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<title>Enabling Supervision</title>
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<section id="sec-title-slide"><h1 class="title">Enabling Supervision</h1><p class="subtitle">A two way process</p>
<h2 class="author">James Brusey</h2><h2 class="date">5 March 2024</h2>
<section id="sec-table-of-contents"><div id="table-of-contents" role="doc-toc">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<div id="text-table-of-contents" role="doc-toc">
<li><a href="#/slide-orgba1341a">Set ground rules at the start</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-orgde08a5c">How to run a meeting (advice for student)</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-org8ee13cc">Project management</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-orgc008475">Match your approach to the student</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-org0e2b166">Engender self-respect and ownership</a></li>
<li><a href="#/slide-org93a9fa3">Conclusion</a></li>
<section id="slide-orgba1341a">
<h2 id="orgba1341a">Set ground rules at the start</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-orgba1341a">
<section id="slide-org623a14f">
<h3 id="org623a14f">Ground rules for you</h3>
<li>Meet regularly</li>
<li>Public praise, private criticism</li>
<li>Rapid turnaround for drafts</li>
<li>Be part of the team, not just the boss</li>
<li>Allow recording</li>
<section id="slide-orgd7d0399">
<h3 id="orgd7d0399">Ground rules for the student</h3>
<li>Organise, run meetings, write minutes</li>
<li>Criticise supervisor privately first</li>
<li>Rapid turnaround for drafts</li>
<li>Show up (like a normal job)</li>
<li>Take ownership of the PhD</li>
<li>Understand and obey the Vancouver protocol</li>
<li>Understand and avoid plagiarism</li>
<li>Learn the tools</li>
<li>Backup your work</li>
<li>Yes - you can buy stuff</li>
<li>Be part of the team</li>
<section id="slide-org4a44717">
<h3 id="org4a44717">Here is the ground rules document that I use</h3>
<a href=""></a>
<section id="slide-orgde08a5c">
<h2 id="orgde08a5c">How to run a meeting (advice for student)</h2>
<li>Send documents in advance</li>
<li>Don't expect technical feedback on something just presented in the meeting</li>
<li>If you get feedback, act, and show that you acted</li>
<li>If there is nothing to discuss, don't take an hour</li>
<li>Write minutes on the same day</li>
<section id="slide-org5f500dc">
<h3 id="org5f500dc">Possible agenda</h3>
<li>Review previous minutes, including plan</li>
<li>What you actually did</li>
<li>Issues, problems</li>
<li>Plan for next period</li>
<section id="slide-org6886bcb">
<h3 id="org6886bcb">Why the supervisor needs an agenda</h3>
<div id="orge819705" class="figure">
<p><img src="" alt="phd080905s.gif" />
<section id="slide-org8ee13cc">
<h2 id="org8ee13cc">Project management</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-org8ee13cc">
<section id="slide-orgc5e3283">
<h3 id="orgc5e3283">Use a gantt chart, right?</h3>
<div id="org2f10a00" class="figure">
<p><img src="example_gantt_chart.png" alt="example_gantt_chart.png" />
#+comment <img src="" alt="8985882aeb1d44495e6196fad9689142.jpg" />
<section id="slide-org101ac51">
<h3 id="org101ac51">Wrong!</h3>
<li>To produce a nice looking gantt chart, you'll need hours with project management software (or a spreadsheet)</li>
<li>Everyone uses different software anyway</li>
<li>Either too high-level or too low-level</li>
<li>Too hard to update (so it won't be updated!)</li>
<li>It doesn't necessarily keep your project on track</li>
<li>Research is lumpy
<li>hard to estimate how long something will take</li>
<li>new tasks appear frequently</li>
<section id="slide-org718be1d">
<h3 id="org718be1d">Alternative &#x2013; use Scrum</h3>
<li>Scrum is designed about a <i>product backlog</i> or list of features</li>
<li>A backlog is not about doing things <i>on time</i> but more about <i>rate of progress</i></li>
<li>Supervisor and student agree on a <i>priority order</i> for the backlog</li>
<li>Group features into a sprint (these 3 items will be done by the next meeting)</li>
<section id="slide-org01babcc">
<h3 id="org01babcc">Example backlog</h3>
<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
<col class="org-left" />
<th scope="col" class="org-left">Feature</th>
<td class="org-left">Lit review on thermal comfort</td>
<td class="org-left">Clean data</td>
<td class="org-left">Try linear regression</td>
<td class="org-left">Try Neural network</td>
<td class="org-left">&#x2026;</td>
<section id="slide-org2717124">
<h3 id="org2717124">Can also add a difficulty estimate (story points)</h3>
<table border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="groups" frame="hsides">
<col class="org-left" />
<col class="org-right" />
<th scope="col" class="org-left">Feature</th>
<th scope="col" class="org-right">Points</th>
<td class="org-left">Lit review on thermal comfort</td>
<td class="org-right">100</td>
<td class="org-left">Clean data</td>
<td class="org-right">50</td>
<td class="org-left">Try linear regression</td>
<td class="org-right">20</td>
<td class="org-left">Try Neural network</td>
<td class="org-right">20</td>
<td class="org-left">&#x2026;</td>
<td class="org-right">&#xa0;</td>
<section id="slide-orgaa21fd8">
<h3 id="orgaa21fd8">Burn chart</h3>
<div id="org57593e1" class="figure">
<p><img src="burn.png" alt="burn.png" />
<section id="slide-org43b3c9a">
<h3 id="org43b3c9a">Also consider word count trackers</h3>
<li>e.g., <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></li>
<li>For an overview <a href=""></a></li>
<section id="slide-orgc008475">
<h2 id="orgc008475">Match your approach to the student</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-orgc008475">
<section id="slide-org2e247ca">
<h3 id="org2e247ca">Give flexibility to stronger students</h3>
<li>They get to choose the topic more</li>
<li>Meet when they have a result</li>
<li>Meeting agenda flexes to what they think is most important</li>
<li>Attendance not as important as progress</li>
<section id="slide-org7d10c80">
<h3 id="org7d10c80">Give discipline to weaker ones</h3>
<li>10am latest starting time</li>
<li>Always review with them the previous minutes to pick up what they are avoiding</li>
<li>Bring them back to the agenda when they go off on a tangent</li>
<li>Give them a topic that you know will work and produce a viable thesis</li>
<li>Keep in mind:
<li>you are not punishing for poor performance - just adjusting your style to their needs</li>
<section id="slide-org0e2b166">
<h2 id="org0e2b166">Engender self-respect and ownership</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-org0e2b166">
<section id="slide-orgb1e3cc7">
<h3 id="orgb1e3cc7">Good students care about every aspect of the quality of their work</h3>
<li>Software should have unit-tests</li>
<li>Experiments should be reproducible</li>
<li>Outputs, graphs, tables well-proportioned, graceful, aesthetically pleasing, informative</li>
<li>Written work should be readable by a lay audience</li>
<section id="slide-orgee7d5e8">
<h3 id="orgee7d5e8">How do we get there?</h3>
<li>Have high standards and diligently point out issues</li>
<li>Make sure it is not just about the supervisor - enable other feedback too
<li>journal / conference reviewers</li>
<li>wider community (e.g., stackoverflow, open source developers)</li>
<li>personal reward systems (e.g., chocolate 😋)</li>
<li>Show them great examples</li>
<li>Also see <i>Writing for Computer Science</i> (Zobel)</li>
<section id="slide-org93a9fa3">
<h2 id="org93a9fa3">Conclusion</h2>
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