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Completed LEAP basic layout
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digehode committed Sep 6, 2020
1 parent a45507a commit f3594019e83ba63186812151b0a84e1a5fff0c8e
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Showing 5 changed files with 88 additions and 5 deletions.
@@ -103,3 +103,4 @@ venv.bak/
# mypy
@@ -1,11 +1,29 @@
BLACK := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 0)
RED := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 1)
GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2)
YELLOW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3)
LIGHTPURPLE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 4)
PURPLE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 5)
BLUE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 6)
WHITE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 7)
RESET := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0)

all: FORCE
@echo "This is an empty Makefile. You can put stuff in here, or just delete it if you don't need it."
@echo "\n${GREEN}This is an empty Makefile. You can put stuff in here, or just delete it if you don't need it.${RESET}\n"

test: FORCE
echo "If you don't have pytest installed, you will need to install it globally or use 'make venv' if you want a virtualenv created with it in"
test: FORCE message
py.test -v tests/

docs: FORCE message
pdoc --html ./src/*.py --force

message: FORCE
@echo "\n${RED}If you don't have pytest or pdoc3 installed, you will need to install them globally or inside a virtualenv. This Makefile can build the venv for you, if you use 'make venv' followed by '. ./venv/bin/activate' and finally 'make prereqs'${RESET}\n"

venv: FORCE
python3 -m venv venv

@@ -1,2 +1,66 @@
LEAP: Local Enumeration And Privesc. Framework for prohect.

LEAP: Local Enumeration And Privesc. Framework for 4061CEM project.

## What is here?

Not much.

This project requires you to generate most of the actual code
yourselves. To start with, each team should work on a fork of this
repository together to define the common features of the individual
pieces of functionality - we'll refer to them as "plugins". This is a
kind of **design by contract**, which you can read about here:
<>. Some
things to decide might be:
- Will each piece of functionality be in a separate file or subdirectory?
- Will your team have a naming convention? For example, maybe all
windows enumerators will begin with "wEnum_", linux with "lEnum_"
and so on.
- What will each function return or display? Will each function
print out to the user? Or will it return a block of text in a
string? Or a list of lines? Or maybe a dict with some meta-info
(version, plugin name, plugin author, date, time, etc.) and text
data? Or JSON? All are possibilities.
- Will you have a standard set of parameters to be passed in? Or can
each plugin have a different set of required parameters?
- What plugins will be implemented? Who will be the author?

You should document these decisions here in the file. Once
you are all happy with this, stage, commit and push it to your shared
fork. Then, each team member can begin writing their own tool by
creating an individual fork. Naming your tool something sensible and
uniquely identifiable at this point will be very helpful. If you all
keep the simple name "LEAP", you will find it tricky to remember which
repository you are working on later. You can call your own fork
whatever you like.

When the individual tools are working and each team member has their
own plugins working, it is their responsibility to liaise with the
other members of the team to import the other plugins. Each team
member should create a fork of the repositories of each of their
team-mates, integrate their plugins and submit a pull-request for each

So, if the team members are A, B, C and D, we will have one fork to
start with in which the team collaborates on defining the basics.
Then A will create a personal fork of the shared repository and work
on their tool and plugins. When they're done, they will create forks
from their team-mate's repositories. Let's call them LEAP-B, LEAP-C
and LEAP-D. A will then port their plugins to each of these new forks
and submit pull requests for them to be merged into the repositories
of their teammates.

## Why?

This might seem overly complex, but it's not. In reality, this is one
of the common ways people collaborate using git. You can fork any
public project and work on your own copy without needing to ask
permission or get added to the original repo, then if you want to
recommend your changes to the original author you create a pull
request and they can decide to merge it into their work or not.

In this project you will be getting experience of working on a project
and receiving multiple pull-requests from contributors and at the same
time, contributing to the repositories of others.
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#TODO Documentation
def dummyFunc(data):
""" This function is a placeholder """
import base64

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