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ab3735 committed Nov 16, 2018
1 parent 384f0e7 commit 2b4285cc541124f75be42f40bffc7755d81e43e8
Showing 1 changed file with 5 additions and 14 deletions.
@@ -84,32 +84,23 @@ Each topic will be marked on partial credit.
## Blog

| Marks | Criteria |
|10 | Appearance and Quality of English. |
| | |
| | (Layout, style, title, ease of navigation, etc.) |
| | |
| | (Good spelling, grammar, appropriate use of language, etc.) |
|20 | Critical Reflection. 5 marks for each post. |
| | To gain all marks you must address all points, show critical reflection and make concrete suggestions for improvement |

## Phonebook


| Marks | Criteria |
|10 |Professional code style. |
|20 |Basic phonebook functionality. |
|20 |Intermediate extensions. 5 marks each. |
|20 |Advanced extensions. 10 marks each. |
| | |
| |You are encouraged to be creative and come up with other ideas. Please check with the module leader whether they would count for these marks.|

# Submission Instructions

@@ -129,13 +120,13 @@ I recommend submitting earlier to avoid computer/Internet glitches. You only nee
3. Find the `121COM-Retake-Assignment` *repository* under the `121COM-1819OCTJAN` organisation.
Fork it (by clicking on the "Fork" button), but *ensure* you keep your forked copy under the `121COM-1819OCTJAN` organisation, and make it **private**.


4. You will have *two* branches:
1) `master`: Use this to for the Phonebook programming (Python).
2) `gh-pages`: Use this for blogging. You can use Markdown syntax to write the content, and customise the look of the pages as you like -- search online for help, or ask the module leader.

![](img\branches.png){ width=50% }

# Warnings

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