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Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing
\usepackage{helvet} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \renewcommand{\seriesdefault}{c} \setlength\parindent{24pt} \usepackage{tabularx}
\makeatletter \renewcommand{\maketitle}{\bgroup\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{center} \hrule \vfill \textbf{\Huge {{course_title}} } \\ \vspace{2em} \textbf{\Large UNDERGRADUATE COURSE HANDBOOK {{years}} } \\ \vfill \textbf{\large \@title} \\ \vspace{2em} \textbf{\large School of {{school}} } \\ \vfill \hrule \end{center}\egroup } \makeatother
\setlength{\parskip}{1em} \setlength{\parindent}{0em}
\usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \rhead{ {{- award}} {{course_title -}} } \lhead{Course Handbook} \rfoot{Page \thepage}

\thispagestyle{empty} \clearpage \tableofcontents \pagenumbering{roman} \clearpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1}

Welcome from the Course Director

We would like to welcome all new and returning students to the School of {{school}} at Coventry University. We hope that the coming year is enjoyable and productive for you all. The aim of this course handbook is to provide you with as much of the information as possible that you will need over the course of your studies. Whenever you have a course query, the first place you should look is in this handbook.

You will already have received a Faculty Student Handbook electronically when you completed your online enrolment, you can access this handbook via your Course Community in Aula or on the Student Portal. Please pay particular attention to that document as it outlines important University regulations that apply to all students.

If there is anything in this handbook that you do not understand or if you are unable to find the answer to your query, you should contact a member of staff. The section entitled 'Getting Help' will indicate who the most appropriate person to contact is.

We wish you every success in your studies.


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ {% for author in authors %}X{% endfor %} }

{% for author in authors -%} \textbf{ {{- -}} } {% if not loop.last %} & {% endif %} {% endfor %} \

{% for author in authors -%} {{author.role}} {% if not loop.last %} & {% endif %} {% endfor %} \


Studying {{course}} at Coventry University


Educational Aims of the Programme

The information in this section has been extracted from the Course Specification Document - the full document is available here:


Module Requirements

Level 4

You are required to study the following modules at level 4:

\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Module Code} & \textbf{Module Title} \ \hline \hline {% for m in l4modules -%} {{ m.code }} & {{ m.title }} \ \hline {%- endfor %} \end{tabular} \end{center}

Level 5

You are required to study the following modules at level 5:

\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Module Code} & \textbf{Module Title} \ \hline \hline {% for m in l5modules -%} {{ m.code }} & {{ m.title }} \ \hline {%- endfor %} \end{tabular} \end{center}

Level 6

You are required to study the following modules at level 6:

\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Module Code} & \textbf{Module Title} \ \hline \hline {% for m in l6modules -%} {{ m.code }} & {{ m.title }} \ \hline {%- endfor %} \end{tabular} \end{center}

{% if l7modules %}

Level 7

Should you be studying with us at level 7, you will be required to study and pass the following modules:

\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Module Code} & \textbf{Module Title} \ \hline \hline {% for m in l7modules -%} {{ m.code }} & {{ m.title }} \ \hline {%- endfor %} \end{tabular} \end{center}

{% endif %}

Add+Vantage Modules

The Add+Vantage scheme offers an extensive range of carefully selected and structured modules to help develop employability skills and competencies at levels 4, 5 and 6. You need to choose the modules in which you are interested and each module is incorporated within, and designed to complement, your academic programme. During each year of your programme you have to take and pass at least one Add+vantage module (worth 10 credits). Further information is available here.

Course Requirements

The course covers a range of topics and provides opportunities to learn, develop and demonstrate ability in many areas. Graduates will be expected to demonstrate the following:

{% for clo in clos %}

  • {{ clo }} {%- endfor %}

Degree Requirements

This section details the modules that you must pass to qualify for a named award. Remember that for all programmes you must also satisfy the general University requirements for the degree awards (see the Faculty Student Handbook).


{% for p in progression %}

  • {{ p }} {%- endfor %}


{% for a in awards %}

The requirement for {{a.level}} is:

{% for i in a.reqs %}

  • {{i -}} {% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

Assessment Criteria

Each module will be assessed by the most appropriate method. Typically, a module will require a final grade of 40% and each assessment must be at least 40%. In the case of "core" assessment, there is no numeric grade, just a pass or fail.

Additional Support

Coventry University is committed to a policy of equality of opportunities and access, and recognises that disabled students have an equal right of participation in higher education. The University will make reasonable adjustments, where necessary and feasible, to facilitate this.

In this provision all disabled students, whatever their impairment, are included.

All disabled students should be able to participate fully as far as reasonably practical in the full range of academic, cultural and social activities available within the University.

Disabled students should be encouraged to expect both equal treatment as individuals and that they and their work will be considered solely on merit.

Students are urged to disclose their disabilities on application and throughout their student life to facilitate appropriate support.

The Learning Support Co-ordinator for the Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing is:

\begin{tabular}{ll} \textbf{ {{-}} } \ {{}} \end{tabular}

The Learning Support Tutors for the school of {{school}} in the Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing are:

\begin{tabular}{ll} {% for lst in lsts %} \textbf{ {{-}} } & {{}} \ {% endfor %} \end{tabular}

Alternatively, email

External Examiners

External Examiners are appointed for all named University awards: this is common practice across the UK Higher Education sector. External Examiners ensure that academic standards are in line with national standards, scrutinise representative samples of module work and help to ensure fairness in the consideration of student progression and awards. They have the right to comment on all aspects of the assessment system and participate as full members of the assessment boards.

The External Examiner for your course is {{}} who works at the {{ee.institution}}.

Copies of the External Examiner Reports can be found on the Engineering, Environment and Computing Student Portal. If you have any feedback on the reports please put them in writing and send them to the Faculty Registrar Gill Child (

Please do not communicate directly with the External Examiner in question.

Faculty Registry Course Support

The Faculty Registry Course Support Team administers your academic record at the University and can help answer course, module and assessment queries. They can also help you understand the University's academic processes, rules and regulations. They are responsible for authorising deferral and extension applications and can advise you about mitigation.

You can contact your Faculty Registry Course Support Team by email to {{}}

For more specific enquires please email the following:

When you email help the team to respond quickly by following these tips:

  • The University can only respond to emails sent from Coventry University email accounts, so use your student email address;
  • Put your name and SID number in the subject line of your email; Put your course at the beginning of your message ({{award}} {{course_title}}).
  • Keep your email as short and concise as possible;
  • If you are unsure which email address to use then please email:

You can also make an appointment to see your Faculty Registry Course Administrator either by phone, email or via the Information Point/Reception Desk. If you telephone the Faculty Registry Course Administrator please have your student number (SID) available. Please call; 024 7765 8888 for the Engineering and Computing Building, 024 7765 8166 for the Sir John Laing Building.

Contacting Academic Staff

Staff in the School of {{school}} will endeavour to deal promptly and efficiently with all problems or issues that you may have, whether academic or personal. For non-urgent enquiries you should make an appointment with the appropriate person (see below).

All staff in Engineering, Environment and Computing offer 'Theta Hours' during term time when they are available to see students.

Help with Personal Problems

You will be allocated an Academic Personal Tutor, who is a member of academic staff, to whom you may refer for advice and help on personal and general academic issues. It is in your best interest to ensure that your personal tutor gets to know you as you may require your tutor's help on a number of occasions, for example in providing you with a reference.

Help with Academic Problems

Your Course Director or Module Leader, is the person whom you should approach for guidance on specific issues relating to coursework or examinations, and on matters relating to the understanding, reading, or relevance of material associated with each module, etc.

Help with Administrative Problems

If you have a question or problem relating to your programme or concerning assessment regulations you should contact the Faculty Registry Course Support Administrator (see above).

Your student representatives can also raise issues or comments on your behalf. Student representation is a key element of academic life at Coventry University. Your views contribute to the design, running, quality and future shape of your course. For details of the student rep system or who the student reps are follow the link here.

Online Learning

Aula is a simple to use, mobile-first teaching and learning experience platform. Interaction and conversation is built into Aula through the feed. The feed is where everyone on your course/modules can interact with each other, ask questions, share content and discuss topics. Aula is easy to navigate and wherever you are in Aula you are only ever one click away from the course and module information.

All courses have a course community space in Aula where your course director will provide essential course information and updates.

Every module within the University has a module space in Aula associated with it. To gain access to your Aula spaces you will need a username and password. You obtain your username immediately upon enrolment. Access to Aula is then available 24 hours after enrolling.

The online module spaces are a vital learning resource and it is essential to engage with your modules on Aula regularly through your mobile, laptop or desktop computer. The module spaces provide access to a wide range of resources and facilities together with the essential information for that module. Learning resources such as presentation slides or reading are generally made available by lecturers in advance of a teaching session.

Module assessment details and briefs are also on Aula. Coursework is also submitted online through Aula. Online assessments and tests are also run through links in Aula. All in all, the module spaces are a vital learning resource and it is essential that you incorporate Aula into your learning routine.

The Aula Feed is central to your learning experience. You can contact the module leader and other students studying the module through the discussion Feed, and also take part in activities, debates and discussion with other students. This is also the place where important announcements and notices are posted by the module leader.

It is important to remember that these are open postings (at least open to others taking the module or course) and the use of them must be appropriate. They are not general 'chat' rooms and should not be used as such. As these are academic postings, it is important that you write in normal, proper English, i.e. that you do not write in a style more commonly associated with text messaging. In addition, you should use a reasonably formal style of writing in your postings. If you have a complaint or problem, please think very carefully about how you discuss/raise this and remember that other students and staff are likely to respond more positively, if the problem/complaint is aired sensitively and for example, that you make requests, rather than demands

The University Code of Conduct for Use of ICT Facilities must be adhered to and is available at

This includes the need for users to 'respect the rights of others and conduct themselves in a manner that does not interfere with or cause offence to others and not engage in any activity which denies reasonable services to others or wastes staff effort in dealing with the consequences' and to 'ensure that opinions and views expressed electronically do not discredit their subjects in any way which could damage their reputation'. It is not acceptable to use the Moodle forums as a venue to attack or defame staff or students. There are appropriate means by which to raise issues with a module (via the module leader, course directors, student representatives and Student Forums). Staff reserve the right to delete, without warning or permission, entries that are considered offensive or inappropriate.

Social Media

It is recognised that friendly relations between staff and students are important for a harmonious and constructive learning environment. The integrity of these relations, however, is paramount in an academic institution. Facebook and other forms of social media must be accepted as an informal and unofficial resource. Thus, it does not represent the University's views and must not be used as an alternative to official channels of information.

Use of Faculty and University Logos

Please note that the use of Faculty or University Logos is not permitted without prior permission from the appropriate University personnel. Please ask your Course Director for further guidance before use.

Staff/Student Code of Practice

To maintain the high quality of the Faculties courses, and to ensure that all parties involved are clear about commitment and expectations, we expect staff and students to adhere to the following Code of Practice.

Students can expect staff to:

  • provide clear and comprehensive Module Guides and Course Handbooks.
  • adhere to the module timetable (other than in exceptional circumstances).
  • provide high-quality, focused and research-based teaching.
  • provide relevant supporting materials.
  • provide guidance on additional reading.
  • provide opportunities for active learning.
  • mark and return assignments within an agreed time limit.
  • be responsive to student feedback.
  • be available for consultation during advertised office hours.
  • provide full information on changes to deadlines and other important events as far in advance as possible.

Staff can expect students to:

  • read Module Guides and the Course Handbook.
  • be familiar with guidance on course requirements.
  • avoid plagiarism/self plagiarism/collusion.
  • attend all timetabled sessions.
  • take responsibility for their own learning.
  • read and engage with the materials provided.
  • independently engage in pre-class and follow-up reading and activities where specified.
  • respect assignment submission deadlines.
  • provide early notification of any difficulties.
  • ensure that all classes are free from unnecessary interruption.
  • consult staff during office hours, but otherwise by appointment only.
  • make appropriate use available learning support resources including the Library, Moodle and computer software.
  • keep up to date with the latest information provided about their course and modules, especially via Moodle and notice boards.