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import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #This line imports the mqtt clients, and the various function to use
import sqlite3 #this line lets us use SQLite, which is needed for the database
from datetime import datetime #this line is specially there, so that we can use a specific timestamp for our database
import time # Add this line to import the time module
# SQLite connection and the cursor for the database
conn = sqlite3.connect('mqtt_data.db')
c = conn.cursor()
# Creates the tables if it doesn't already exist in the database
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mqtt_data
total_likes INTEGER,
total_comments INTEGER,
total_notifications INTEGER)''')#this bit of the code explains the various columns that are going to be added, and their datatype
# Function to retrieve the latest counts from the database
def get_latest_counts():
c.execute("SELECT * FROM mqtt_data ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1")#it gets the data from the code, and makes sure a new row is added if there is a different timestamp
row = c.fetchone()
if row:
return row[1:] # Exclude the timestamp is similar to one in the database already
return (0, 0, 0) # Return default values if no data is found
# The callback for when the client receives a CONNACK response from the server.
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
print("Connected with result code " + str(rc))
# Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and
# reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed.
# We have three topics, that can be subscribed too, which in my case are the Likes, Notification and Comments
# These topics are for my individual part of the code, which tell us how many likes, comments and notification a post has received
# The callback for when a PUBLISH message is received from the server.
def on_message(client, userdata, msg): #define the function named 'on_message'
timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')#obtains current timeframe in the format displayed
print("Received message on topic '" + msg.topic + "': " + msg.payload.decode())#simple print statement
c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mqtt_data (timestamp, total_likes, total_comments, total_notifications) VALUES (?, 0, 0, 0)", (timestamp,))
#the line above executes a SQL Query, however if the timestamp received is already in the database, it ignores the data entries
if msg.topic == "Likes": #this bit of the code checks for the topic 'Likes', and update the data entry into the database with the proper timestamp
c.execute("UPDATE mqtt_data SET total_likes = total_likes + ? WHERE timestamp = ?", (int(msg.payload.decode()), timestamp))
c.execute("UPDATE mqtt_data SET total_notifications = total_likes + total_comments WHERE timestamp = ?", (timestamp,))
elif msg.topic == "Comments": #same as above, but it checks for 'Comments'
c.execute("UPDATE mqtt_data SET total_comments = total_comments + 1 WHERE timestamp = ?", (timestamp,))
c.execute("UPDATE mqtt_data SET total_notifications = total_likes + total_comments WHERE timestamp = ?", (timestamp,))
elif msg.topic == "Notification": #same as above but it checks for 'Notificaion', however it counts the total likes and comments
# Update total_notifications when a Notification message is received
c.execute("UPDATE mqtt_data SET total_notifications = total_likes + total_comments WHERE timestamp = ?", (timestamp,))
conn.commit()# this line simply commits the changes, and has the data entry saved permanently
# Function to display the latest counts
def display_latest_counts(): #defining the funtioon
while True:
likes, comments, notifications = get_latest_counts()#retrives the function that has been declared beforehand
print("Total Likes:", likes)
print("Total Comments:", comments)
print("Total Notifications:", notifications)
time.sleep(5) # Update the display every 5 seconds
client = mqtt.Client() #creating a MQTT client, simple named 'client'
client.on_connect = on_connect #assigning the 'on_connect'-function, that can be called once the client connects to the broker
client.on_message = on_message #assigning the 'on_connect'-function, that can be called once the client receives a message from the broker
client.connect("", 1883, 60) #defines which broker we are connecting, and through which port.
#It also tells us to keep the connection running for 60 seconds, before considering that the connection is lost or broken
# Start a thread to continuously display the latest counts
import threading #imports the threading module, which allows us to execute multiple tasks at once
display_thread = threading.Thread(target=display_latest_counts)#creates a new thread, which targets 'display_latest_counts'
display_thread.daemon = True #the daemon attributes is used and set to 'True', so that we can exit the program anytime
#it starts the thread and allows the program to display the latest count of likes, notification and comments
#while simultaneously processing other tasks
client.loop_forever()#it loops the program, and keeps it going as long as a connection is there