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xhebexhiua committed Apr 6, 2021
1 parent 3317b0d commit 88f7fcb4edac5d79f7c637923e3bda3c3aa088ac
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 34 deletions.
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
def management():
from data import check_mail
from data import delete_mail
from data import write_mail
from data import read_the_data_base
from data import sender
from printers import start
from printers import would
from printers import would2
from printers import thanks_y
from printers import thanks_n
from printers import thanks_s
from printers import subscribe
from printers import subscribe2
if check_mail(c)==True:
while s!="y" and s!="Y" and s!="n" and s!="N":
if s=="y"or s=="Y":
elif s=="n"or s=="N":
print (thanks_n)
from data import check_mail #import the function from file data
from data import delete_mail #import the function from file data
from data import write_mail #import the function from file data
from data import read_the_data_base #import the function from file data
from data import sender #import the function from file data
from printers import start #import the variable from the file printers
from printers import would #import the variable from the file printers
from printers import would2 #import the variable from the file printers
from printers import thanks_y #import the variable from the file printers
from printers import thanks_n #import the variable from the file printers
from printers import thanks_s #import the variable from the file printers
from printers import subscribe #import the variable from the file printers
from printers import subscribe2 #import the variable from the file printers
c=input(start)#will ask the user to type the E-mail also will print the variable start from the file printers
if check_mail(c)==True:#will call the fuction check_mail with parameter c(input by user)
s=input(would)#will ask the user to if would like to stay subscribe or not and will print the variable would from the file printers
while s!="y" and s!="Y" and s!="n" and s!="N":#will check that the user typed the correct letter
s=input(would2)#will again ask the user to if would like to stay subscribe or not and will print the variable would2 from the file printers
if s=="y"or s=="Y":#will check the answer of the user is "y"or "Y" for yes
print(thanks_s)#will print the variable thanks_s from the file printers
sender(c)#will call the fuction sender with parameter c(input by user), will send the E-mail
elif s=="n"or s=="N":#will check the answer of the user is "n"or "N" for no
delete_mail(c)#will call the fuction delete_mail with parameter c(input by user),will delete the element from the file mails.txt
print(thanks_n)#will print the variable thanks_n from the file printers
while sub!="y" and sub!="Y" and sub!="n" and sub!="N":
if sub=="y"or sub=="Y":
if sub=="n"or sub=="N":
sub=input(subscribe)#will ask the user to if would like to subscribe or not and will print the variable subscribe from the file printers
while sub!="y" and sub!="Y" and sub!="n" and sub!="N":#will check that the user typed the correct letter
sub=input(subscribe2)#will again ask the user to if would like to subscribe or not and will print the subscribe2 would2 from the file printers
if sub=="y"or sub=="Y":#will check the answer of the user is "y"or "Y" for yes
print(thanks_y)#will print the variable thanks_y from the file printers
write_mail(c)#will call the fuction write_mail with parameter c(input by user),will write the mail in the file from the file mails.txt
sender(c)#will call the fuction sender with parameter c(input by user), will send the E-mail
if sub=="n"or sub=="N":#will check the answer of the user is "n"or "N" for no
print(thanks_n)#will print the variable thanks_n from the file printers
read_the_data_base()#will print all the E-mails from the database(file mails.txt)

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