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Request Based Challenges
import json
import flask
from .meta import app
import logging
import time
import random
import string
import hashlib
#Store the data
automateData = {"time":None,
"q1": None,
"q2": None}
@app.route("/challenges/setUA", methods=["GET","POST"])
def userAgentChallenge():
UA = flask.request.headers.get("User-Agent")
theFlag = False
if UA == "Googlebot/2.1":
theFlag = "5067{Ch@nging_UA}"
return flask.render_template("userAgentChal.html",
flag = theFlag)
def checkFormChal(user, date, secret):
""" Check if the form challenge fails """
errors = []
if user != "azreal":
errors.append("Incorrect User. {0} != azreal".format(user))
if date != "-1":
errors.append("Incorrect Date. {0} != -1".format(date))
if secret != "luther":
errors.append("Incorrect Secret. {0} != luther".format(secret))
return errors
@app.route("/challenges/formData", methods=["GET","POST"])
def formDataChallenge():
theFlag = None
fails = []
if flask.request.args.get("user"):
logging.warning("User sent")
user = flask.request.args.get("user")
date = flask.request.args.get("date")
secret = flask.request.args.get("secret")
fails = checkFormChal(user, date, secret)
if len(fails) == 0:
theFlag = "5067{MangleFormD4ta}"
elif flask.request.form.get("user"):
user = flask.request.form.get("user")
date = flask.request.form.get("date")
secret = flask.request.form.get("secret")
fails = checkFormChal(user, date, secret)
if len(fails) == 0:
theFlag = "5067{Th3_Secr3ts_Out}"
return flask.render_template("formDataChal.html",
flag = theFlag)
def _jsonAPIResp(feedback, flag):
output = {"feedback": feedback,
"flag": flag}
response = app.response_class(
#What we want is the same information
return response
@app.route("/challenges/APIData", methods=["GET","POST"])
def apiDataChallenge():
feedback = ["Incorrect Request"]
theFlag = None
user = None
role = None
logging.warning("------------ API CHAL -------------")
logging.warning(" - METHOD: {0}".format(flask.request.method))
if flask.request.method == "POST":
feedback = ["Correct Request Method"]
user = flask.request.form.get("user")
role = flask.request.form.get("role")
if flask.request.json:
logging.warning("--- JSON ---")
user = flask.request.json.get("user")
role = flask.request.json.get("role")
if user == "abbadon" and role == "despoiler":
theFlag = "5067{FailBaddon_The_Armless}"
feedback.append("Incorrect Request Data")
#And make the ouput JSON if we are feling nice
if "application/json" in flask.request.headers["accept"]:
logging.warning("JSON Accept")
return _jsonAPIResp(feedback, theFlag)
if flask.request.content_type:
if flask.request.content_type.startswith("application/json"):
logging.warning("JSON CONTENT TYPE")
return _jsonAPIResp(feedback, theFlag)
return "JSON"
return flask.render_template("apiDataChal.html",
feedback = feedback,
flag = theFlag)
def responseChallenge():
return flask.render_template("responseTarget.html"), 302
def responsePage():
return flask.render_template("responseChallenge.html")
@app.route("/challenge/automate", methods=["GET","POST"])
def automateSimple():
feedback = None
if flask.request.method == "POST":
#Parse the data
current = time.time()
old = flask.session.get("simpletime")
logging.warning("---- AUTOMATE ----")
userhash = flask.request.form.get("answer")
targetHash = flask.session.get("simplehash")
logging.warning("My Hash %s", targetHash)
logging.warning("User hash %s", userhash)
randomString = flask.session["magicword"]
theFlag = None
#Now we do the comparison
if userhash == targetHash:
logging.warning("==> Hash is correct")
#Now check the time diff
tDiff = current - old
logging.warning("Curr %s Old %s Diff %s", current, old, tDiff)
if tDiff > 5:
feedback = "Too Slow you took {0} seconds".format(tDiff)
randomString = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=20))
flask.session["simpletime"] = time.time()
flask.session["simplehash"] = hashlib.md5(randomString.encode()).hexdigest()
flask.session["magicword"] = randomString
feedback = "Hash Is correct"
theFlag = "5067{AutoM8_Requ3sts}"
feedback = "Incorrect Input"
randomString = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=20))
flask.session["simpletime"] = time.time()
flask.session["simplehash"] = hashlib.md5(randomString.encode()).hexdigest()
flask.session["magicword"] = randomString
return flask.render_template("automateHash.html",
magicword = randomString,
feedback = feedback,
theFlag = theFlag)
def automateStart():
theToken = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=20))
flask.session["csrf"] = theToken
flask.session["csrf-time"] = time.time()
#We want to generate a CSRF token for the form
return flask.render_template("automateStart.html",
csrf = theToken)
@app.route("/challenge/automateUser", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def automateChallenge():
submitted = False
flag = False
#What we now want to do is check the CSRF token
if flask.request.method == "GET":
flask.abort(403, "Wrong Request Type")
if flask.request.method == "POST":
logging.warning("===== Automate Challenge Started =====")
#Compare to the CSRF token
submittedToken = flask.request.form.get("csrf")
sessToken = flask.session.get("csrf")
logging.warning("Token %s Submitted %s", submittedToken, sessToken)
if submittedToken != sessToken:
#We have a failiure
flask.abort(403, "CSRF Token Mismatch")
#And check the time
csrfTime = flask.session.get("csrf-time", 0)
now = time.time()
tDiff = now - csrfTime
logging.warning("T1 %d T2 %d Diff %d", csrfTime, now, tDiff)
#if tDiff > 60:
# flask.abort(403, "CSRF Token Expired")
#Check if the answers submitted are correct
answer1 = flask.request.form.get("q1")
answer2 = flask.request.form.get("q2")
if answer2 is not None:
answer2 = hashlib.md5(answer2.encode()).hexdigest()
correct1 = flask.session.get("q1")
correct2 = flask.session.get("q2")
logging.warning("A1 %s A2 %s", answer1, answer2)
logging.warning("C1 %s C2 %s", correct1, correct2)
if answer1 is not None:
logging.warning("--- Answer 1 Sumbitted --")
logging.warning("%s == %s %s", answer1, correct1, answer1==correct1)
logging.warning("%s == %s %s", answer2, correct2, answer2==correct2)
if (answer1 == correct1) and (answer2 == correct2):
submitted = True
flag = "CUEH{TEMP}"
submitted = "Incorrect"
#Otherwise we ask our question
p1 = random.randrange(10)
p2 = random.randrange(10)
q1 = "{0} + {1}".format(p1, p2)
q1a = p1 + p2
q2 = random.choice(["Lion El'Jonson",
"Jaghatai Khan",
"Leman Russ",
"Rogal Dorn",
"Konrad Curze",
"Ferrus Manus",
"Roboute Guilliman",
"Magnus the Red",
"Alpharius Omegon"])
#Generate a new CSRF Token
csrfToken = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=20))
flask.session["csrf"] = csrfToken
logging.warning("-- NEW CSRF %s == %s", csrfToken, flask.session["csrf"])
#And Store our Answers
flask.session["q1"] = str(q1a)
flask.session["q2"] = hashlib.md5(q2.encode()).hexdigest()
return flask.render_template("automateChallenge.html",
q1 = q1,
q2 = q2,
submitted = submitted,
flag = flag,
csrf = csrfToken)