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Very simple Flask App. For Testing
import json
import re
import flask
from .meta import app
#from .objects import *
from .models import *
from .objects import *
import logging
def index():
logging.warning("Initial Population")
bookQry = Item.query.filter_by(hidden = False)
if bookQry.count() == 0:
logging.warning("Need some Books")
userQry = User.query.count()
logging.warning("User Count %d", userQry)
if userQry == 0:
logging.warning("Need some Users")
return flask.render_template("index.html",
bookList = bookQry)
def about():
return flask.render_template("about.html")
@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def login():
prev = flask.request.args.get("prev")
if not prev:
prev == "index"
if flask.request.method == "POST":
#Get data
user = flask.request.form.get("email")
password = flask.request.form.get("password")
userQry = User.query.filter_by(email = user).first()
if userQry is None:
flask.flash("No Such User")
if userQry.password == password:
flask.session["user"] =
flask.session["role"] = userQry.level
flask.flash("Login Successful")
return (flask.redirect(flask.url_for(prev)))
flask.flash("Incorrect password for {0}".format(user))
return flask.render_template("login.html",
prev = prev)
def logout():
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("index"))
@app.route("/user/create", methods=["GET","POST"])
def create():
""" Create a new account,
we will redirect to a homepage here
if flask.request.method == "GET":
return flask.render_template("create_account.html")
#Get the form data
name = flask.request.form.get("name")
email = flask.request.form.get("email")
password = flask.request.form.get("password")
password2 = flask.request.form.get("password2")
if password != password2:
flask.flash("Passwords do not match")
return flask.render_template("create_account.html",
name = name,
email = email)
logging.warning("Name >%s< %s", name, name == None)
#Sanity check do we have a name, email and password
if not name or not email or not password:
flask.flash("Not all info supplied")
return flask.render_template("create_account.html",
name = name,
email = email)
#And check we have an email
emailre = re.compile(r"^[\w\.\+\-]+\@[\w]+\.([a-z]{2,3})+$")
if not emailre.match(email):
flask.flash("Bad Email Address")
return flask.render_template("create_account.html",
name = name)
#Otherwise we can add the user
userQry = User.query.filter_by(email = email).first()
if userQry:
flask.flash("A User with that Email Exists")
return flask.render_template("create_account.html",
name = name,
email = email)
#Crate the user
theUser = User(name=name,
flask.flash("Account Created, you can now Login")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("login"))
def settings(userId):
#Yes its silly that I forgot cookies, let pretend its an API
thisUser = User.query.filter_by(id=userId).first()
if not thisUser:
flask.flash("No Such User")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("index"))
return flask.render_template("usersettings.html",
user = thisUser)
@app.route("/user/<userId>/update", methods=["GET","POST"])
def updateUser(userId):
thisUser = User.query.filter_by(id = userId).first()
if not thisUser:
flask.flash("No Such User")
return flask.redirect(flask_url_for("index"))
#otherwise we want to do the checks
if flask.request.method == "POST":
current = flask.request.form.get("current")
password = flask.request.form.get("password")
if current:
if current == thisUser.password:
thisUser.password = password
flask.flash("Current Password is incorrect")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("settings",
userId =
adminSubmit = flask.request.form.get("updateadmin")
logging.warning("Admin Submit %s", adminSubmit)
if adminSubmit:
admin = flask.request.form.get("admin")
logging.warning("Admin Box is %s", admin)
if admin:
admin = "admin"
admin = "user"
thisUser.level = admin
#And update the Session
flask.session["role"] = admin
logging.warning(" UPDATING THE ADMIN ")
logging.warning("Level %s ", thisUser.level)
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("settings", userId=userId))
#if != flask.session["user"]
#And then update the settings
flask.flash("Update Error")
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for("settings", userId=userId))
def page_not_found(e):
# note that we set the 404 status explicitly
return flask.render_template('404.html', e = e), 404
# @app.route('/')
# def main():
# #payload = flask.request.args.get("payload")
# return flask.render_template('index.html')
# @app.route("/admin")
# def admin():
# return flask.render_template('admin.html')
# @app.route("/my")
# @app.route("/my/admin/")
# def enum():
# return flask.render_template('enum.html')
# @app.route("/my-sql")
# def badEnum():
# flask.abort(403)
# return "foo"
# @app.route("/my-sql/admin")
# @app.route("/my/admin/spider")
# def enumSuccess():
# #Can i get the route
# # flask.request.route
# return flask.render_template('enum.html',
# success=True)