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import os
import sys
import traceback
import time
selectList = ["menu"]
def menu():
print("Welcome to the interactive Game Hi-jacked to continue please type one of the following: Start | Help | Leave | Select.")
choicein = input ("Start or Help or Select or Leave")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice=="start":
elif choice=="help":
elif choice=="leave":
elif choice=="select":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
def help():
print("Welcome to the help menu, to navigate this game you will need to type out the \nchoice that you wish to take which will be given to you by the story (capitilization and spaces between whole words will not matter.\nThe game menu has the options Help-Which clearly takes you to the help section, Start which will start the game,\nSelect which will send you to a select menu which will have a list of all the possible game routes you haveunlocked whilst playing the game and you will be able to type the choice for the route you directly want to go to.\nThe Leave option will have you exit the game.")
input("Please press enter to return to the Main Menu")
def select():
print("Type any of the following words to reach a specific part of the story.")
for x in range(len(selectList)):
print ("\n" + selectList [x])
choicein = input("")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "collision":
elif choice == "scream":
elif choice == "grunt":
elif choice == "response":
elif choice == "plimbs":
elif choice == "acc":
elif choice == "better cybernetics":
elif choice == "changing the power output":
elif choice == "call for help":
elif choice == "attempt to move back home":
elif choice == "attempt to stop":
elif choice == "yell get out of the way":
elif choice == "Military base":
elif choice == "menu":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
def start():
if "start" not in selectList:
elif "start" in selectList:
#first thing the user will see when they load in.
print("Your name is Brian a military soldier from the army of the UK Advance Battalion.\nYou have recently been scripted to go to the frontlines in Libya\nYou were to take two possible modes of transport to get there, By Plane or via Armoured Car. (Taking Plane will take you to the main camp, while taking the Armoured car will take you more directly to the frontlines as the back-up.)")
choicein = input ("flight or land")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "flight":
elif choice == "land":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def flight():
clear()#clears the screen for user.
print("You opted to take the plane as it would mean you in the action faster rather than waiting. You always did like the action. ")
input("Press Enter to continue...")#stackoverflow
print("Before going through to the hanger where the armoured carrier is located to take you and your battalion to the warzone \nyou go throught the pre flight checks when the metal detector goes off, you are excused as your Right arm and leg was previously blown up and replaced with Cybernetic replacements \n (doesn't improve strength or anything just gives you the limbs). ")
input("Press Enter to continue...")
print("You get on to the carrier and after a while, you begin flying off to Libya. ")
input("Press Enter to continue...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def land():
print("You opted to take the car after your last injury in the frontline you don't feel like going straight into the fight (Smart).\nUpon reaching the car pick up the officer in charge reads out your credentials. First lieutenant Brian Fillips, Previous Assignment Afghanistan, \n received severe injuries to right arm and leg... (he eyes you closely) 'it true you got cybernetic limbs'? You reply, 'Yes Sir'. 'Umm, not often someone has one of those' \n (he taps your right arm to which a metallic ting can be heard). 'Alright get in'.You enter the Car and are off shortly. ")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def collision():
if "collision" not in selectList:
elif "collision" in selectList:
print ("As you come to consciousness you hear the sound of people whispering down a hallway about 'lucky to be alive' you drift in and out throught conversations. \nEventually your eyes open slowly, revealing that you are in a medical bay, the roof is the colour white, to your right a window looking out on buildings you don't recognise,\n the smell is scent less almost clean...\n you try to get up but can't seem to. You are not restrained or at least you don't feel it. strangely you don't feel that's wrong you do.\n You feel the absence of something on your left side you tilt you head slightly and notice that your left arm or at least where it should be as well as where your left leg should be are bandaged leaving nothing at all.")
choicein = input ("\nPlease choose either Scream or Grunt")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "scream":
elif choice == "grunt":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def scream():
if "scream" not in selectList:
elif "scream" in selectList:
print ("As you yell in a panic at your situation, a thin, lanky man walks up to you, he wears a white lab coat and black shirt. As he walks up he says in a germainish accent \nthat you can't seem to place, 'Ahh good your awake, I take it your current predicament as finally settled in. Oh I'm sorry allow me to introduce my self I am Dr.Doofenshmirtz pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Tell me how do you feel?' 'Feel? feel? I feel rage, it is bad enough i got injuried without getting into the fight but now i can't bloody move, Doctor surely you have something you can do? Right!' 'There are only 2 options but I am not certain you will like them...2 You take a second to cool down before responding... ")
input("press any key")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def grunt():
if "grunt" not in selectList:
elif "grunt" in selectList:
print("Despite the lack of feeling your body (most likely due to the painkillers that they must have put you through) \nyou manage to remain level headed in this situation, and call out for one of the doctors or nerses assuming this is indeed a hospital you found yourself in.")
input("Press Enter to continue...")
print("A moment later, a man wearing a white lab coat and black shirt walks up to you before replying in a calm \nvoice with a werid germanish accent that 'youve never heard before 'Ahh you are awake at last good. I must admit you took to your situation pretty well, useally when something like this happens the patient tends to either panic or get \nangry. Oh my appologies my name is Dr.Doofenshmirtz, it is a pleasure to meet you. If you don t mind me asking how are you feeling?")
input("Press Enter to continue...")
print("Well there are two possible options for you though given your fighting spirit one of them might not be very suitable...")
input("You take a second before responding")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def response():
if "response" not in selectList:
elif "response" in selectList:
print("'So Doctor what are these procedures?'To which the doctor replied 'Well due to the exsensive injury you sustained we had to remove the entire limb, \nbecause of this you can have a cybernetic prosthesis, like your other one as you now lack the nerves for this. What we can do is give you 2 possible options.''One is to give you some old fashion prosthetic limbs that will only really be useful for mondain actions and not very useful in others. The second one however, is a new technology if have developed and that has been used by other soldiers quite like yourself, I call it the Automated Combat Chip or ACC for short. \nThis chip will read your intentions and interface with the robotic limbs giving you more of a freedom of movement while enhancing your abilities with minimal delay in performance...but, it will involve us placing this chip directly into your brain for it to function properly.'A moment of silence falls between the two of you before you give your answer: Prophetic Limbs or ACC chip )")
choicein = input("Please choose either PLimbs or ACC")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "plimbs":
elif choice == "acc":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def plimbs():
if "plimbs" not in selectList:
elif "plimbs" in selectList:
print("You asked to have the prosthetic limbs instead of this ACC chip. While they do limit mobility and functionality quite a bit you are able to walk \nstill though with dificulty and cutting food is an issue at times esspeically with tought food like meats. \nDue to you lacking the ability to continue on you were discharged from the military, also most jobs that you might have been capable would not take you due to you beeing unable to perform the jobs.")
print("Eventually this time caused you to sing into boardem, cross words became no issue, the paint had dried and the days seem to roll into one day. \nDespite this you feel a feeling of hope.")
input("Press Enter to continue...")
print("Doctor Doofenshmirtz offered you if you ever changed your mind he would still offer this ACC chip should you desire. Is this what you want? \nDo you wish to keep with these prosthetic limbs or give the ACC chip a chance?")
choicein = input("Please choose either PLimbs or ACC")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "plimbs":
elif choice == "acc":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def ending1():
print("You managed to pull trhought the initial difficulties at at the end of the road you found hope despite your lack of mobility. \nThe militrary agreed to pay for some expenses while you are still finding your stride and soon you take of writing as a hobby, writing stories about your exeprience as a soldier and disabled life, a friend says they seem good and your should try publishing them, you do and you become quite the author. \nSo even though you lack the mobility you had you do now have a somewhat fucntional and peaceful life... Happy Ending Brian ")
input("Press Enter to return to menu...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def ACC():
if "ACC" not in selectList:
elif "ACC" in selectList:
print("You desided to go with the ACC chip, whether the desire for action beaconed you or the desire to not lack your previous mobility this is what you chose.\nThe operation was painless you felt nothing except mild discomfort and a bit of a fuzzy \n head when you came back from the anesthesia. Though after 3 days you still felt nothing and the new limbs did not seem to be working as of yet, the doctor ensured you that they will as soon as the chip recognises your brain patterns \nproperly. And so you kept trying and still nothing,\n you started to lose hope, as you say up on your hospital bed drinking a cup of coffee, when suddenly it fell and going to catch it instinctually with your left hand the limb moved with incredible \n speed and precision. your limbs started working again. You were once again able to do everything you could do before but better with the new limbs. However, it occured to you that they might be working too well, in order to keep things under control you desided to go see \n Dr.Doofenshmirtz to see if the new limbs might be able to be brought in line with your previous limbs capabilities. You went to your normal appointment in London to make your request to Dr.Doofenshmirtz.In \n Doofenshmirtz's office the walls are white with grey cobards lining the walls filled with various trophies and desks with science equipment, in the middle of the room is a u shaped desk with swivil chairs \n lining the circumference with Doofenshmirtz on the inside of this desk, he gestures with an outstreched hand and a smile on his face to a \n chair directly infront of him. You go in and Sit Down and ask your request. 'So, Brian how are the new limbs treating you? Is everything to your liking? (Doofenshmirtz says as he leans back with his fingers pressed together listening intently).'Well actually doctor, the new limbs seem a \n little to strong compared to my other limbs, I was wondering is there a way to lower the power Output?'(The doctor looks at you with an unchanging expression, after a few moments of silence he speaks back \n to you in a laidback tone). 'Is that all? Of course we can do that for you. Unfortunately I have other appointments that I must attend to but, for you I can get my \n assistant Phineas to change your output settings for you, though if you wish I could instead get those cybernetics of yours improved so you don't feel so... lobsided with your abilities.'")
choicein = input("Please choose either BetterCybernetics or ChangePowerOutput")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "bettercybernetics":
elif choice == "changepoweroutput":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def better_cybernetics():
print("You opted to get yourself improved versions of your old cyberetics built by Doofenshmirtz company "'Doof-Robotics'" as well as got an update to allow you to freely change \nthe power output of the chip by changing it via a visual display. As of this day you are one of the most elite members of the Military know as the Cyber program.")
print("\n Congratulations on your promotion General Brian.")
input("Press Enter to return to menu...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def changing_the_power_output():
if "changing the power output" not in selectList:
selectList.append("changing the power output")
elif "changing the power output" in selectList:
print("In the chip adjustment room, the room itself is dimily lit with a central light beaming down illuminating a workbench connected to a MRI looking \nmachine both of which \nhave a greyish metalic colour about them. A man in a white lab coat and blue shirt, ginger hair and a scar down the left side of his cheek stands by the desk looking at you with a smile. \nUpon entering he gestures to lie down in the machine. As you lie down on the extended pannel the machine draws you into it's centre Phineas begins to explain the procedure: 'Right so you may feel some slight discomfort when the procedure starts, nothing to worry about that is just the machine interfacing with the chip so we can make the alterations you requested, your not the only one uncomfortable with the improved ability the limbs gave you. Right you ready?' \n'Yes I am ready...I think' 'Great' (at that moment you feel a surge of pain form where your head is as your vision goes white for a second. As soon as the white fades you see a green overlay with bits of code running through until it \nstops at a line of code powerOutput=10 'Ok you should be seeing a string of code noted to the power output, due to you using the limbs you proberly know more how you want them to output so just focus and change the output' you do so and the number soon changed form 10 to 4. 'Ok done' Phineas gives a smile before saying \n'ok so you will be going under in a bit as the chip recives an update to change the power output nothing to worry about 'You drift out of consiousness before waking up with a mild headache. As soon you have made sure you are fine you go back home to sleep this off...")
print("/n The morning after you updated the chip, you woke to the sounds of birds singing and the sun shining on this very beutiful spring time morning, you go downstairs to \nenjoy a good old-fashioned fry-up for breakfast. \nAs you sit down to eat you go to put a bite of egg and bacon into your mouth when your left arm freezes mid serving... 'What...whats happening!' you yell, as you try and move your right hand but that isn't moving either... \nSuddenly you get up from your table and start making your way out towards where the militery camp is. A red overlay appears in your vision showing text that read stuff like 'Primary objective 1: Suit up for assault, \nPrimary Objective 2: Destroy target, all hostiles are to be removed... what do you want to do? Attempt to move back home or Call for Help ")
choicein = input ("go home or call for help")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "go home" or choice == "gohome":
elif choice == "call for help" or choice == "callforhelp":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def callforhelp():
if "call for help" not in selectList:
selectList.append("call for help")
elif "call for help" in selectList:
print("You think quickly you whisper "'Call Doofenshmirtz?'" it is then you realise you have no control of your limbs. Suddenly in the left corner of the overlay \na green box opens up with an image of Doofenshmirtz and you hear his voice in your head.")
print("Brian what's wrong?")
print("'Doc my limbs they're moving on their own towards the military base'")
choicein = input ("attempt to stop or yell get out of the way")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "attempt to stop" or choice == "attempttostop":
elif choice == "yell get out of the way" or choice == "yellgetoutoftheway":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
def attempt_to_move_back_home():
if "attempt to go home" not in selectList:
selectList.append("attempt to go home")
elif "attempt to go home" in selectList:
print("You try to move your body but your cybernetic limbs continue to move with purpose. A policeman sees you moving with a long of frustration and attempts to stop you, \nas the two of you start to meet the overlay seems to target the policeman and text appears above his head [Threat detected initiate counter procedure. What do you do? Attempt to stop or Yell get out of the way ")
choicein = input ("attempt to stop or yell get out of the way")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "attempt to stop" or choice == "attempttostop":
elif choice == "yell get out of the way" or choice == "yellgetoutoftheway":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def attempt_to_stop():
print("You attempt to take control of your limbs again but to no avail, it is at that moment you see your left limb move and punch the policeman in the face discontecting \nhis head from his body in a look of horror, and continue moving towards the military base. Continue ")
choicein = input ("press enter key to continue")
def yell_get_out_of_the_way():
print("As you yell to the police man to get out of the way with tears in your eyes you left limb begins to move in a punching motion but the policeman avoids it, \nand radios for back up, your limbs continue to move in the direction of the military base.")
choicein = input ("press enter key to continue")
def Military_base():
if "Military Base" not in selectList:
selectList.append("Military Base")
elif "Military Base" in selectList:
print("You finally make it to the Military base without much worse going on, upon entering you see other soldiers talking to eachother with scared expressions as their \nbodies begin equiping weapons and armour and marching off, your body follows suit, as you look around you see a pile of dead soldiers on the ground in a corner the bodys smashed\n and mangled in a bloody pulp.")
print("You all make your way to the centre of london, some in tanks, some in helicopters and others just marching... what followed can only be considered a masacre...\nas bodies fly and burn, and blood runs the streets of central london. Thousands dead, Hundreds more injured. It would have been worse had you not seen Dr.Doofenshmirtz appear holding a what \n looked like a normal remote control, which when he pressed it everyone stopped. Helicopters were landed and the soldiers flying them managed to get out. you had control.\n But the devistation remained...")
print("Doofenshmirtz one by one talked to you all and gave you the option, "'You see my assisstant undenounced to me had added a corrupted file into the chips and triggered a \nremote combat mode that should not have happened in the first place. My deepest of appologies to you and all of London. I offer you all the same choice today. Remove the \n ACC or Keep them and try and do some good to out do the bad'". What do you do? ")
choicein = input ("keep acc or remove acc")
choice = choicein.lower()
if choice == "keep acc" or choice == "keepacc":
elif choice == "remove acc" or choice == "removeacc":
print("\nThat was not an option please try again...")
#^^^^ finished ^^^^#
def remove_acc_ending():
print("You like a few other soldiers opted to have the chip removed, doing so had unknown side effects. Phineas had left a rogue program in the chip that once \nremoved sent an electrical pulse through the brain shutting down all motor functions form the host. \n You like some other soldiers are no longer able to move, however your normal cybernetics are still able to work somewhat \n it is all a matter of retraining the brain. You have a long road to recovering and the \n nightmares of what happend keep you up at night, but in time you will heal, and you may yet be able to help people once again... ")
input("Press Enter to return to menu...")
def Keep_acc_ending():
print("You and many other soldiers chose to keep the chips as they had helped them all before, one by one you were taken into the chip altering room where Doofenshmirtz \nremove the ourrupted program and allowed the user to choose at anytime the power output of the chip without needing to update it.")
print("Together you managed to work for the army still and help rebuild what was destroyed, but the horrors that befell you to that day have never left you, you are haunted \nby your past but are helping to make this world a better place one job at a time... ")
input("Press Enter to return to menu...")
def clear():
print("Thanks for reading")