth.Twitter.CSEC, cmd.Auth.Twitter.CID = "csec", "cid"
cmd.Auth.Patreon.CSEC, cmd.Auth.Patreon.CID = "csec", "cid"
cmd.Auth.Telegram = true
cmd.Telegram.Token = "token"
cmd.Auth.Email.Enable = true
cmd.Auth.Email.MsgTemplate = "testdata/email.tmpl"
cmd.BackupLocation = "/tmp"
cmd.Notify.Users = []string{"email"}
cmd.Notify.Admins = []string{"email"}
cmd.Notify.Email.From = ""
cmd.Notify.Email.VerificationSubject = "test verification email subject"
cmd.SMTP.Host = ""
cmd.SMTP.Port = 25
cmd.SMTP.Username = "test_user"
cmd.SMTP.Password = "test_password"
cmd.SMTP.TimeOut = time.Second
cmd.UpdateLimit = 10
cmd.Admin.Type = "shared"
cmd.Admin.Shared.Admins = []string{"id1", "id2"}
cmd.RestrictedNames = []string{"umputun", "bobuk"}
cmd.emailMsgTemplatePath = "../../templates/email_reply.html.tmpl"
cmd.emailVerificationTemplatePath = "../../templates/email_confirmation_subscription.html.tmpl"
cmd = fn(cmd)
app, ctx, cancel := createAppFromCmd(t, cmd)
// cleanup the remark.db file after context is canceled
go func() {
return app, ctx, cancel
func createAppFromCmd(t *testing.T, cmd ServerCommand) (*serverApp, context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
app, err := cmd.newServerApp(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
return app, ctx, cancel
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// ignore is added only for GitHub Actions, can't reproduce locally
goleak.VerifyTestMain(m, goleak.IgnoreTopFunction("net/http.(*Server).Shutdown"))