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dungranij committed Jul 5, 2021
1 parent a24bc40 commit a5595a34d7ac4ebc2fc2913fd033858e15d00f5b
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
%% This script allows you to open and explore the data in a *.nc file
clear all
close all

FileName = '/Users/juhildungrani/Desktop/Sem 4/Big Data/work/5011CEM2021-dungranij/Model/';

Contents = ncinfo(FileName);

Lat = ncread(FileName, 'lat'); % load the latitude locations
Lon = ncread(FileName, 'lon'); % loadthe longitude locations

%% Processing parameters provided by customer
RadLat = 30.2016; % cluster radius value for latitude
RadLon = 24.8032; % cluster radius value for longitude
RadO3 = 4.2653986e-08; % cluster radius value for the ozone data

%% Cycle through the hours and load all the models for each hour and record memory use
% We use an index named 'NumHour' in our loop
% The section 'sequential processing' will process the data location one
% after the other, reporting on the time involved.

StartLat = 1; % latitude location to start laoding
NumLat = 400; % number of latitude locations ot load
StartLon = 1; % longitude location to start loading
NumLon = 700; % number of longitude locations ot load
for NumHour = 1:25 % loop through each hour
fprintf('Processing hour %i\n', NumHour)
DataLayer = 1; % which 'layer' of the array to load the model data into
for idx = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] % model data to load
% load the model data
HourlyData(DataLayer,:,:) = ncread(FileName, Contents.Variables(idx).Name,...
[StartLon, StartLat, NumHour], [NumLon, NumLat, 1]);
DataLayer = DataLayer + 1; % step to the next 'layer'

% We need to prepare our data for processing. This method is defined by
% our customer. You are not required to understand this method, but you
% can ask your module leader for more information if you wish.
[Data2Process, LatLon] = PrepareData(HourlyData, Lat, Lon);

%% Sequential analysis
t1 = toc;
t2 = t1;
for idx = 1: size(Data2Process,1) % step through each data location to process the data

% The analysis of the data creates an 'ensemble value' for each
% location. This method is defined by
% our customer. You are not required to understand this method, but you
% can ask your module leader for more information if you wish.
[EnsembleVector(idx, NumHour)] = EnsembleValue(Data2Process(idx,:,:,:), LatLon, RadLat, RadLon, RadO3);

% To monitor the progress we will print out the status after every
% 50 processes.
if idx/50 == ceil( idx/50)
tt = toc-t2;
fprintf('Total %i of %i, last 50 in %.2f s predicted time for all data %.1f s\n',...
idx, size(Data2Process,1), tt, size(Data2Process,1)/50*25*tt)
t2 = toc;
T2(NumHour) = toc - t1; % record the total processing time for this hour
fprintf('Processing hour %i - %.2f s\n\n', NumHour, sum(T2));

tSeq = toc;

fprintf('Total time for sequential processing = %.2f s\n\n', tSeq)

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