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dungranij committed Jul 5, 2021
1 parent 1b33d75 commit 7c2798402db0d78fe85c41542a60f9b97fca377b
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Showing 5 changed files with 165 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
function [AllDataMem] = LoadAllData(FileName)
%LOADALLDATA Summary of this function goes here

Contents = ncinfo(FileName);
%% store the file content info into variable

for idx = 1: 8
AllData(idx,:,:,:) = ncread(FileName, Contents.Variables(idx).Name);
fprintf('Loading %s\n', Contents.Variables(idx).Name); % display loading information

AllDataMem = whos('AllData').bytes/1000000;
fprintf('Memory used for all data: %.3f MB\n', AllDataMem)


@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
function [HourMem] = LoadAllHours(FileName)
%LOADALLHOURS Summary of this function goes here
Contents = ncinfo(FileName);
HourMem = 0; % storage variable for the maximum memory in use by our data variable
StartLat = 1; % starting latitude
NumLat = 400; % number of latitude positions
StartLon = 1; % starying longitude
NumLon = 700; % number of lingitude positions
% StartHour = 1; % starting time for analyises
NumHour = 1; % Number of hours of data to load

% loop through the hours loading one at a time
for StartHour = 1:25
Models2Load = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; % list of models to load
idxModel = 0; % current model
for idx = 1:7
idxModel = idxModel + 1; % move to next model index
LoadModel = Models2Load(idx);% which model to load
HourlyData(idxModel,:,:,:) = ncread(FileName, Contents.Variables(LoadModel).Name,...
[StartLon, StartLat, StartHour], [NumLon, NumLat, NumHour]);
fprintf('Loading %s\n', Contents.Variables(LoadModel).Name); % display loading information

% Record the maximum memory used by the data variable so far
HourMem = max( [ HourMem, whos('HourlyData').bytes/1000000 ] );
fprintf('Loaded Hour %i, memory used: %.3f MB\n', StartHour, HourMem); % display loading information

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
function [HourDataMem] = LoadHours(FileName)
%LOADHOURS Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
% We combine the aboce code to cycle through the names and load each model.
% We load the data into successive 'layers' using 'idx', and let the other
% two dimensions take care of themselves by using ':'
Contents = ncinfo(FileName);
StartLat = 1; % starting latitude
NumLat = 400; % number of latitude positions
StartLon = 1; % starying longitude
NumLon = 700; % number of lingitude positions
StartHour = 1; % starting time for analyises
NumHour = 1; % Number of hours of data to load

% loop through the models loading *ALL* the data into an array
Models2Load = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; % list of models to load
idxModel = 0; % current model
for idx = 1:7
idxModel = idxModel + 1; % move to next model index
LoadModel = Models2Load(idx); % which model to load
ModelData(idxModel,:,:,:) = ncread(FileName, Contents.Variables(LoadModel).Name,...
[StartLon, StartLat, StartHour], [NumLon, NumLat, NumHour]);
fprintf('Loading %s\n', Contents.Variables(LoadModel).Name); % display loading information

HourDataMem = whos('ModelData').bytes/1000000;
fprintf('Memory used for 1 hour of data: %.3f MB\n', HourDataMem)


@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
%% This script allows you to open and explore the data in a *.nc file
clear all % clear all variables
close all % close all windows

FileName = '/Users/juhildungrani/Desktop/Sem 4/Big Data/work/5011CEM2021-dungranij/2a Data Exploration/'; % define the name of the file to be used, the path is included

Contents = ncinfo(FileName); % Store the file content information in a variable.

%% Section 2: Load all the model data together
% for idx = 1: 8
% AllData(idx,:,:,:) = ncread(FileName, Contents.Variables(idx).Name);
% fprintf('Loading %s\n', Contents.Variables(idx).Name); % display loading information
% end
% AllDataMem = whos('AllData').bytes/1000000;
% fprintf('Memory used for all data: %.3f MB\n', AllDataMem)
[AllDataMem] = LoadAllData(FileName);

%% Section 3: Loading all the data for a single hour from all the models
% We combine the aboce code to cycle through the names and load each model.
% We load the data into successive 'layers' using 'idx', and let the other
% two dimensions take care of themselves by using ':'
% StartLat = 1; % starting latitude
% NumLat = 400; % number of latitude positions
% StartLon = 1; % starying longitude
% NumLon = 700; % number of lingitude positions
% StartHour = 1; % starting time for analyises
% NumHour = 1; % Number of hours of data to load
% % loop through the models loading *ALL* the data into an array
% Models2Load = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; % list of models to load
% idxModel = 0; % current model
% for idx = 1:7
% idxModel = idxModel + 1; % move to next model index
% LoadModel = Models2Load(idx); % which model to load
% ModelData(idxModel,:,:,:) = ncread(FileName, Contents.Variables(LoadModel).Name,...
% [StartLon, StartLat, StartHour], [NumLon, NumLat, NumHour]);
% fprintf('Loading %s\n', Contents.Variables(LoadModel).Name); % display loading information
% end
% HourDataMem = whos('ModelData').bytes/1000000;
% fprintf('Memory used for 1 hour of data: %.3f MB\n', HourDataMem)
[HourDataMem] = LoadHours(FileName);

%% Section 4: Cycle through the hours and load all the models for each hour and record memory use
% We use an index named 'StartHour' in our loop
% HourMem = 0; % storage variable for the maximum memory in use by our data variable
% StartLat = 1; % starting latitude
% NumLat = 400; % number of latitude positions
% StartLon = 1; % starying longitude
% NumLon = 700; % number of lingitude positions
% % StartHour = 1; % starting time for analyises
% NumHour = 1; % Number of hours of data to load
% % loop through the hours loading one at a time
% for StartHour = 1:25
% Models2Load = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; % list of models to load
% idxModel = 0; % current model
% for idx = 1:7
% idxModel = idxModel + 1; % move to next model index
% LoadModel = Models2Load(idx);% which model to load
% HourlyData(idxModel,:,:,:) = ncread(FileName, Contents.Variables(LoadModel).Name,...
% [StartLon, StartLat, StartHour], [NumLon, NumLat, NumHour]);
% fprintf('Loading %s\n', Contents.Variables(LoadModel).Name); % display loading information
% end
% % Record the maximum memory used by the data variable so far
% HourMem = max( [ HourMem, whos('HourlyData').bytes/1000000 ] );
% fprintf('Loaded Hour %i, memory used: %.3f MB\n', StartHour, HourMem); % display loading information
% end
[HourMem] = LoadAllHours(FileName);

%% Section 5: Print our results
fprintf('Memory used for all data: %.2f MB\n', AllDataMem)
fprintf('Memory used for hourly data: %.2f MB\n', HourDataMem)
fprintf('Maximum memory used hourly = %.2f MB\n', HourMem)
fprintf('Hourly memory as fraction of all data = %.2f\n\n', HourMem / AllDataMem)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
function [AllDataMem, HourDataMem, HourData] = ReportResults(FileName)
%REPORTRESULTS Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
fprintf('Memory used for all data: %.2f MB\n', AllDataMem)
fprintf('Memory used for hourly data: %.2f MB\n', HourDataMem)
fprintf('Maximum memory used hourly = %.2f MB\n', HourMem)
fprintf('Hourly memory as fraction of all data = %.2f\n\n', HourMem / AllDataMem)

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