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<meta name="author" content="Dan Goldsmith">
<title>New Reveal Testing / Demo</title>
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<div class="slides">
<section id="title-slide">
<h1 class="title">New Reveal Testing / Demo</h1>
<p class="author">Dan Goldsmith</p>
<section id="automatic-animation" class="title-slide slide level1">
<h1>Automatic Animation</h1>
<section id="slide-1" class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>Slide 1</h2>
<div data-id="box" style="height: 50px; background: salmon;">
<section id="slide-2" class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>Slide 2</h2>
<div data-id="box" style="height: 200px; background: blue;">
<section id="what-about-code" class="title-slide slide level1">
<h1>What about Code?</h1>
<section id="this-is-proper-cool"
class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>This Is Proper Cool</h2>
<li>There is also Auto Animation for code</li>
<section id="this-is-proper-cool-1"
class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>This is Proper Cool</h2>
<li>There is also Auto Animation for code</li>
<li>We can now expand our code out with animations</li>
<li>And Step through lines</li>
<section id="this-is-proper-cool-2"
class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>This is Proper Cool</h2>
<li>There is also Auto Animation for code
<li>BUT!! We need to use plain reveal syntax</li>
<li>We can now expand our code out with animations</li>
<li>And Step through lines</li>
<section id="code-example-1" class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>Code Example 1</h2>
<pre data-id="code-animation"><code data-trim data-line-numbers>
let planets = [
{ name: 'mars', diameter: 6779 },
<section id="code-example-2" class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>Code Example 2</h2>
<pre data-id="code-animation"><code data-trim data-line-numbers>
let planets = [
{ name: 'mars', diameter: 6779 },
{ name: 'earth', diameter: 12742 },
{ name: 'jupiter', diameter: 139820 }
<section id="stepping-through-lines" class="slide level2">
<h2>Stepping through Lines</h2>
<pre><code data-line-numbers="3-5|8-10|13-15">
<section id="traditional-markdown-code"
class="title-slide slide level1">
<h1>Traditional Markdown code</h1>
<section id="markdown-still-works" class="slide level2">
<h2>Markdown Still works</h2>
<p>Does this work</p>
<pre class=".python"><code>
def foo(bar):
<section id="explaining-sql-injection" class="title-slide slide level1">
<h1>Explaining SQL Injection</h1>
<section id="sql-injection" class="slide level2">
<h2>SQL Injection</h2>
<li>The user <em>injects</em> new SQL into the query</li>
<li>Can trick the SQL engine into executing the statement</li>
<section id="our-example-query" class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>Our Example Query</h2>
<pre data-id="code-animation-php"><code data-trim data-line-numbers>
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = "dan";
<section id="what-about-in-php" class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>What about in PHP</h2>
<pre data-id="code-animation-php"><code data-trim data-line-numbers>
$qry = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = "$input";'
<section id="what-about-in-php-1"
class="slide level2 " data-auto-animate>
<h2 class="" data-auto-animate>What about in PHP</h2>
<pre data-id="code-animation-php"><code data-trim data-line-numbers>
$input = 'dan';
$qry = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = "$input";'
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