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"python.pythonPath": "c:\\Users\\dang\\Documents\\GitHub\\245CT\\env\\Scripts\\python.exe"
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ email: ''
## Course Team
- Dan Goldsmith (
- James Shuttleworth (
- Adam Barns

## About Dan

@@ -102,5 +103,5 @@ email: ''
## Report

- One Coursework Element
- Due at the end of the Module (10th April 2020)
- Due at the end of the Module (8th April 2021)
- Report on Cyber Security threats to a fictional Organisation
BIN +78.3 KB Aula-Slides/Mary.png
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
title: "Lab 1: Is the Threat Real"

# Introduction
## Introduction
This week we have had a look at cyber security in general, and
examined some of the threats to our computer systems and data.

In this lab we are going to take a closer look at these factors.

## Pre Task (Introductions)

- Group Task
- Random Group allocation, (hopefully, through breakout rooms)
- No bearing on the coursework etc.

# Main Tasks
## Introduction

In your groups research and discuss each topic.

- Find Examples of the problem
- Research figures to support your views

At the end of each session, be prepared for a short (<5 Mins)
presentation on your findings.

## How to Present

- No Right or Wrong Ideas.
- You have a whiteboard,
- Text, Images, Hand Drawn.

## Task 1: What is Cyber?

![Could be In Cyber](images/../image/fatima.png)

## Task 1:

- First let get your views on what "Cyber" is?
- What does it mean ?
- What do "Cyber" people do?
- What kind of things might be important?
- What do "Normal" people have to worry about.

## Task 2: (30 Mins)

In this weeks articles we introduced the OWASP Top 10.
In your Groups:

- What as a group did you find the most interesting Vulnerability.
- What examples of real world instances of these Vulnerabilities can you think of?

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
title: "Open Source Intelligence"
subtitle: "A152CEM"

# Introduction

## Session Plan

1. Discuss Topics
2. Activity
3. Break
4. GOTO 1

# What data is Online?

## Introduction

This week we are having a look at OS-Int, Also known as Open
Source Intelligence.

In this lab we are going to take a closer look at tools and techniques that are
used to gather information freely and legally available on the internet

## Pre Task

- Companies can judge you for the data that you leave freely available online.
- Data you leave freely available online could also in extreme cases be used
against you.
- This task can be done solo or in groups, you often find more by talking to
your peers.

## Tasks

In your groups or on your own, use OSInt techniques to investigate
yourself and see what you can find.

At the end of each session, be prepared for a short (<5 Mins)
presentation on your findings in your groups. . . Avoid oversharing.

## Tasks

- Be respectful of peoples privacy next to you
- Share techniques to try and find out as much as you can that’s online about you
- Consider ways you could get sensitive information removed/taken down from sites

## Demo Time:


## Task 1: (60 Mins)

In your Groups/solo:

- Investigate yourselves using open source intelligence and see what kinds of data you can see
- See how far you can go, can you only using the data you’ve collected find your house for instance
- Think of the ways in which you can stop this information from being leaked
- Can it be taken off the sites?

## Task 2: (30 Mins)

- What data did you find?
- Many different social media profiles, Location information, Phone numbers?
- What do you think you can do to prevent this data from being open source?
- Can you limit the data that is collected about you?
- In future, what steps might you take to change your online habits?
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
title: Week 3. Gone Phishing

# Introduction

## Question

- So What is Phishing?
- Where does it happen?

## Your examples:

- Do you have any recent examples of Phishing attempts

## Where does Phishing Happen ?

- Slide Thing

## Where does Phishing Happen ?

- Email
- Phone Calls
- Text Message
- Social Media
- Dodgy Applications
- The Bloke in the Pub

## Tips to Spot Phishing ?

- Slide Thing

# Tasks:

## Task 1:
Complete the Phishing Quiz at:


## Task 1a:

Take a note of the examples in the quizzes:

- What "traits" to phishing emails have
- What about Phishing Websites
- How can we use these to spot possible Phishing attempts

## Task 2:

OS Int and Google hacking.

Our Target:


## Task 2a:

- Who do they work for?
- What social media profiles do they have?
- What hobbies and interests do they have?
- How could we use this to plan a Phishing attack.

## Task 2b:

Using the information gathered, design a phishing email

- Who is the Sender
- What is the Topic
- What is the Content.

## Task 2c:

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Script to convert markdown file to word document
Convertes a markdown file into an word document using pandoc as converter. The process uses a word template file
Specifies the input file. This is the markdown file
Specifies the output file. This is the word document
specifies the name of the word template used to convert the markdown file to a word document
C:\PS> ./build.ps1 -i -o myfile.docx -t mytemplate.docx
Example that converts the file
Author: Oliver Graf
Date: November 19, 2016
HTML_PANDOC_OPTIONS = -t revealjs -V revealjs-url=$(REVEAL_URL) -V
theme=$(REVEAL_THEME) --template newReveal.html --standalone

[String]$theme = "night",
[string]$template = " C:\Users\dang\Documents\GitHub\245CT\slides\revealTemplate.html",
[string]$revealURL = ""


Write-Host ("Processing file {0} with template {1} and convert to {2}" -f $i, $t, $o)
pandoc --standalone -t revealjs -V theme=$theme -V revealjs-url=$revealURL --template $template $i -o $o

# We can do the SED equivilent

(Get-Content $o).replace('data-auto-animate"', '" data-auto-animate') | Set-Content $o
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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