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James Brusey committed Mar 30, 2022
1 parent 97296a8 commit d932030085efb04e0445ebed78caac752120303e
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#+title: Example research paper written with org mode
#+author: James Brusey
#+options: toc:nil
#+property: header-args:ipython :session eg-sess :results output raw drawer :exports results
#+property: header-args:jupyter-python :session eg-sess :results output raw drawer :exports results
#+latex_class: IEEEtran
#+latex_header: \input{header}
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The introduction should not just repeat the abstract but should properly introdu
Towards the end of the introduction, there should be a statement about what the contribution of the paper.
In computer science these days, it is common to use a bullet pointed list with forward references to sections where that contribution can be found.
* Related work
When it comes to citing references, org-ref is pretty cool. For example, I can cite a work [[cite:&kitchinExamplesEffectiveData2015]], and this will then show up in the references [[cite:&wilkinsModellingUncontrolledSolar2018]].
When it comes to citing references, org-ref is pretty cool. For example, I can cite a work [[cite:&kitchinExamplesEffectiveData2015]], and this will then show up in the references [[cite:&wilkinsModellingUncontrolledSolar2018]].
* Methods and materials
In the method section, you might have a diagram.

@@ -37,7 +37,17 @@ While you can manually enter tables in org-mode, such as in autoref:table1.

A similar table can be produced using code, as in autoref:table2.

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython
#+begin_src shell :results raw drawer
echo "hello"


#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :results raw drawer
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tabulate
@@ -54,18 +64,17 @@ print(

: #+caption: This table was produced from the all.csv data-set. label:table2
: #+attr_latex: :align lSS
: | Class | \protect{mean} | \protect{std} |
: |---------+------------------+-----------------|
: | a | 4.3 | 3.16394 |
: | b | -0.114247 | 1.00812 |
: | c | 4.72661 | 3.85745 |

#+caption: This table was produced from the all.csv data-set. label:table2
#+attr_latex: :align lSS
| Class | \protect{mean} | \protect{std} |
| a | 4.3 | 3.16394 |
| b | -0.114247 | 1.00812 |
| c | 4.72661 | 3.85745 |

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython
#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
@@ -74,18 +83,10 @@ df = pd.read_csv("../all.csv")
plt.plot(df['a'], df['b'], '.')


# Out [2]:
# text/plain
: <Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>

# image/png

* Conclusions
@@ -95,26 +96,16 @@ bibliography:~/Documents/zotero-export.bib
* Needed for adding IEEEtran class :noexport:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results silent
(add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
("\\section\{%s\}" . "\\section*\{%s\}")
("\\subsection\{%s\}" . "\\subsection*\{%s\}")
("\\subsubsection\{%s\}" . "\\subsubsection*\{%s\}")
("\\paragraph\{%s\}" . "\\paragraph*\{%s\}")


| IEEEtran | \documentclass[10pt]{IEEEtran} | (\section{%s} . \section*{%s}) | (\subsection{%s} . \subsection*{%s}) | (\subsubsection{%s} . \subsubsection*{%s}) | (\paragraph{%s} . \paragraph*{%s}) | |
| scrartcl | \documentclass[10pt]{scrartcl} | (\section{%s} . \section*{%s}) | (\subsection{%s} . \subsection*{%s}) | (\subsubsection{%s} . \subsubsection*{%s}) | (\paragraph{%s} . \paragraph*{%s}) | |
| scrreprt | \documentclass[10pt,DIV=11]{scrreprt} | (\chapter{%s} . \chapter*{%s}) | (\section{%s} . \section*{%s}) | (\subsection{%s} . \subsection*{%s}) | (\subsubsection{%s} . \subsubsection*{%s}) | (\paragraph{%s} . \paragraph*{%s}) |
| beamer | \documentclass[presentation]{beamer} | (\section{%s} . \section*{%s}) | (\subsection{%s} . \subsection*{%s}) | (\subsubsection{%s} . \subsubsection*{%s}) | | |
| default-koma-letter | \documentclass[11pt]{scrlttr2} | | | | | |
| article | \documentclass[11pt]{article} | (\section{%s} . \section*{%s}) | (\subsection{%s} . \subsection*{%s}) | (\subsubsection{%s} . \subsubsection*{%s}) | (\paragraph{%s} . \paragraph*{%s}) | (\subparagraph{%s} . \subparagraph*{%s}) |
| report | \documentclass[11pt]{report} | (\part{%s} . \part*{%s}) | (\chapter{%s} . \chapter*{%s}) | (\section{%s} . \section*{%s}) | (\subsection{%s} . \subsection*{%s}) | (\subsubsection{%s} . \subsubsection*{%s}) |
| book | \documentclass[11pt]{book} | (\part{%s} . \part*{%s}) | (\chapter{%s} . \chapter*{%s}) | (\section{%s} . \section*{%s}) | (\subsection{%s} . \subsection*{%s}) | (\subsubsection{%s} . \subsubsection*{%s}) |

Binary file not shown.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ There are few incentives to publish *better* papers
+ Penalties for negligence, bias, and fraud are minor even if offenders are found out

#+attr_latex: :height 3cm
#+attr_latex: :height 3cm

* Our institutions are implicated
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ These ideas are focused on the /analysis/ rather than the experimental work itse
- but why were they using Excel?
+ An analysis of genomics research shows that many studies have fallen prey to MARCH1 gene being altered by autocorrect in Excel
+ There are many reasons why you should not use Word but the number one reason is that it will stop you from automating parts of your research---you will tend to be relying on cutting and pasting in figures and tables rather than auto-generating them. /Convert away before it is too late./

* Use the command line and GNU Make
+ Analysis ends up having several steps
- combining multiple data-sets into one
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ These ideas are focused on the /analysis/ rather than the experimental work itse
- summarising data to produce a table
- producing a graph

* Method for using Make
* Method for using Make
+ Each step should be performed with a command or script (e.g., gnuplot)
+ Form multiple steps into a pipeline with GNU Make
+ Alongside much on-line sources, also see Data Science at the Command Line
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ These ideas are focused on the /analysis/ rather than the experimental work itse
* Example---generating data
For example, say we have a script to generate some data =a.csv=, =b.csv=, =c.csv= called

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :exports code
#+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

@@ -75,12 +75,9 @@ df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(5, 3, size=SZ), columns=["value"])
df.to_csv("c.csv", index=False)

* Example---combine data
We might then have another script to combine them.
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython
#+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

@@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ df.to_csv("all.csv", index=False)
* Example---table
We can produce a table using python tabulate in a script called
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython
#+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tabulate
@@ -112,13 +109,10 @@ with open("result.tex", "w") as f:


* Example---graph
Finally, we might use to plot =a= versus =b= (ok, this is not a very meaningful graph!)
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython
#+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -127,15 +121,12 @@ df.plot(x="a", y="b", kind="scatter")

#+attr_latex: :height 3cm

* Example---LaTeX doc
Naturally, we need a LaTeX document:
#+BEGIN_SRC latex :exports code :file article.tex
#+BEGIN_SRC latex :exports code :tangle article.tex
@@ -154,36 +145,33 @@ Blah blah blah.

#+begin_export latex
* Example---Makefile
Finally, we tie everything together with a =Makefile=
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile :tangle Makefile
article.pdf: article.tex result.tex graph.png
pdflatex article.tex
pdflatex article.tex

graph.png: all.csv

result.tex: all.csv

all.csv: a.csv b.csv c.csv


* Using RStudio
+ RStudio allows you to put all the steps into a notebook form
+ The result can be exported to a LaTeX document
+ Best for R but difficult to format for a paper
+ A great resource for R and the tidyverse is R for Data Science
+ You can also use Pandoc separately from RStudio
* RStudio example :noexport:
* RStudio example :noexport:
* RStudio example
#+include: rs/rs-eg.Rmd src markdown
@@ -209,7 +197,7 @@ a.csv:
("\\subsection\{%s\}" . "\\subsection*\{%s\}")
("\\subsubsection\{%s\}" . "\\subsubsection*\{%s\}")
("\\paragraph\{%s\}" . "\\paragraph*\{%s\}")

* Formatting numbers
@@ -221,7 +209,9 @@ a.csv:
2. John Kitchin has a nice article on embedding data into PDFs. [[cite:&kitchinExamplesEffectiveData2015]]
3. He also has a youtube describing org mode for research


* build :noexport:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.

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