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185 lines (137 sloc) 6.88 KB
<title>VNC Server Startup</title>
<script language="VBScript">
Dim dtmStartTime
Sub window_onload
window.resizeTo 400,600
strUser = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
document.getElementById(2).Value = strUser
squeue.location.href = "" & strUser
End Sub
Sub sleep (Timesec)
Set objwsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objwsh.Run "Timeout /T " & Timesec & " /nobreak" ,0 ,true
Set objwsh = Nothing
End Sub
function toggle
End function
function toggle1
document.getElementById("numnodes").disabled=Not document.getElementById("few").checked
End function
function toggle3
document.getElementById("nodename").disabled=Not document.getElementById("particular").checked
End function
function reload
location.reload True
End function
Sub Submit
Dim WshShell, objCmdExec
Dim strCmdTool, strCmdArgs
Dim strCmdOutput
strUser = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
document.getElementById("squeue").src = "" & document.getElementById(2).Value
document.getElementById(1).disabled = true
document.getElementById(1).Value = "Please Wait!"
FullName = replace(vncpluto.commandLine,chr(34),"")
FileName = arrFN(ubound(arrFN))
if document.getElementById("checkbox").checked = true then
nnodes="-N 1 --exclusive"
nnodes="-N 1 --ntasks-per-node " & cpus.Value
end if
if constraint.Value <> "" then
feature=" -p " & constraint.Value
end if
if document.getElementById("few").checked = true then
if document.getElementById("checkbox").checked = true then
nnodes="-N " & numnodes.Value & " --exclusive"
nnodes="-N " & numnodes.Value & " --ntasks-per-node " & cpus.Value
end if
end if
if (document.getElementById("particular").checked) And (nodename.Value <> "") then
nodesnames=" -w " & nodename.Value
end if
nLow = 51
nHigh = 99
myport=Int((nHigh - nLow + 1) * Rnd + nLow)
state_cmd="squeue -j $JOBID -o %t -h"
'cmd=SourceDir & "..\tools\plink.exe -t -ssh " & middleman & " -l " & login.Value & " -pw " & pass.Value & " " & chr(34) & "rm -fr ~/.cache/sessions; echo xfce4-session > ~/.vnc/xstartup; chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup; rm -f ~/vnc.log; J=$(sbatch " & nnodes & feature & nodesnames & " -t " & runtime.Value & ":00:00 /share/apps/slurm/vnc.slurm); JOBID=$(grep -o " & chr(34) & "[0-9]" & chr(34) & " <<< $J | tr -d " & chr(39) & "\n" & chr(39) & "); echo Your VNC Job $JOBID is submitted to the queue... you will be connected when the job will be RUNNING; echo ; squeue -u " & login.Value & " -j $JOBID; while [[ " & chr(34) & "$STATE" & chr(34) & " != " & chr(34) & "R" & chr(34) & " ]] ; do STATE=$(" & state_cmd & "); sleep 2; done; echo ; echo Your job seems now RUNNING! Let us check again...; echo ; echo ; squeue -j $JOBID; cat ~/vnc.log; echo ; echo Note above the Target Node for your VNC Session. If you requested more than ONE node, you need to connect to the FIRST node in the above node list.; echo ; echo Press Enter to close this window and continue...; read a" & chr(34)
cmd="..\tools\plink.exe -t -ssh " & middleman & " -l " & login.Value & " -pw " & pass.Value & " " & chr(34) & "rm -fr ~/.cache/sessions; echo xfce4-session > ~/.vnc/xstartup; chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup; rm -f ~/vnc.log; J=$(sbatch " & nnodes & feature & nodesnames & " -t " & runtime.Value & ":00:00 /share/apps/slurm/vnc.slurm); JOBID=$(grep -o " & chr(34) & "[0-9]" & chr(34) & " <<< $J | tr -d " & chr(39) & "\n" & chr(39) & "); echo Your VNC Job $JOBID is submitted to the queue... you will be connected when the job will be RUNNING; echo ; squeue -u " & login.Value & " -j $JOBID; while [[ " & chr(34) & "$STATE" & chr(34) & " != " & chr(34) & "R" & chr(34) & " ]] ; do STATE=$(" & state_cmd & "); sleep 2; done; echo ; echo Your job seems now RUNNING! Let us check again...; echo ; echo ; squeue -j $JOBID; cat ~/vnc.log; echo ; echo Note above the Target Node for your VNC Session. If you requested more than ONE node, you need to connect to the FIRST node in the above node list.; echo ; echo Press Enter to close this window and continue...; read a" & chr(34)
'Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(outFile,True)
'objFile.Write cmd
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run cmd,1,true
'msgbox("%windir%\system32\mshta.exe " & chr(34) & SourceDir & "02_START_tunnel_to_pluto_nodes.hta" & chr(34))
objShell.Exec("%windir%\system32\mshta.exe " & chr(34) & SourceDir & "02_START_tunnel_to_pluto_nodes.hta" & chr(34))
'objShell.Exec("%windir%\system32\mshta.exe 02_START_tunnel_to_pluto_nodes.hta")
End Sub
<body style="margin-left:1px;margin-right:1px;">
<center><h3>Pluto Node VNC Session Startup</h3></center>
<br />
<table border=0>
<td>Input Your HPC Username: </td><td> <input type="text" id=2 name="login" size="10"></td>
<td>Input Your HPC Password: </td><td> <input type="password" name="pass" size="10"></td>
<td>Time Limit for the VNC Session: </td><td> <input type="text" name="runtime" size="5" value=24> hours</td>
<td>I want the whole compute node: </td><td> <input onClick="toggle()" type="checkbox" id="checkbox" name="whole" checked> <br /></td>
<td>I need &gt;1 compute nodes: <input onClick="toggle1()" type="checkbox" id="few" name="few" unchecked> <br /></td><td><input type="text" id="numnodes" name="numnodes" size="3" disabled value=2> nodes</td>
<td>I want only: </td><td> <input type="text" id="cpus" name="cpus" value=1 size="5" disabled> CPU/node </td>
<td>Constraint needed? </td><td>
<select name="constraint">
<option value="">no, any node is fine</option>
<option value="gpu">GPU</option>
<option value="long">long (max 5 days)</option>
<td>I want a particular node <input onClick="toggle3()" type="checkbox" id="particular" name="particular" unchecked>, named: </td><td> <input type="text" id="nodename" name="nodename" size="10" disabled></td>
<br />
<input id=1 class="button" type="button" name="btnSubmit" value="Start VNC" onClick="Submit">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input id=100 class="button" type="button" name="reload" value="Reset" onClick="reload()">
</br><br />
<iframe id="squeue" name="squeue" width=400 height=200></iframe>
<font size=-2>Programmed by: Alex Pedcenko <a href=""></a> </font></footer>