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1252 lines (1142 sloc) 52.4 KB
package cmd
import (
log ""
ntf ""
bolt ""
cache ""
// ServerCommand with command line flags and env
type ServerCommand struct {
Store StoreGroup `group:"store" namespace:"store" env-namespace:"STORE"`
Avatar AvatarGroup `group:"avatar" namespace:"avatar" env-namespace:"AVATAR"`
Cache CacheGroup `group:"cache" namespace:"cache" env-namespace:"CACHE"`
Admin AdminGroup `group:"admin" namespace:"admin" env-namespace:"ADMIN"`
Notify NotifyGroup `group:"notify" namespace:"notify" env-namespace:"NOTIFY"`
SMTP SMTPGroup `group:"smtp" namespace:"smtp" env-namespace:"SMTP"`
Telegram TelegramGroup `group:"telegram" namespace:"telegram" env-namespace:"TELEGRAM"`
Image ImageGroup `group:"image" namespace:"image" env-namespace:"IMAGE"`
SSL SSLGroup `group:"ssl" namespace:"ssl" env-namespace:"SSL"`
ImageProxy ImageProxyGroup `group:"image-proxy" namespace:"image-proxy" env-namespace:"IMAGE_PROXY"`
Sites []string `long:"site" env:"SITE" default:"remark" description:"site names" env-delim:","`
AnonymousVote bool `long:"anon-vote" env:"ANON_VOTE" description:"enable anonymous votes (works only with VOTES_IP enabled)"`
AdminPasswd string `long:"admin-passwd" env:"ADMIN_PASSWD" default:"" description:"admin basic auth password"`
BackupLocation string `long:"backup" env:"BACKUP_PATH" default:"./var/backup" description:"backups location"`
MaxBackupFiles int `long:"max-back" env:"MAX_BACKUP_FILES" default:"10" description:"max backups to keep"`
LegacyImageProxy bool `long:"img-proxy" env:"IMG_PROXY" description:"[deprecated, use image-proxy.http2https] enable image proxy"`
MaxCommentSize int `long:"max-comment" env:"MAX_COMMENT_SIZE" default:"2048" description:"max comment size"`
MaxVotes int `long:"max-votes" env:"MAX_VOTES" default:"-1" description:"maximum number of votes per comment"`
RestrictVoteIP bool `long:"votes-ip" env:"VOTES_IP" description:"restrict votes from the same ip"`
DurationVoteIP time.Duration `long:"votes-ip-time" env:"VOTES_IP_TIME" default:"5m" description:"same ip vote duration"`
LowScore int `long:"low-score" env:"LOW_SCORE" default:"-5" description:"low score threshold"`
CriticalScore int `long:"critical-score" env:"CRITICAL_SCORE" default:"-10" description:"critical score threshold"`
PositiveScore bool `long:"positive-score" env:"POSITIVE_SCORE" description:"enable positive score only"`
ReadOnlyAge int `long:"read-age" env:"READONLY_AGE" default:"0" description:"read-only age of comments, days"`
EditDuration time.Duration `long:"edit-time" env:"EDIT_TIME" default:"5m" description:"edit window"`
AdminEdit bool `long:"admin-edit" env:"ADMIN_EDIT" description:"unlimited edit for admins"`
Port int `long:"port" env:"REMARK_PORT" default:"8080" description:"port"`
Address string `long:"address" env:"REMARK_ADDRESS" default:"" description:"listening address"`
WebRoot string `long:"web-root" env:"REMARK_WEB_ROOT" default:"./web" description:"web root directory"`
UpdateLimit float64 `long:"update-limit" env:"UPDATE_LIMIT" default:"0.5" description:"updates/sec limit"`
RestrictedWords []string `long:"restricted-words" env:"RESTRICTED_WORDS" description:"words prohibited to use in comments" env-delim:","`
RestrictedNames []string `long:"restricted-names" env:"RESTRICTED_NAMES" description:"names prohibited to use by user" env-delim:","`
EnableEmoji bool `long:"emoji" env:"EMOJI" description:"enable emoji"`
SimpleView bool `long:"simple-view" env:"SIMPLE_VIEW" description:"minimal comment editor mode"`
ProxyCORS bool `long:"proxy-cors" env:"PROXY_CORS" description:"disable internal CORS and delegate it to proxy"`
AllowedHosts []string `long:"allowed-hosts" env:"ALLOWED_HOSTS" description:"limit hosts/sources allowed to embed comments" env-delim:","`
SubscribersOnly bool `long:"subscribers-only" env:"SUBSCRIBERS_ONLY" description:"enable commenting only for Patreon subscribers"`
DisableSignature bool `long:"disable-signature" env:"DISABLE_SIGNATURE" description:"disable server signature in headers"`
Auth struct {
TTL struct {
JWT time.Duration `long:"jwt" env:"JWT" default:"5m" description:"JWT TTL"`
Cookie time.Duration `long:"cookie" env:"COOKIE" default:"200h" description:"auth cookie TTL"`
} `group:"ttl" namespace:"ttl" env-namespace:"TTL"`
SendJWTHeader bool `long:"send-jwt-header" env:"SEND_JWT_HEADER" description:"send JWT as a header instead of cookie"`
SameSite string `long:"same-site" env:"SAME_SITE" description:"set same site policy for cookies" choice:"default" choice:"none" choice:"lax" choice:"strict" default:"default"` // nolint
Google AuthGroup `group:"google" namespace:"google" env-namespace:"GOOGLE" description:"Google OAuth"`
Github AuthGroup `group:"github" namespace:"github" env-namespace:"GITHUB" description:"Github OAuth"`
Facebook AuthGroup `group:"facebook" namespace:"facebook" env-namespace:"FACEBOOK" description:"Facebook OAuth"`
Microsoft AuthGroup `group:"microsoft" namespace:"microsoft" env-namespace:"MICROSOFT" description:"Microsoft OAuth"`
Yandex AuthGroup `group:"yandex" namespace:"yandex" env-namespace:"YANDEX" description:"Yandex OAuth"`
Twitter AuthGroup `group:"twitter" namespace:"twitter" env-namespace:"TWITTER" description:"Twitter OAuth"`
Patreon AuthGroup `group:"patreon" namespace:"patreon" env-namespace:"PATREON" description:"Patreon OAuth"`
Telegram bool `long:"telegram" env:"TELEGRAM" description:"Enable Telegram auth (using token from telegram.token)"`
Dev bool `long:"dev" env:"DEV" description:"enable dev (local) oauth2"`
Anonymous bool `long:"anon" env:"ANON" description:"enable anonymous login"`
Email struct {
Enable bool `long:"enable" env:"ENABLE" description:"enable auth via email"`
From string `long:"from" env:"FROM" description:"from email address"`
Subject string `long:"subj" env:"SUBJ" default:"remark42 confirmation" description:"email's subject"`
ContentType string `long:"content-type" env:"CONTENT_TYPE" default:"text/html" description:"content type"`
Host string `long:"host" env:"HOST" description:"[deprecated, use] SMTP host"`
Port int `long:"port" env:"PORT" description:"[deprecated, use --smtp.port] SMTP password"`
SMTPPassword string `long:"passwd" env:"PASSWD" description:"[deprecated, use --smtp.password] SMTP port"`
SMTPUserName string `long:"user" env:"USER" description:"[deprecated, use --smtp.username] enable TLS"`
TLS bool `long:"tls" env:"TLS" description:"[deprecated, use --smtp.tls] SMTP TCP connection timeout"`
TimeOut time.Duration `long:"timeout" env:"TIMEOUT" default:"10s" description:"[deprecated, use --smtp.timeout] SMTP TCP connection timeout"`
MsgTemplate string `long:"template" env:"TEMPLATE" description:"[deprecated] message template file" default:"email_confirmation_login.html.tmpl"`
} `group:"email" namespace:"email" env-namespace:"EMAIL"`
} `group:"auth" namespace:"auth" env-namespace:"AUTH"`
emailMsgTemplatePath string // used only in tests
emailVerificationTemplatePath string // used only in tests
// ImageProxyGroup defines options group for image proxy
type ImageProxyGroup struct {
HTTP2HTTPS bool `long:"http2https" env:"HTTP2HTTPS" description:"enable HTTP->HTTPS proxy"`
CacheExternal bool `long:"cache-external" env:"CACHE_EXTERNAL" description:"enable caching for external images"`
// AuthGroup defines options group for auth params
type AuthGroup struct {
CID string `long:"cid" env:"CID" description:"OAuth client ID"`
CSEC string `long:"csec" env:"CSEC" description:"OAuth client secret"`
// StoreGroup defines options group for store params
type StoreGroup struct {
Type string `long:"type" env:"TYPE" description:"type of storage" choice:"bolt" choice:"rpc" default:"bolt"` // nolint
Bolt struct {
Path string `long:"path" env:"PATH" default:"./var" description:"parent directory for the bolt files"`
Timeout time.Duration `long:"timeout" env:"TIMEOUT" default:"30s" description:"bolt timeout"`
} `group:"bolt" namespace:"bolt" env-namespace:"BOLT"`
RPC RPCGroup `group:"rpc" namespace:"rpc" env-namespace:"RPC"`
// ImageGroup defines options group for store pictures
type ImageGroup struct {
Type string `long:"type" env:"TYPE" description:"type of storage" choice:"fs" choice:"bolt" choice:"rpc" default:"fs"` // nolint
FS struct {
Path string `long:"path" env:"PATH" default:"./var/pictures" description:"images location"`
Staging string `long:"staging" env:"STAGING" default:"./var/pictures.staging" description:"staging location"`
Partitions int `long:"partitions" env:"PARTITIONS" default:"100" description:"partitions (subdirs)"`
} `group:"fs" namespace:"fs" env-namespace:"FS"`
Bolt struct {
File string `long:"file" env:"FILE" default:"./var/pictures.db" description:"images bolt file location"`
} `group:"bolt" namespace:"bolt" env-namespace:"BOLT"`
MaxSize int `long:"max-size" env:"MAX_SIZE" default:"5000000" description:"max size of image file"`
ResizeWidth int `long:"resize-width" env:"RESIZE_WIDTH" default:"2400" description:"width of a resized image"`
ResizeHeight int `long:"resize-height" env:"RESIZE_HEIGHT" default:"900" description:"height of a resized image"`
RPC RPCGroup `group:"rpc" namespace:"rpc" env-namespace:"RPC"`
// AvatarGroup defines options group for avatar params
type AvatarGroup struct {
Type string `long:"type" env:"TYPE" description:"type of avatar storage" choice:"fs" choice:"bolt" choice:"uri" default:"fs"` //nolint
FS struct {
Path string `long:"path" env:"PATH" default:"./var/avatars" description:"avatars location"`
} `group:"fs" namespace:"fs" env-namespace:"FS"`
Bolt struct {
File string `long:"file" env:"FILE" default:"./var/avatars.db" description:"avatars bolt file location"`
} `group:"bolt" namespace:"bolt" env-namespace:"BOLT"`
URI string `long:"uri" env:"URI" default:"./var/avatars" description:"avatars store URI"`
RszLmt int `long:"rsz-lmt" env:"RESIZE" default:"0" description:"max image size for resizing avatars on save"`
// CacheGroup defines options group for cache params
type CacheGroup struct {
Type string `long:"type" env:"TYPE" description:"type of cache" choice:"redis_pub_sub" choice:"mem" choice:"none" default:"mem"` // nolint
RedisAddr string `long:"redis_addr" env:"REDIS_ADDR" default:"" description:"address of Redis PubSub instance, turn redis_pub_sub cache on for distributed cache"`
Max struct {
Items int `long:"items" env:"ITEMS" default:"1000" description:"max cached items"`
Value int `long:"value" env:"VALUE" default:"65536" description:"max size of the cached value"`
Size int64 `long:"size" env:"SIZE" default:"50000000" description:"max size of total cache"`
} `group:"max" namespace:"max" env-namespace:"MAX"`
// AdminGroup defines options group for admin params
type AdminGroup struct {
Type string `long:"type" env:"TYPE" description:"type of admin store" choice:"shared" choice:"rpc" default:"shared"` //nolint
Shared struct {
Admins []string `long:"id" env:"ID" description:"admin(s) ids" env-delim:","`
Email []string `long:"email" env:"EMAIL" description:"admin emails" env-delim:","`
} `group:"shared" namespace:"shared" env-namespace:"SHARED"`
RPC RPCGroup `group:"rpc" namespace:"rpc" env-namespace:"RPC"`
// TelegramGroup defines token for Telegram used in notify and auth modules
type TelegramGroup struct {
Token string `long:"token" env:"TOKEN" description:"telegram token (used for auth and telegram notifications)"`
Timeout time.Duration `long:"timeout" env:"TIMEOUT" default:"5s" description:"telegram timeout"`
// SMTPGroup defines options for SMTP server connection, used in auth and notify modules
type SMTPGroup struct {
Host string `long:"host" env:"HOST" description:"SMTP host"`
Port int `long:"port" env:"PORT" description:"SMTP port"`
Username string `long:"username" env:"USERNAME" description:"SMTP user name"`
Password string `long:"password" env:"PASSWORD" description:"SMTP password"`
TLS bool `long:"tls" env:"TLS" description:"enable TLS"`
StartTLS bool `long:"starttls" env:"STARTTLS" description:"enable StartTLS"`
TimeOut time.Duration `long:"timeout" env:"TIMEOUT" default:"10s" description:"SMTP TCP connection timeout"`
// NotifyGroup defines options for notification
type NotifyGroup struct {
Type []string `long:"type" env:"TYPE" description:"[deprecated, use user and admin types instead] types of notifications" choice:"none" choice:"telegram" choice:"email" choice:"slack" default:"none" env-delim:","` //nolint
Users []string `long:"users" env:"USERS" description:"types of user notifications" choice:"none" choice:"email" choice:"telegram" default:"none" env-delim:","` //nolint
Admins []string `long:"admins" env:"ADMINS" description:"types of admin notifications" choice:"none" choice:"telegram" choice:"email" choice:"slack" choice:"webhook" default:"none" env-delim:","` //nolint
QueueSize int `long:"queue" env:"QUEUE" description:"size of notification queue" default:"100"`
Telegram struct {
Channel string `long:"chan" env:"CHAN" description:"the ID of telegram channel for admin notifications"`
API string `long:"api" env:"API" default:"" description:"[deprecated, not used] telegram api prefix"`
Token string `long:"token" env:"TOKEN" description:"[deprecated, use --telegram.token] telegram token"`
Timeout time.Duration `long:"timeout" env:"TIMEOUT" default:"5s" description:"[deprecated, use --telegram.timeout] telegram timeout"`
} `group:"telegram" namespace:"telegram" env-namespace:"TELEGRAM"`
Email struct {
From string `long:"from_address" env:"FROM" description:"from email address"`
VerificationSubject string `long:"verification_subj" env:"VERIFICATION_SUBJ" description:"verification message subject"`
AdminNotifications bool `long:"notify_admin" env:"ADMIN" description:"[deprecated, use --notify.admins=email] notify admin on new comments via ADMIN_SHARED_EMAIL"`
} `group:"email" namespace:"email" env-namespace:"EMAIL"`
Slack struct {
Token string `long:"token" env:"TOKEN" description:"slack token"`
Channel string `long:"chan" env:"CHAN" description:"slack channel for admin notifications"`
} `group:"slack" namespace:"slack" env-namespace:"SLACK"`
Webhook struct {
URL string `long:"url" env:"URL" description:"webhook URL for admin notifications"`
Template string `long:"template" env:"TEMPLATE" description:"webhook authentication template" default:"{\"text\": \"{{.Text}}\"}"`
Headers []string `long:"headers" description:"webhook authentication headers in format --notify.webhook.headers=Header1:Value1,Value2,... [$NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_HEADERS]"` // env NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_HEADERS split in code bellow to allow , inside ""
Timeout time.Duration `long:"timeout" env:"TIMEOUT" description:"webhook timeout" default:"5s"`
} `group:"webhook" namespace:"webhook" env-namespace:"WEBHOOK"`
// SSLGroup defines options group for server ssl params
type SSLGroup struct {
Type string `long:"type" env:"TYPE" description:"ssl (auto) support" choice:"none" choice:"static" choice:"auto" default:"none"` //nolint
Port int `long:"port" env:"PORT" description:"port number for https server" default:"8443"`
Cert string `long:"cert" env:"CERT" description:"path to the cert.pem file"`
Key string `long:"key" env:"KEY" description:"path to the key.pem file"`
ACMELocation string `long:"acme-location" env:"ACME_LOCATION" description:"dir where certificates will be stored by autocert manager" default:"./var/acme"`
ACMEEmail string `long:"acme-email" env:"ACME_EMAIL" description:"admin email for certificate notifications"`
// RPCGroup defines options for remote modules (plugins)
type RPCGroup struct {
API string `long:"api" env:"API" description:"rpc extension api url"`
TimeOut time.Duration `long:"timeout" env:"TIMEOUT" default:"5s" description:"http timeout"`
AuthUser string `long:"auth_user" env:"AUTH_USER" description:"basic auth user name"`
AuthPassword string `long:"auth_passwd" env:"AUTH_PASSWD" description:"basic auth user password"`
// LoadingCache defines interface for caching
type LoadingCache interface {
Get(key cache.Key, fn func() ([]byte, error)) (data []byte, err error) // load from cache if found or put to cache and return
Flush(req cache.FlusherRequest) // evict matched records
Close() error
// serverApp holds all active objects
type serverApp struct {
restSrv *api.Rest
migratorSrv *api.Migrator
exporter migrator.Exporter
devAuth *provider.DevAuthServer
dataService *service.DataStore
avatarStore avatar.Store
notifyService *notify.Service
imageService *image.Service
authenticator *auth.Service
terminated chan struct{}
authRefreshCache *authRefreshCache // stored only to close it properly on shutdown
// Execute is the entry point for "server" command, called by flag parser
func (s *ServerCommand) Execute(_ []string) error {
log.Printf("[INFO] start server on port %s:%d", s.Address, s.Port)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() { // catch signal and invoke graceful termination
stop := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(stop, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
log.Printf("[WARN] interrupt signal")
app, err := s.newServerApp(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[PANIC] failed to setup application, %+v", err)
return err
if err =; err != nil {
log.Printf("[ERROR] remark terminated with error %+v", err)
return err
log.Printf("[INFO] remark terminated")
return nil
// HandleDeprecatedFlags sets new flags from deprecated returns their list.
// Returned list has DeprecatedFlag.Old and DeprecatedFlag.Version set, and DeprecatedFlag.New is optional
// (as some entries are removed without substitute).
// Also it returns flags found by findDeprecatedFlagsCollisions, with DeprecatedFlag.Collision flag set.
func (s *ServerCommand) HandleDeprecatedFlags() (result []DeprecatedFlag) {
if s.Auth.Email.Host != "" && s.SMTP.Host == "" {
s.SMTP.Host = s.Auth.Email.Host
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "", Version: "1.5"})
if s.Auth.Email.Port != 0 && s.SMTP.Port == 0 {
s.SMTP.Port = s.Auth.Email.Port
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.port", Version: "1.5"})
if s.Auth.Email.TLS && !s.SMTP.TLS {
s.SMTP.TLS = s.Auth.Email.TLS
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.tls", Version: "1.5"})
if s.Auth.Email.SMTPUserName != "" && s.SMTP.Username == "" {
s.SMTP.Username = s.Auth.Email.SMTPUserName
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.username", Version: "1.5"})
if s.Auth.Email.SMTPPassword != "" && s.SMTP.Password == "" {
s.SMTP.Password = s.Auth.Email.SMTPPassword
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.password", Version: "1.5"})
const emailDefaultTimout = 10 * time.Second
if s.Auth.Email.TimeOut != emailDefaultTimout && s.SMTP.TimeOut == emailDefaultTimout {
s.SMTP.TimeOut = s.Auth.Email.TimeOut
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.timeout", Version: "1.5"})
if s.Auth.Email.MsgTemplate != "email_confirmation_login.html.tmpl" {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", Version: "1.5"})
if s.LegacyImageProxy && !s.ImageProxy.HTTP2HTTPS {
s.ImageProxy.HTTP2HTTPS = s.LegacyImageProxy
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "img-proxy", New: "image-proxy.http2https", Version: "1.5"})
if !contains("none", s.Notify.Type) &&
contains("none", s.Notify.Users) &&
contains("none", s.Notify.Admins) { // if new notify param(s) are used, safe to ignore the old one
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "notify.type", New: "notify.(users|admins)", Version: "1.9"})
if s.Notify.Email.AdminNotifications && !contains("email", s.Notify.Admins) {
s.Notify.Admins = append(s.Notify.Admins, "email")
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "notify.admins=email", Version: "1.9"})
if s.Notify.Telegram.Token != "" && s.Telegram.Token == "" {
s.Telegram.Token = s.Notify.Telegram.Token
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "notify.telegram.token", New: "telegram.token", Version: "1.9"})
const telegramDefaultTimeout = time.Second * 5
if s.Notify.Telegram.Timeout != telegramDefaultTimeout && s.Telegram.Timeout == telegramDefaultTimeout {
s.Telegram.Timeout = s.Notify.Telegram.Timeout
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "notify.telegram.timeout", New: "telegram.timeout", Version: "1.9"})
if s.Notify.Telegram.API != "" {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "notify.telegram.api", Version: "1.9"})
return append(result, s.findDeprecatedFlagsCollisions()...)
// findDeprecatedFlagsCollisions returns flags which are set both old (deprecated) and new way,
// which means new ones are used and old ones are ignored by deprecated flag handler.
// It returns DeprecatedFlag list which always has only DeprecatedFlag.Old and DeprecatedFlag.New set,
// and DeprecatedFlag.Collision set to true.
func (s *ServerCommand) findDeprecatedFlagsCollisions() (result []DeprecatedFlag) {
if stringsSetAndDifferent(s.Auth.Email.Host, s.SMTP.Host) {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "", Collision: true})
if s.Auth.Email.Port != 0 && s.SMTP.Port != 0 && s.Auth.Email.Port != s.SMTP.Port {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.port", Collision: true})
if stringsSetAndDifferent(s.Auth.Email.SMTPUserName, s.SMTP.Username) {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.username", Collision: true})
if stringsSetAndDifferent(s.Auth.Email.SMTPPassword, s.SMTP.Password) {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.password", Collision: true})
const emailDefaultTimout = 10 * time.Second
if s.Auth.Email.TimeOut != emailDefaultTimout && s.SMTP.TimeOut != emailDefaultTimout && s.Auth.Email.TimeOut != s.SMTP.TimeOut {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "", New: "smtp.timeout", Collision: true})
if !contains("none", s.Notify.Type) &&
(!contains("none", s.Notify.Users) || !contains("none", s.Notify.Admins)) {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "notify.type", New: "notify.(users|admins)", Collision: true})
if stringsSetAndDifferent(s.Notify.Telegram.Token, s.Telegram.Token) {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "notify.telegram.token", New: "telegram.token", Collision: true})
const telegramDefaultTimeout = time.Second * 5
if s.Notify.Telegram.Timeout != telegramDefaultTimeout && s.Telegram.Timeout != telegramDefaultTimeout && s.Notify.Telegram.Timeout != s.Telegram.Timeout {
result = append(result, DeprecatedFlag{Old: "notify.telegram.timeout", New: "telegram.timeout", Collision: true})
return result
func (s *ServerCommand) handleDeprecatedNotifications() {
for _, t := range s.Notify.Type {
if t == "email" && !contains(t, s.Notify.Users) {
s.Notify.Users = append(s.Notify.Users, t)
if (t == "telegram" || t == "slack") && !contains(t, s.Notify.Admins) {
s.Notify.Admins = append(s.Notify.Admins, t)
func stringsSetAndDifferent(s1, s2 string) bool {
if s1 != "" && s2 != "" && s1 != s2 {
return true
return false
func contains(s string, a []string) bool {
for _, t := range a {
if t == s {
return true
return false
// newServerApp prepares application and return it with all active parts
// doesn't start anything
func (s *ServerCommand) newServerApp(ctx context.Context) (*serverApp, error) {
if err := makeDirs(s.BackupLocation); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create backup store: %w", err)
if !strings.HasPrefix(s.RemarkURL, "http://") && !strings.HasPrefix(s.RemarkURL, "https://") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid remark42 url %s", s.RemarkURL)
log.Printf("[INFO] root url=%s", s.RemarkURL)
storeEngine, err := s.makeDataStore()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make data store engine: %w", err)
adminStore, err := s.makeAdminStore()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make admin store: %w", err)
imageService, err := s.makePicturesStore()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make pictures store: %w", err)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] image service for url=%s, EditDuration=%v", imageService.ImageAPI, imageService.EditDuration)
dataService := &service.DataStore{
Engine: storeEngine,
EditDuration: s.EditDuration,
AdminEdits: s.AdminEdit,
AdminStore: adminStore,
MaxCommentSize: s.MaxCommentSize,
MaxVotes: s.MaxVotes,
PositiveScore: s.PositiveScore,
ImageService: imageService,
TitleExtractor: service.NewTitleExtractor(http.Client{Timeout: time.Second * 5}),
RestrictedWordsMatcher: service.NewRestrictedWordsMatcher(service.StaticRestrictedWordsLister{Words: s.RestrictedWords}),
dataService.RestrictSameIPVotes.Enabled = s.RestrictVoteIP
dataService.RestrictSameIPVotes.Duration = s.DurationVoteIP
loadingCache, err := s.makeCache()
if err != nil {
_ = dataService.Close()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make cache: %w", err)
avatarStore, err := s.makeAvatarStore()
if err != nil {
_ = dataService.Close()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make avatar store: %w", err)
authRefreshCache := newAuthRefreshCache()
authenticator := s.getAuthenticator(dataService, avatarStore, adminStore, authRefreshCache)
telegramAuth := s.makeTelegramAuth(authenticator) // telegram auth requires TelegramAPI listener which is constructed below
telegramService, telegramBotUsername := s.startTelegramAuthAndNotify(ctx, telegramAuth)
err = s.addAuthProviders(authenticator)
if err != nil {
_ = dataService.Close()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make authenticator: %w", err)
exporter := &migrator.Native{DataStore: dataService}
migr := &api.Migrator{
Cache: loadingCache,
NativeImporter: &migrator.Native{DataStore: dataService},
DisqusImporter: &migrator.Disqus{DataStore: dataService},
WordPressImporter: &migrator.WordPress{DataStore: dataService},
CommentoImporter: &migrator.Commento{DataStore: dataService},
NativeExporter: &migrator.Native{DataStore: dataService},
URLMapperMaker: migrator.NewURLMapper,
KeyStore: adminStore,
notifyDestinations, err := s.makeNotifyDestinations(authenticator)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] failed to prepare notify destinations, %s", err)
notifyService := s.makeNotifyService(dataService, notifyDestinations, telegramService)
imgProxy := &proxy.Image{
CacheExternal: s.ImageProxy.CacheExternal,
RoutePath: "/api/v1/img",
RemarkURL: s.RemarkURL,
ImageService: imageService,
emojiFmt := store.CommentConverterFunc(func(text string) string { return text })
if s.EnableEmoji {
emojiFmt = func(text string) string { return emoji.Sprint(text) }
commentFormatter := store.NewCommentFormatter(imgProxy, emojiFmt)
sslConfig, err := s.makeSSLConfig()
if err != nil {
_ = dataService.Close()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to make config of ssl server params: %w", err)
srv := &api.Rest{
Version: s.Revision,
DataService: dataService,
WebRoot: s.WebRoot,
RemarkURL: s.RemarkURL,
ImageProxy: imgProxy,
CommentFormatter: commentFormatter,
Migrator: migr,
ReadOnlyAge: s.ReadOnlyAge,
SharedSecret: s.SharedSecret,
Authenticator: authenticator,
Cache: loadingCache,
NotifyService: notifyService,
TelegramService: telegramService,
SSLConfig: sslConfig,
UpdateLimiter: s.UpdateLimit,
ImageService: imageService,
EmailNotifications: contains("email", s.Notify.Users),
TelegramBotUsername: telegramBotUsername,
EmojiEnabled: s.EnableEmoji,
AnonVote: s.AnonymousVote && s.RestrictVoteIP,
SimpleView: s.SimpleView,
ProxyCORS: s.ProxyCORS,
AllowedAncestors: s.AllowedHosts,
SendJWTHeader: s.Auth.SendJWTHeader,
SubscribersOnly: s.SubscribersOnly,
DisableSignature: s.DisableSignature,
srv.ScoreThresholds.Low, srv.ScoreThresholds.Critical = s.LowScore, s.CriticalScore
var devAuth *provider.DevAuthServer
if s.Auth.Dev {
da, errDevAuth := authenticator.DevAuth()
if errDevAuth != nil {
_ = dataService.Close()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't make dev oauth2 server: %w", errDevAuth)
devAuth = da
return &serverApp{
ServerCommand: s,
restSrv: srv,
migratorSrv: migr,
exporter: exporter,
devAuth: devAuth,
dataService: dataService,
avatarStore: avatarStore,
notifyService: notifyService,
imageService: imageService,
authenticator: authenticator,
terminated: make(chan struct{}),
authRefreshCache: authRefreshCache,
}, nil
// Run all application objects
func (a *serverApp) run(ctx context.Context) error {
if a.AdminPasswd != "" {
log.Printf("[WARN] admin basic auth enabled")
go func() {
// shutdown on context cancellation
log.Print("[INFO] shutdown initiated")
a.activateBackup(ctx) // runs in goroutine for each site
if a.Auth.Dev {
go a.devAuth.Run(ctx) // dev oauth2 server on :8084
// staging images resubmit after restart of the app
if e := a.dataService.ResubmitStagingImages(a.Sites); e != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] failed to resubmit comments with staging images, %s", e)
go a.imageService.Cleanup(ctx) // pictures cleanup for staging images
a.restSrv.Run(a.Address, a.Port)
// shutdown procedures after HTTP server is stopped
if a.devAuth != nil {
if e := a.dataService.Close(); e != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] failed to close data store, %s", e)
if e := a.avatarStore.Close(); e != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] failed to close avatar store, %s", e)
if e := a.restSrv.Cache.Close(); e != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] failed to close rest server cache, %s", e)
if e := a.authRefreshCache.Close(); e != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] failed to close auth authRefreshCache, %s", e)
// call potentially infinite loop with cancellation after a minute as a safeguard
minuteCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancel()
return nil
// Wait for application completion (termination)
func (a *serverApp) Wait() {
// activateBackup runs background backups for each site
func (a *serverApp) activateBackup(ctx context.Context) {
for _, siteID := range a.Sites {
backup := migrator.AutoBackup{
Exporter: a.exporter,
BackupLocation: a.BackupLocation,
SiteID: siteID,
KeepMax: a.MaxBackupFiles,
Duration: 24 * time.Hour,
go backup.Do(ctx)
// makeDataStore creates store for all sites
func (s *ServerCommand) makeDataStore() (result engine.Interface, err error) {
log.Printf("[INFO] make data store, type=%s", s.Store.Type)
switch s.Store.Type {
case "bolt":
if err = makeDirs(s.Store.Bolt.Path); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create bolt store: %w", err)
sites := []engine.BoltSite{}
for _, site := range s.Sites {
sites = append(sites, engine.BoltSite{SiteID: site, FileName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.db", s.Store.Bolt.Path, site)})
result, err = engine.NewBoltDB(bolt.Options{Timeout: s.Store.Bolt.Timeout}, sites...)
case "rpc":
r := &engine.RPC{Client: jrpc.Client{
API: s.Store.RPC.API,
Client: http.Client{Timeout: s.Store.RPC.TimeOut},
AuthUser: s.Store.RPC.AuthUser,
AuthPasswd: s.Store.RPC.AuthPassword,
return r, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported store type %s", s.Store.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't initialize data store: %w", err)
return result, nil
func (s *ServerCommand) makeAvatarStore() (avatar.Store, error) {
log.Printf("[INFO] make avatar store, type=%s", s.Avatar.Type)
switch s.Avatar.Type {
case "fs":
if err := makeDirs(s.Avatar.FS.Path); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create avatar store: %w", err)
return avatar.NewLocalFS(s.Avatar.FS.Path), nil
case "bolt":
if err := makeDirs(path.Dir(s.Avatar.Bolt.File)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create avatar store: %w", err)
return avatar.NewBoltDB(s.Avatar.Bolt.File, bolt.Options{})
case "uri":
return avatar.NewStore(s.Avatar.URI)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported avatar store type %s", s.Avatar.Type)
func (s *ServerCommand) makePicturesStore() (*image.Service, error) {
imageServiceParams := image.ServiceParams{
ImageAPI: s.RemarkURL + "/api/v1/picture/",
ProxyAPI: s.RemarkURL + "/api/v1/img",
EditDuration: s.EditDuration,
MaxSize: s.Image.MaxSize,
MaxHeight: s.Image.ResizeHeight,
MaxWidth: s.Image.ResizeWidth,
switch s.Image.Type {
case "bolt":
boltImageStore, err := image.NewBoltStorage(s.Image.Bolt.File, bolt.Options{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return image.NewService(boltImageStore, imageServiceParams), nil
case "fs":
if err := makeDirs(s.Image.FS.Path); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create pictures store: %w", err)
return image.NewService(&image.FileSystem{
Location: s.Image.FS.Path,
Staging: s.Image.FS.Staging,
Partitions: s.Image.FS.Partitions,
}, imageServiceParams), nil
case "rpc":
return image.NewService(&image.RPC{
Client: jrpc.Client{
API: s.Image.RPC.API,
Client: http.Client{Timeout: s.Image.RPC.TimeOut},
AuthUser: s.Image.RPC.AuthUser,
AuthPasswd: s.Image.RPC.AuthPassword,
}}, imageServiceParams), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported pictures store type %s", s.Image.Type)
func (s *ServerCommand) makeAdminStore() (admin.Store, error) {
log.Printf("[INFO] make admin store, type=%s", s.Admin.Type)
switch s.Admin.Type {
case "shared":
sharedAdminEmail := ""
if len(s.Admin.Shared.Email) == 0 { // no admin email, use admin@domain
if u, err := url.Parse(s.RemarkURL); err == nil {
sharedAdminEmail = "admin@" + u.Host
} else {
sharedAdminEmail = s.Admin.Shared.Email[0]
return admin.NewStaticStore(s.SharedSecret, s.Sites, s.Admin.Shared.Admins, sharedAdminEmail), nil
case "rpc":
r := &admin.RPC{Client: jrpc.Client{
API: s.Admin.RPC.API,
Client: http.Client{Timeout: s.Admin.RPC.TimeOut},
AuthUser: s.Admin.RPC.AuthUser,
AuthPasswd: s.Admin.RPC.AuthPassword,
return r, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported admin store type %s", s.Admin.Type)
func (s *ServerCommand) makeCache() (LoadingCache, error) {
log.Printf("[INFO] make cache, type=%s", s.Cache.Type)
switch s.Cache.Type {
case "redis_pub_sub":
redisPubSub, err := eventbus.NewRedisPubSub(s.Cache.RedisAddr, "remark42-cache")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache backend initialization, redis PubSub initialisation: %w", err)
backend, err := cache.NewLruCache(cache.MaxCacheSize(s.Cache.Max.Size), cache.MaxValSize(s.Cache.Max.Value),
cache.MaxKeys(s.Cache.Max.Items), cache.EventBus(redisPubSub))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache backend initialization: %w", err)
return cache.NewScache(backend), nil
case "mem":
backend, err := cache.NewLruCache(cache.MaxCacheSize(s.Cache.Max.Size), cache.MaxValSize(s.Cache.Max.Value),
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache backend initialization: %w", err)
return cache.NewScache(backend), nil
case "none":
return cache.NewScache(&cache.Nop{}), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported cache type %s", s.Cache.Type)
func (s *ServerCommand) addAuthProviders(authenticator *auth.Service) error {
providersCount := 0
if s.Auth.Telegram {
if s.Auth.Google.CID != "" && s.Auth.Google.CSEC != "" {
authenticator.AddProvider("google", s.Auth.Google.CID, s.Auth.Google.CSEC)
if s.Auth.Github.CID != "" && s.Auth.Github.CSEC != "" {
authenticator.AddProvider("github", s.Auth.Github.CID, s.Auth.Github.CSEC)
if s.Auth.Facebook.CID != "" && s.Auth.Facebook.CSEC != "" {
authenticator.AddProvider("facebook", s.Auth.Facebook.CID, s.Auth.Facebook.CSEC)
if s.Auth.Microsoft.CID != "" && s.Auth.Microsoft.CSEC != "" {
authenticator.AddProvider("microsoft", s.Auth.Microsoft.CID, s.Auth.Microsoft.CSEC)
if s.Auth.Yandex.CID != "" && s.Auth.Yandex.CSEC != "" {
authenticator.AddProvider("yandex", s.Auth.Yandex.CID, s.Auth.Yandex.CSEC)
if s.Auth.Twitter.CID != "" && s.Auth.Twitter.CSEC != "" {
authenticator.AddProvider("twitter", s.Auth.Twitter.CID, s.Auth.Twitter.CSEC)
if s.Auth.Patreon.CID != "" && s.Auth.Patreon.CSEC != "" {
authenticator.AddProvider("patreon", s.Auth.Patreon.CID, s.Auth.Patreon.CSEC)
if s.Auth.Dev {
log.Print("[INFO] dev access enabled")
authenticator.AddProvider("dev", "", "")
if s.Auth.Email.Enable {
params := sender.EmailParams{
Host: s.SMTP.Host,
Port: s.SMTP.Port,
SMTPUserName: s.SMTP.Username,
SMTPPassword: s.SMTP.Password,
TimeOut: s.SMTP.TimeOut,
From: s.Auth.Email.From,
Subject: s.Auth.Email.Subject,
ContentType: s.Auth.Email.ContentType,
sndr := sender.NewEmailClient(params, log.Default())
tmpl, err := templates.Read(s.Auth.Email.MsgTemplate)
if err != nil {
return err
authenticator.AddVerifProvider("email", string(tmpl), sndr)
if s.Auth.Anonymous {
log.Print("[INFO] anonymous access enabled")
var isValidAnonName = regexp.MustCompile(`^[\p{L}\d_ ]+$`).MatchString
authenticator.AddDirectProviderWithUserIDFunc("anonymous", provider.CredCheckerFunc(func(user, _ string) (ok bool, err error) {
// don't allow anon with space prefix or suffix
if strings.HasPrefix(user, " ") || strings.HasSuffix(user, " ") {
log.Printf("[WARN] name %q has space as a suffix or prefix", user)
return false, nil
user = strings.TrimSpace(user)
if len(user) < 3 {
log.Printf("[WARN] name %q is too short, should be at least 3 characters", user)
return false, nil
if len(user) > 64 {
log.Printf("[WARN] name %q is too long, should be up to 64 characters", user)
return false, nil
if !isValidAnonName(user) {
log.Printf("[WARN] name %q should have letters, digits, underscores and spaces only", user)
return false, nil
return true, nil
// Custom user ID generator, used to distinguish anonymous users with the same login
// coming from different IPs
func(user string, r *http.Request) string {
return user + r.RemoteAddr
if providersCount == 0 {
log.Printf("[WARN] no auth providers defined")
return nil
// creates and registers telegram auth, which we need separately from other auth providers
func (s *ServerCommand) makeTelegramAuth(authenticator *auth.Service) providers.TGUpdatesReceiver {
if s.Auth.Telegram {
telegram := &provider.TelegramHandler{
ProviderName: "telegram",
SuccessMsg: "✅ You have successfully authenticated, check the web!",
Telegram: provider.NewTelegramAPI(s.Telegram.Token, &http.Client{Timeout: s.Telegram.Timeout}),
L: log.Default(),
TokenService: authenticator.TokenService(),
AvatarSaver: authenticator.AvatarProxy(),
return telegram
return nil
func (s *ServerCommand) makeNotifyService(dataStore *service.DataStore, destinations []notify.Destination, telegram *notify.Telegram) *notify.Service {
if destinations == nil {
destinations = []notify.Destination{}
// it's possible that telegram notification service was created for auth but should not be used for notifications
if telegram != nil && (contains("telegram", s.Notify.Users) || contains("telegram", s.Notify.Admins)) {
destinations = append(destinations, telegram)
if len(destinations) > 0 {
log.Printf("[INFO] make notify, for users: %s, for admins: %s", s.Notify.Users, s.Notify.Admins)
return notify.NewService(dataStore, s.Notify.QueueSize, destinations...)
return notify.NopService
// constructs list of notify destinations except for telegram, returns empty list in case of error
func (s *ServerCommand) makeNotifyDestinations(authenticator *auth.Service) ([]notify.Destination, error) {
destinations := make([]notify.Destination, 0)
if contains("webhook", s.Notify.Admins) {
webhookHeaders := s.Notify.Webhook.Headers
if len(webhookHeaders) == 0 {
webhookHeaders = splitAtCommas(os.Getenv("NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_HEADERS")) // env value may have comma inside "", parsed separately
whParams := notify.WebhookParams{
URL: s.Notify.Webhook.URL,
Template: s.Notify.Webhook.Template,
Headers: webhookHeaders,
Timeout: time.Second * 5,
webhook, err := notify.NewWebhook(whParams)
if err != nil {
return destinations, fmt.Errorf("failed to create webhook notification destination: %w", err)
destinations = append(destinations, webhook)
if contains("slack", s.Notify.Admins) {
slack := notify.NewSlack(s.Notify.Slack.Token, s.Notify.Slack.Channel)
destinations = append(destinations, slack)
// with logic below admin notifications enable notifications for users on the backend even if they
// are not enabled explicitly, however they won't be visible to the users in the frontend
// because api.Rest.EmailNotifications would be set to false.
if contains("email", s.Notify.Users) || contains("email", s.Notify.Admins) {
emailParams := notify.EmailParams{
MsgTemplatePath: s.emailMsgTemplatePath,
VerificationTemplatePath: s.emailVerificationTemplatePath, From: s.Notify.Email.From,
VerificationSubject: s.Notify.Email.VerificationSubject,
UnsubscribeURL: s.RemarkURL + "/email/unsubscribe.html",
// TODO: uncomment after #560 frontend part is ready and URL is known
// SubscribeURL: s.RemarkURL + "/subscribe.html?token=",
TokenGenFn: func(userID, email, site string) (string, error) {
claims := token.Claims{
Handshake: &token.Handshake{ID: userID + "::" + email},
StandardClaims: jwt.StandardClaims{
Audience: site,
ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(100 * 365 * 24 * time.Hour).Unix(),
NotBefore: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute).Unix(),
Issuer: "remark42",
tkn, err := authenticator.TokenService().Token(claims)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to make unsubscription token: %w", err)
return tkn, nil
if contains("email", s.Notify.Admins) {
emailParams.AdminEmails = s.Admin.Shared.Email
smtpParams := ntf.SMTPParams{
Host: s.SMTP.Host,
Port: s.SMTP.Port,
StartTLS: s.SMTP.StartTLS,
Username: s.SMTP.Username,
Password: s.SMTP.Password,
TimeOut: s.SMTP.TimeOut,
ContentType: "text/html",
Charset: "UTF-8",
emailService, err := notify.NewEmail(emailParams, smtpParams)
if err != nil {
return destinations, fmt.Errorf("failed to create email notification destination: %w", err)
destinations = append(destinations, emailService)
return destinations, nil
// constructs Telegram notify service
func (s *ServerCommand) makeTelegramNotify() (*notify.Telegram, error) {
if contains("telegram", s.Notify.Admins) && s.Notify.Telegram.Channel == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(" must be set for admin notifications to work")
telegramParams := notify.TelegramParams{
AdminChannelID: s.Notify.Telegram.Channel,
UserNotifications: contains("telegram", s.Notify.Users),
Token: s.Telegram.Token,
Timeout: s.Telegram.Timeout,
SuccessMsg: "✅ You have successfully subscribed for notifications, check the web!",
tg, err := notify.NewTelegram(telegramParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create telegram notification destination: %w", err)
return tg, nil
func (s *ServerCommand) makeSSLConfig() (config api.SSLConfig, err error) {
switch s.SSL.Type {
case "none":
config.SSLMode = api.None
case "static":
if s.SSL.Cert == "" {
return config, fmt.Errorf("path to cert.pem is required")
if s.SSL.Key == "" {
return config, fmt.Errorf("path to key.pem is required")
config.SSLMode = api.Static
config.Port = s.SSL.Port
config.Cert = s.SSL.Cert
config.Key = s.SSL.Key
case "auto":
config.SSLMode = api.Auto
config.Port = s.SSL.Port
config.ACMELocation = s.SSL.ACMELocation
if s.SSL.ACMEEmail != "" {
config.ACMEEmail = s.SSL.ACMEEmail
} else if s.Admin.Type == "shared" && len(s.Admin.Shared.Email) != 0 {
config.ACMEEmail = s.Admin.Shared.Email[0]
} else if u, e := url.Parse(s.RemarkURL); e == nil {
config.ACMEEmail = "admin@" + u.Hostname()
return config, err
// getAuthenticator creates new authenticator service, which doesn't have any auth providers enabled
func (s *ServerCommand) getAuthenticator(ds *service.DataStore, avas avatar.Store, admns admin.Store, authRefreshCache *authRefreshCache) *auth.Service {
return auth.NewService(auth.Opts{
URL: strings.TrimSuffix(s.RemarkURL, "/"),
Issuer: "remark42",
TokenDuration: s.Auth.TTL.JWT,
CookieDuration: s.Auth.TTL.Cookie,
SendJWTHeader: s.Auth.SendJWTHeader,
SameSiteCookie: s.parseSameSite(s.Auth.SameSite),
SecureCookies: strings.HasPrefix(s.RemarkURL, "https://"),
SecretReader: token.SecretFunc(func(aud string) (string, error) { // get secret per site
return admns.Key("")
ClaimsUpd: token.ClaimsUpdFunc(func(c token.Claims) token.Claims { // set attributes, on new token or refresh
if c.User == nil {
return c
c.User.SetAdmin(ds.IsAdmin(c.Audience, c.User.ID))
c.User.SetBoolAttr("blocked", ds.IsBlocked(c.Audience, c.User.ID))
var err error
c.User.Email, err = ds.GetUserEmail(c.Audience, c.User.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] can't read email for %s, %v", c.User.ID, err)
// don't allow anonymous and email with admins names
// exclude admin from impersonation detection over email, it prevents a valid admin to login with RestrictedNames
if strings.HasPrefix(c.User.ID, "anonymous_") || (strings.HasPrefix(c.User.ID, "email_") && !c.User.IsAdmin()) {
for _, a := range s.RestrictedNames {
if strings.EqualFold(strings.TrimSpace(c.User.Name), a) {
c.User.SetBoolAttr("blocked", true)
log.Printf("[INFO] blocked %+v, attempt to impersonate (restricted names)", c.User)
return c
AdminPasswd: s.AdminPasswd,
Validator: token.ValidatorFunc(func(token string, claims token.Claims) bool { // check on each auth call (in middleware)
if claims.User == nil {
return false
if claims.User.Audience == "" { // reject empty aud, made with old (pre 0.8.x) version of auth package
return false
return !claims.User.BoolAttr("blocked")
JWTQuery: "jwt", // change default from "token" as it used for deleteme
AvatarStore: avas,
AvatarResizeLimit: s.Avatar.RszLmt,
AvatarRoutePath: "/api/v1/avatar",
Logger: log.Default(),
RefreshCache: authRefreshCache,
UseGravatar: true,
func (s *ServerCommand) parseSameSite(ss string) http.SameSite {
switch strings.ToLower(ss) {
case "default":
return http.SameSiteDefaultMode
case "none":
return http.SameSiteNoneMode
case "lax":
return http.SameSiteLaxMode
case "strict":
return http.SameSiteStrictMode
return http.SameSiteDefaultMode
// startTelegramAuthAndNotify initializes telegram notify and auth Telegram Bot listen loop.
// Does nothing if telegram auth and notifications are disabled.
// Doesn't return telegram bot username if user notifications are disabled, as that is the way frontend knows they are enabled.
func (s *ServerCommand) startTelegramAuthAndNotify(ctx context.Context, telegramAuth providers.TGUpdatesReceiver) (tg *notify.Telegram, telegramBotUsername string) {
if !contains("telegram", s.Notify.Users) && !contains("telegram", s.Notify.Admins) && !s.Auth.Telegram {
return nil, ""
var err error
if tg, err = s.makeTelegramNotify(); err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] failed to make telegram notify service, %s", err)
return nil, ""
if contains("telegram", s.Notify.Users) {
telegramBotUsername = tg.GetBotUsername()
telegramReceivers := []providers.TGUpdatesReceiver{tg}
if telegramAuth != nil {
telegramReceivers = append(telegramReceivers, telegramAuth)
// start bot messages receiver for both notify and auth services
go providers.DispatchTelegramUpdates(ctx, tg, telegramReceivers, time.Second*5)
return tg, telegramBotUsername
// splitAtCommas split s at commas, ignoring commas in strings.
// Eliminate leading and trailing dbl quotes in each element only if both presented
// based on
func splitAtCommas(s string) []string {
cleanup := func(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return s
res := strings.TrimSpace(s)
if res[0] == '"' && res[len(res)-1] == '"' {
res = strings.TrimPrefix(res, `"`)
res = strings.TrimSuffix(res, `"`)
return res
var res []string
var beg int
var inString bool
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == ',' && !inString {
res = append(res, cleanup(s[beg:i]))
beg = i + 1
if s[i] == '"' {
if !inString {
inString = true
} else if i > 0 && s[i-1] != '\\' { // also allow \"
inString = false
res = append(res, cleanup(s[beg:]))
if len(res) == 1 && res[0] == "" {
return []string{}
return res
// authRefreshCache used by authenticator to minimize repeatable token refreshes
type authRefreshCache struct {
func newAuthRefreshCache() *authRefreshCache {
expirableCache, _ := cache.NewExpirableCache(cache.TTL(5 * time.Minute))
return &authRefreshCache{LoadingCache: expirableCache}
// Get implements cache getter with key converted to string
func (c *authRefreshCache) Get(key interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
return c.LoadingCache.Peek(key.(string))
// Set implements cache setter with key converted to string
func (c *authRefreshCache) Set(key, value interface{}) {
_, _ = c.LoadingCache.Get(key.(string), func() (interface{}, error) { return value, nil })