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csx239 committed Oct 12, 2020
1 parent 019bb1e commit 774ae5be1f0c45e2987443282648e4b79f6d2855
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

bins=(basic1 basic2 basic3 intermediate1 intermediate2 intermediate3)
bins=(basic1 basic2 basic3 intermediate1 intermediate2 intermediate3 advanced1 advanced2 advanced3)

rm -f targets/*

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
from brutus import Binary

def maxPos(seq):
""" Given a list of numbers, return the **position** of the largest
seq: the list to be searched
an integer position of the largest number in `seq`
for i in range(len(seq)):
if seq[i]>maxNum:
return maxPos

# def averageTry(target, promptText, failText, guess, repeats=2):
# # Provided to assist. If you use it, document it properly... :)
# # Runs multiple attempts at cracking the binary, returning the
# # success AND the average length of time each try took
# results=[]
# success=False
# for i in range(repeats):
# b=Binary(target)
# result=b.timedAttempt(promptText,guess, failText)
# success=result[0]
# results.append(result[1])
# return (success,sum(results)/len(results))

def breakBinary(target, promptText, failText):

#Your code here
# Suggested algorithm:

#1. Use an accumulator for the current guess
#2. in a loop, try the current guess plus each letter of the alphabest and see which one takes longest
#3. If it is the correct password, end
#4. If not, add the current best letter to the guess and repeat...

if __name__=="__main__":

# Create a simple menu system to pick the binary we want to force
targets.append(["targets/advanced1","Password:", "Password Incorrect"])
targets.append(["targets/advanced2","Password:", "Password Incorrect"])
targets.append(["targets/advanced3","Password:", "Password Incorrect"])

print("Intermediate Binary Breaker")
print("Which binary do you want to brute force?")

for c in range(len(targets)):
print(f"{c}: {targets[c][0]}")

selection=int(input("Enter the number of the binary to be forced: "))

if 0 <= selection < len(targets):
print("Invalid selection")
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Brutus provides a simple interface for you to run a binary or script and test a
import pexpect
import time

class Binary:
""" Represents a binary file for cracking and allows it to be run with given input and a test for correct/incorrect password """
@@ -54,3 +55,24 @@ class Binary:
return False
except pexpect.exceptions.EOF:
return True

def timedAttempt(self,prompt,data,fail):
""" Make a guess at a password, when the expected prompt is found
prompt: a string to idenitfy in the output that signifies WHEN to make the attempt
data: a string to send as the password guess
fail: the text expected on a failed attempt
a tuple in which the first item is:
- True: If the failure text *IS NOT* found in the output after the attempt
- False: If the failure text *IS* found in the output after the attempt
and the second item is the number of fractional seconds the guess took to make
return (result,t2-t1)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import pytest
import sys

#You will need to write tests for your own functions, or change tests for ones you modify

from brute_advanced import maxPos

def test_maxPos():
assert maxPos([1,2,3])==2
assert maxPos([1])==0
assert maxPos([1,-10])==0

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