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Functions and Objects

Before you start this worksheet make sure you have the latest lab materials:

$ git stash
$ git pull origin master
$ git stash pop

If the VI editor window pops open:

  1. press the Esc key.
  2. type :wq and press the Enter key.

1 Functions

In JavaScript, as in most other languages, code can be divided in to modular blocks called functions. Once defined, these can be called from other code. Data can be passed in the form of parameters and functions can return data back to the calling code.

Open the maths.js file. Notice that this contains several functions. Each is called directly under its definition.

1.1 Function Syntax

Lets start with a simple example.

function largestNumber(a, b) {
  if (a > b) return a
  if (b > a) return b
  return null

const biggest = largestNumber(5, 8)
  1. The function is declared using the function keyword and the function is given a name which must be a valid variable name. a. If the name comprises more than one word these should be written using camel casing as shown above.
  2. The function above takes two parameters, a and b.
    • These are variables with local scope (they can't ba accessed outside the function)
    • When the function is called, you need to pass two values which get assigned to the two parameters.
    • If you pass too many values the extra ones get ignored.
    • If you don't pass enough values the remainder are assigned a value of null. Null is an assignment value (means a value of no value).
  3. The function returns a value. a. If the numbers are not the same it returns the largest. b. If they are the same it returns null.

1.1.1 The Spread Operator

If the data you want to pass to a function is stored in an Array (this is quite common), you could extract each value and assign to the function like this:

const nums = [5, 8]
const biggest2 = largestNumber(nums[0], nums[1])

Because this is such a common task, there is a shortcut called the spread operator. Using this, the same task can be expressed like this.

const nums = [5, 8]
const biggest2 = largestNumber(...nums)

Notice the syntax of the spread operator.

1.1.2 The Arguments Object

When a function is declared it has a signature which defines the number of parameters it is expecting, for example in the largestNumber() function, the signature defines two arguments.

function largestNumber(a, b) { // this is the function signature.
  // function body

What happens if you try to call this with the wrong number of arguments?

  • If you supply too few arguments the remaining parameters are assigned a data type and value of null.
  • If you supply too many arguments, the remaining ones are not assigned to the parameters, so where are they?

Every JavaScript function has an object called Arguments which contains all the parameters passed to that function, even ones no assigned to the formal parameters. This provides a mechanism to access arguments that don't get assigned to parameters. Lets take a look at the add() function.

function add() {
  let total = 0
  for(const arg of arguments) {
    total += arg
  return total

As you can see, the function signature defines no parameters, but when we call it we pass 4 arguments. What happens to these and how can we access them?

const addNums = add(1, 2, 3, 4)

Inside the function we can access the arguments object. The add() function shows three ways to do this (we will be covering objects in detail in the next chapter):

  • display all the arguments (see below).
  • access individual arguments by referencing a key.
  • Use a for...of loop to iterate through the values.

1.1.3 The Rest Parameter

Whilst the arguments object provides a mechanism for accessing the function arguments, it returns an Object (the keys are Strings). It would be better if

  • the arguments could be accessed in an Array.
  • it ignored arguments already assigned to parameters.

ECMA6 introduced a special parameter called a rest parameter which captures all the arguments that have not been assigned to parameters and stores them in an array. Look at the add2() function.

function add2(...values) {
  let total = 0
  for (let i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
    total += values[i]
  return total

The ...values parameter has a ... prefix which defines it as a rest parameter. In the body of the function it can be seen that this is an Array and so each argument has a numerical index. This is the preferred way to handle arguments that are not assigned to parameters.

1.1.4 Default Parameters

As explained above, if you don't supply enough arguments for the parameters in the function signature, all the parameters without arguments are assigned a value of null. This means you have to add code within the function to check that there is a value assigned to the parameters before you can safely use them. ECMA6 has introduced default parameters. These allow you to assign a default value to a parameter if one is not supplied by when the function is called. Lets examine the divide() function.

function divide(dividend, divisor=1) {
  const quotient = dividend / divisor
  return quotient

Notice that the divisor has been assigned a value in the function signature. If this parameter is not assigned an argument, it defaults to this value.

Test Your Understanding

Start by running the maths.js script and map the output it generates against the console.log statements in the script.

  1. Create a new function called multiply() that takes two parameters, a and b and returns the product of the two.
    • what happens if you call it with only a single parameter?
  2. Modify the function so it uses a default parameter to multiply by 1 if the second parameter is missing.
    • What happens if you don't supply any parameters?
    • Add a second default parameter to prevent this.
  3. Write an arrow function expression stored in a constant called squareRoot which calculates and returns the square root of the supplied number. You will need to use the sqrt() method which is part of the Math object.

Open the contact.js script, implement the validateEmail() function and thoroughly test it, you should avoid using regular expressions at this stage:

  1. Check that the string is at least 5 character long
  2. Check that there is a @ character and that it is not at the start of the string (HINT: use the indexOf String prototype method.
  3. Check that there is a period (.) character after the @ character but before the end of the string.

1.2 Function Expressions

Functions are a data type in JavaScript (they are objects but more on that in the next chapter). As such they can be stored in variables for later execution. Prior to ECMA6 they were declared using the function keyword like this:

const remainder = function(dividend, divisor) {
  const quotient = Math.floor(dividend / divisor)
  return dividend - quotient

To execute the function you simply reference the variable and append ().

const rem = remainder(8, 5)

ECMA6 introduced a better way to handle function expressions, called an arrow function expression. This has a much shorter (and cleaner) syntax. Here is the same function expression written using this new syntax, make a careful note of the differences.

const remainder2 = (dividend, divisor) => {
  const quotient = Math.floor(dividend / divisor)
  return dividend - quotient

The arrow function expression has a number of important features:

  1. It does not have its own function scope which means it does not bind its own this object (made clearer later).
  2. In a concise body (one line) it has an implicit return and you don't need to use block braces. This results in very concise code, see the example below).
  3. If there is only a single parameter the parameter brackets can be omitted.

Here is an example that should make points 2 and 3 clearer.

const sqr = num => num * num

1.2.1 Test Your Understanding

//TODO: add an exercise on function expressions.

1.3 Callbacks

Since JavaScript supports first class functions, we can use a function in any place where we could use a literal, object or variable. Open the currency.js script and look at line 17. As you can see the request object has a key called get that stores a function (we have already covered this). This takes two parameters:

  1. A string representing the url to be accessed.
  2. A function that will be called once the data has been retrived from the url. This was defined earlier in the script and takes 3 parameters.
request.get(url, printRates)

This is a common construct used in JavaScript/NodeJS. The second function parameter is known as a callback.

NodeJS is a single-threaded event loop that processes queued events. This means that if you were to execute a long-running task within a single thread then the process would block. To solve this problem, NodeJS relies on callbacks, which are functions that run after a long-running process has finished. Instead of waiting for the task to finish, the event loop moves on to the next piece of code. When the long-running task has finished, the callback is added to the event loop and run.

Because callbacks are such a fundamental part of NodeJS you need to spend time to make sure you fully understand how they work.

Try running the currency.js program and note the output (remember you will need to install the request package.

  1. The currency code we want to convert to is stored in a constant.
  2. We create a function expression called printRates() which has three parameters and prints out data from the response:
    1. An error, this will be null if there is no error.
    2. An object containing all the data from the HTTP response.
    3. The string returned in the response body.
  3. Next we use a template literal to create the URL we will be calling.
  4. Finally we call the function stored in the get key in the request object and pass the string and function literal we created earlier.

1.3.1 Using Anonymous Functions in Callbacks

Although this code works, you will rarely see callbacks written in this manner. Creating a function literal is a bit clunky and we can clean up the code by simply passing an anonymous function.

request.get( url, (err, res, body) => {
  // callback code goes here.

Take a few moments to make sure you fully understand the syntax, you will be seeing a lot of this over the next few weeks.

1.3.2 Test Your Understanding

Lets improve the currency exchange tool. You will need to refer to the API documentation as you work through the tasks.

  1. Replace the function expression with an anonymous function.
  2. Print the entire response body to the terminal window using json.stringify().
  3. The base rate defaults to the € (EUR) however the API allows you to set a different currency as the base rate:
    1. Add a constant base to store your preferred currency.
    2. Modify the URL using the API documentation to guide you.
  4. Use the Number.prototype.toFixed() to truncate the number to 2 decimal places.
  5. Finally, modify your program so that it throws an error if it doesn't recognise either of the currency codes.

1.4 Nested Callbacks

Because the code to be run after a callback is run needs to be inside the callback code it is very challenging to build a script that contains several long-running tasks you get into a situation where you nest callbacks inside callbacks (inside callbacks) which makes the code very difficult to write, debug and read and means its very difficult to split into separate functions, a situation commonly known as Callback Hell.

Open the file nestedCallbacks.js which asks for a base currency code then prints out all the exchange rates against other currencies. Notice that there are four functions defined, three of which include a callback. Our script is designed to capture user input using stdin (needing a callback), identify whether a currency code is valid (requiring a second callback) and then getting the currency conversion rates for the specified currency (requiring a third callback).

  1. Notice that the checkValidCurrencyCode() function is called by the callback for the getInput() function and the getData() function is called by the callback for the checkValidCurrencyCode() function.
  2. Each callback takes two parameters as normal. The first contains the error (if any) and this needs to be handled in each callback.
  3. The data from the first callback is needed when calling the third function so needs to be stored in an immutable variable (constant).
  4. The fourth, and final, function does not have a callback.

Callbacks are the simplest possible mechanism for asynchronous code in JavaScript. Unfortunately, raw callbacks sacrifice the control flow, exception handling, and function semantics familiar from synchronous code.

1.4.1 Test Your Knowledge

The callbacks are already nested 3 deep. To test your knowledge of deeply nested callbacks you are going to create a script that has 6 levels of nested callbacks!

  1. modify the script to ask for the currency to convert to and display only the one conversion rate.
  2. instead of printing the exchange rate, ask for the amount to be converted and them return the equivalent in the chosen currency
  3. use the OpenExchangeRates API to display the full name of the chosen currency.

Even though the script is still simple you are probably already getting in a tangle! Imagine a more complex script with conditions, it would quickly get out of hand and become practically impossible to debug.

2 Objects

Lets start by creating an manipulating objects using object literals. Open the employee.js file, read through it and see if you can work out what it does. Now run it to see if you were correct.

2.1 Creating Object Literals

The simplest way to create new objects is by creating an object literal which is defining an object and storing it in a variable. You should open the employee.js file which contains the code.

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen'

As you can see from the simple example above, the data is stored in name-value pairs, referred to as Properties. This example is defining an object with 3 properties.

The name part of each property is a JavaScript string which may be enclosed in single quotes. These quotes are optional if the property name is a valid JavaScript variable but they are required if this is not the case.

In the example above, firstName is a valid JavaScript variable but last name is not because it contains a space which is not allowed in variable names.

It is also possible to create an empty object (we can add properties later). This is done by assigning empty curly braces.

const emptyObject = {}

Here are some valid property names. Notice that both age and 'age' are valid.

'first name'

The property names below are not valid because they are not a valid JavaScript variable names.

first name

2.1.1 Test Your Understanding

  1. Add a property called gender and assign a suitable String value.
  2. Add a new property called date of birth that stores the year the person was born and assign a suitable value.

2.2 Retrieving Object Properties

Whilst it is possible (and useful) to log an entire object to the console, normally we would want to retrieve the values of specific properties, this is known as destructuring an object.

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen',
  'department': 'Computing'

const firstName = employee.firstName
const lastName = employee['last name']
const grade = employee.grade

Passing the object name to console.log() will print out the string representation of the object. To retrieve a specific property value there are two options. If the name is a legal JS variable name the dot . notation can be used. This is used to log the firstName property in the example above.

If the name is not a valid JavaScript variable name we need to turn it into a string by using quotes '' and enclose it in square braces []. This is used to log the last name property.

The grade variable will be undefined because employee.grade does not exist. If you want to avoid this and assign a default value if the property is missing you can use the OR operator ||.

const grade = employee.grade || 'A'

This will retrieve the value of the grade property if defined and store it in the const variable. If this property is missing the const variable will contain the string 'A'.

2.3.1 ECMA6 Object Destructuring

In ECMA6 is is possible to extract multiple pieces of data into separate variables by destructuring using an object pattern. This is syntactically similar to creating object literals (see the example below).

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen',
  'department': 'Computing'

let {firstName: first, 'last name': last, department: dept} = employee
console.log(first) // prints 'Colin'
console.log(dept) // prints 'Computing'

2.3 Getters and Setters

Most object properties are simple values and you can simply assign a value. Sometimes however properties need to be calculated. One solution is to store a function as one of the properties however we would need to call a function to retrieve the value:

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen',
  getName: () => `${this.firstName} ${this['last name']}`

const name = employee.getName()

Whilst this works fine it looks a little clunky. Thankfully in the newer versions of JavaScript you can use a getter which makes the code far more intuitive.

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen',
  get name() {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this['last name']}`

const name =

In the same manner, some properties when set may need to change other properties. Here is a solution using a stored function.

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen',
  setName: function(fullname) {
    const words = fullname.toString().split(' ')
    this.firstName = words[0] || ''
    this['last name'] = words[1] || ''

employee.setName('Micky Mouse')

By using a setter, it behaves just like any other property.

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen',
  set name(fullname) {
    const words = fullname.toString().split(' ')
    this.firstName = words[0] || ''
    this['last name'] = words[1] || ''
} = 'Micky Mouse'

2.3.1 Test Your Understanding

  1. Print the person's details in an easy to understand sentence.
  2. Add a getter to return the number of years the employee has been working for the company, you will need to round this down to a whole number. You should make use of one of the static methods of the built-in Math object.

2.4 Modifying Objects

Once an object has been created it can be modified in several ways.

  1. More object values can be added
  2. Object names can be deleted
  3. The values can be changed for existing names.

Once an object has been created, additional properties cane be added by setting values by assignment.

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen',
  'department': 'Computing'

employee.grade = 4
employee['currently employed'] = true
employee.department = 'Computer Science'

This sets a new value if the name does not already exist. Otherwise, it updates the existing value. Notice that the syntax depends on whether the property name is a valid JavaScript object and matches the syntax used to retrieve a property.

Properties can be removed from an object literal using the delete operator. This removes the entire property (name and value).

const employee = {
  firstName: 'Colin',
  'last name': 'Stephen',
  'department': 'Computing'

delete employee.department

2.5 Undefined Values

Undefined Objects

If you try to retrieve a value from an object that is undefined, JS throws a TypeError exception:

const nonExistentObject.postCode // throws "TypeError"
const addressObject = employee.address  // returns undefined
const postCode = employee.address.postCode // throws "TypeError"

To see what a typeError looks like, try uncommenting the three lines at the end of the employee.js file. So how can we avoid this?

The AND operator && can be used to guard against this problem.

const postCode = employee.address && employee.address.postCode
console.log(postCode) // returns undefined

2.5.1 Test Your Understanding

  1. Modify the code to handle bad data:
    1. Remove the startYear property.
    2. Set the startYear property to a String.

2.6 Object Prototypes

All JavaScript object (such as String, Number, Array, etc.) inherit properties and methods from a prototype. This also applies to any new objects you create. Since JavaScript does not support traditional classes, this becomes the way to add new functionality. Let's look at a simple example.

The String object does not have a way to convert a string into an array of characters so we will add this. After it is added we can see that all strings have this new behaviour.

String.prototype.toArray = function() {
  const strArr = this.split('')
  return strArr

const nameArray = 'John Doe'.toArray()

There are a couple of important concepts here.

  1. Notice that the function is not defined using the arrow syntax =>, this is because we need the function to have its own context, this does not happen with arrow functions.
  2. Inside the function we manipulate the this object which represents the value of the object.
    1. Replace the function() {} construct with an arrow function. What happens when you run the script?

2.6.1 Test Your Understanding

  1. Extend the Array object by adding a function toStr() that takes an array and turns it into a string. You will need to use the Array.join() function.

1.1.1 Callbacks

The NodeJS language that is running on your server only has a single thread in an event loop (see diagram below). It is important to understand how this works and its benefits (and drawbacks).

NodeJS Event Loop


All the incoming http requests from all connected users are placed in an event loop which means that they are processed one after another. Once the loop gets to the end of the connections it returns to the first one and continues. The main advantage of this is that the server does not have the overhead of creating new threads for each user however there is one obvious drawback, if one user's request takes time to complete everyone else is left waiting!

To solve this problem, any task that is likely to be time-consuming is passed to an appropriate asynchronous interface (such as that used by a database or the filesystem). At this point a callback is registered (this is normally a function). Once the time-consuming process has completed, the flow is returned to the event loop and the callback function is executed.

Let's see how this works in practice. Take a look at the index.js script once more:

  1. On line 12 we define a function called hello. This takes a ctx parameter which represents both the http request and http response. This is a pre-defined object. This is our callback function:
    1. Named functions are declared using the function keyword followed by the name of the function.
    2. Any parameters are enclosed in standard braces (), this can be empty if there are none. Multiple parameters are separated by commas.
    3. The body of the function is enclosed in curly braces {}. In this case the function contains a single line which sets the body property of our ctx parameter. This has the effect of sending this data back to the browser as the response body.
  2. On line 16 we call a function that is stored in the get property of our new router object, this requires two parameters:
    1. The first parameter is the route we want to handle (the end of the URL), / represents the root url.
    2. The second parameter is the function we want to run when this route is requested by the browser.
  3. When the incoming http request is matched to an appropriate route the callback function is called once the http request has been received.
  4. The function is passed the ctx object so it can both access the request data and send a response to the web browser.

1.1.2 Test Your Understanding

  1. Create a function called goodbye that takes a ctx object and send the message goodbye world to the web browser.
  2. Create a route for /goodbye and use the function you created in the previous step as its callback function.
  3. Stop the server (ctrl+c) and restart.
  4. Check it works.

1.1.3 Anonymous Functions

In the previous examples we defined a named JavaScript function (it was assigned a name) and then passed this as a parameter to the app.get() function (as a callback function. This is a very common technique but going to the trouble to defined a named function and then passing the function by name as a function parameter (two steps) can be simplfied. Look at the two examples below.

Using a named callback function:

function hello(ctx) {
	ctx.body = 'Hello World'

app.get('/', hello)

Using an anonymous callback function. Notice that we have inserted the entire function as the parameter without having to give it a name. Take a moment to make sense of the strange syntax. Each of the examples below is functionally identical:

This first example uses the old style way to define an anonymous function using the function keyword:

app.get('/', function(ctx) {
	ctx.body = 'Hello World'

Modern JavaScript replaces the function keyword with an arrow function:

app.get('/', (ctx) => {
	ctx.body = 'Hello World'

If an arrow function has only one parameter, the braces are optional:

app.get('/', ctx => {
	ctx.body = 'Hello World'

If the function body is only one line, the curly braces are also optional:

app.get('/', ctx => ctx.body = 'Hello World'

As you can see, there are a number of ways to make functions more concise however you should never sacrifice clarity for conciseness!

From this point onwards you will only be seeing (and using) anonymous callback functions. Take your time to ensure you fully understand the concepts and syntax before continuing.

1.1.4 Test Your Understanding

  1. Replace the named hello() function with an anonymous function.