Current weather report mobile applications are heavily bundles with various functionalities that are filled with membership, advertisements, or payments. They take up a lot more than needed storage space and memory in our device. In this project, in order to practice and examine my ability of developing mobile applications, I decide to develop a light weight and user friendly online mobile applications to fill the need of simple and original weather report application.
My APP includes a number of features. 1. Sign Up: The application uses a online database to store the key information of a user and let users to register an account to keep track of their information 2. Third Party Authorization: Besides conventional signing up, the APP also provides an alternative to sign in through a third party account such as google. 3. Location Based Weather: Upon logging in to the weather page, the system will automatically track the user's location and provide local weather information by default 4. Free Search Weather: The user can also enter any text in the search text box and an online API will perform fuzzy search and give back valid result 5. Account Setting: The user is allowed to set a default city to begin with instead of its local position. 6. Custom Styling: Users are also able to change the background color by their mood. 7. Account Deletion: If users decide to not use the APP anymore, the APP also offers a feature to delete all their informations stored in the database to ensure maximum privacy.
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The login page is implemented using MVVM deisgn.
Four Patterns are used in the project, each one is explained with example of code provided.
- Singleton Pattern This pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. In your project, the MongoDBHelper is effectively used as a singleton, though not explicitly implemented as one. example
public static DatabaseHelper Database { get; private set; }
public App(Auth0Client auth0Client, IMongoDatabase database)
Database = new DatabaseHelper(database);
_auth0Client = auth0Client;
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage(_auth0Client, Database));
- Repository Pattern The MongoDBHelper class has the logic for accessing the MongoDB database, effectively acting as a repository. This pattern abstracts the data layer, making it easier to manage and test.
public class MongoDBHelper
private readonly IMongoDatabase _database;
public MongoDBHelper(IMongoDatabase database)
_database = database;
public IMongoCollection<UserRecord> GetUsersCollection()
return _database.GetCollection<UserRecord>("Users");
public async Task<int> SaveUserAsync(UserRecord user)
var collection = GetUsersCollection();
await collection.InsertOneAsync(user);
return 1;
public async Task<UserRecord> GetUserByEmailAsync(string email)
var collection = GetUsersCollection();
var filter = Builders<UserRecord>.Filter.Eq("Email", email);
var user = await collection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
return user;
public async Task UpdateUserAsync(UserRecord user)
var collection = GetUsersCollection();
var filter = Builders<UserRecord>.Filter.Eq("Email", user.Email);
var update = Builders<UserRecord>.Update
.Set(u => u.Username, user.Username)
.Set(u => u.DefaultCity, user.DefaultCity)
.Set(u => u.BackgroundColor, user.BackgroundColor);
await collection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
public async Task DeleteUserAsync(string email)
var collection = GetUsersCollection();
var filter = Builders<UserRecord>.Filter.Eq("Email", email);
await collection.DeleteOneAsync(filter);
- Dependency Injection In the App class, Auth0Client and MongoDBHelper are injected into the constructors of other classes like LoginPage and WeatherPage
public App(Auth0Client auth0Client, IMongoDatabase database)
Database = new DatabaseHelper(database);
_auth0Client = auth0Client;
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage(_auth0Client, Database));
- MVVM Like mentioned above, Model: Represents the data (e.g., UserRecord). View: Represents the UI (e.g., LoginPage.xaml).ViewModel: Contains the logic and data-binding
public partial class LoginPage : ContentPage
public LoginPage(Auth0Client auth0Client, MongoDBHelper mongoDBHelper)
BindingContext = new LoginViewModel(auth0Client, mongoDBHelper);
All code and files are organized in different folders based on its functionality and purpose.
The application integrates with the online MongoDB Atlas database, four CRUD opertions are included: Create: SaveUserAsync Read: GetUserByEmailAsync Update: UpdateUserAsync Delete: DeleteUserAsync
Three external online sources are used MongoDB : Online API to access the database 4 endpoints(Create/Read/Update/Delete) Auth0 : online third party authentication-authorisation 1 endpoint OpenWeather : online API to retrieve realtime weather information 1 endpoint