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from flask import Flask, abort
import sqlite3, os
from flask import flash, session, render_template, request, redirect, url_for
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from hashlib import md5
from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt
currentlocation = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = "secret key"
def homepage():
return render_template("homepage.html") #homepage
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def login():
username = request.form['Username'] #request username and password
generate_password_hash = request.form['Password']
sqlconnection = sqlite3.connect('store.db')
cursor = sqlconnection.cursor()
#check username and password if match with in the useers table then redirect to products
query1 = "SELECT Username, Password From users WHERE Username ='{un}' AND Password = '{ps}'".format(un=username, ps=generate_password_hash)
rows = cursor.execute(query1)
rows = rows.fetchall()
if len(rows)==1:
return redirect(url_for('products'))
return redirect(url_for('register')) #redirect to register page if user is not registered
return render_template('homepage.html')
@app.route('/register', methods=['GET','POST'])
def register():
if request.method =="POST":
dUn = request.form['Dusername'] #request username and password
dPw = request.form['Dpassword']
sqlconnection = sqlite3.connect('store.db') #connect to the database
cursor = sqlconnection.cursor()
query1 = "INSERT INTO users VALUES('{u}','{p}')".format(u=dUn, p=dPw) #store password into users table
return redirect(url_for('homepage')) #redirect to the homepage for login users
return render_template('register.html')
@app.route('/add_books', methods=['GET','POST'])
def add_books(): #function use to store the books attributes into books table
if request.method =="POST":
id = request.form['ID']
title = request.form['Title']
author = request.form['Author']
description = request.form['Description']
image = request.form['Image']
price = request.form['Price']
sqlconnection = sqlite3.connect('store.db')
cursor = sqlconnection.cursor()
query1 = "INSERT INTO books VALUES('{a}','{b}','{c}','{d}','{e}',{f})".format(a=id, b=title, c=author, d=description, e=image, f=price)
return redirect(url_for('products')) #redirect to the products page to display new items that has been added.
return render_template('add_books.html')
def products(): #showing all the books produtcs in the database to be displayed in product page.
con = sqlite3.connect('store.db')
cur = con.cursor();
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM books")
rows = cur.fetchall()
return render_template('products.html', products=rows)
except Exception as e:
sid = 'SJo_c3Nob3BwaW5nUGF5'
pid = 'payment1'
secret = 'kvza9mEtztYV7i-WTtu-REwfilcA'
@app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
def add_product_to_cart():
cursor = None
_quantity = int(request.form['quantity']) #based on ID or EAN number, quantity will be added depend on users clicked
_code = request.form['id']
if _quantity and _code and request.method == 'POST':
con = sqlite3.connect('store.db')
cur = con.cursor();
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM books WHERE id=?;", [_code])
row = cur.fetchone() #everytime user clicked the quantity will be added one into cart.
itemArray = { row[0] : {'id' : row[0], 'title' : row[1], 'author' : row[2], 'description' : row[3],'quantity' : _quantity, 'image' : row[4], 'price' : row[5], 'total_price': _quantity * row[5]}}
print('itemArray is', itemArray)
all_total_price = 0
all_total_quantity = 0
session.modified = True
if 'cart_item' in session: #if new item in cart_item
print('in session')
if row[0] in session['cart_item']:
for key, value in session['cart_item'].items():
if row[0] == key: #if ID equal to the key values of current item
old_quantity = session['cart_item'][key]['quantity']#old quantity will be added into quantity
total_quantity = old_quantity + _quantity
session['cart_item'][key]['quantity'] = total_quantity
session['cart_item'][key]['total_price'] = total_quantity * row[5] #total quantity * price of the products
session['cart_item'] = array_merge(session['cart_item'], itemArray)
for key, value in session['cart_item'].items(): #when item presented in cart quantity and total_price will be added
individual_quantity = int(session['cart_item'][key]['quantity'])
individual_price = float(session['cart_item'][key]['total_price'])
all_total_quantity = all_total_quantity + individual_quantity
all_total_price = all_total_price + individual_price
session['cart_item'] = itemArray
all_total_quantity = all_total_quantity + _quantity
all_total_price = all_total_price + _quantity * row[5] # if no new item added then it will show only current total price + quantity *price.
session['all_total_quantity'] = all_total_quantity
session['all_total_price'] = all_total_price
checksumstr = f"pid={pid:s}&sid={sid:s}&amount={all_total_price:.1f}&token={secret:s}"
#print('checksumstr is', checksumstr)
checksum = md5(checksumstr.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
session['checksum'] = checksum
#print('checksum is', checksum)
session['sid'] = sid
session['pid'] = pid
return redirect(url_for('.products'))
return 'Error while adding item to cart'
except Exception as e:
def empty_cart(): #clear all the item in products using session and then redirect to products
return redirect(url_for('.products'))
except Exception as e:
def delete_product(id): #delete item in the product based upon checking the id
all_total_price = 0
all_total_quantity = 0
session.modified = True
for item in session['cart_item'].items():
if item[0] == id:
session['cart_item'].pop(item[0], None)
if 'cart_item' in session:
for key, value in session['cart_item'].items():
individual_quantity = int(session['cart_item'][key]['quantity'])
individual_price = float(session['cart_item'][key]['total_price'])
all_total_quantity = all_total_quantity + individual_quantity
all_total_price = all_total_price + individual_price
if all_total_quantity == 0:
session['all_total_quantity'] = all_total_quantity
session['all_total_price'] = all_total_price
return redirect(url_for('.products'))
except Exception as e:
def array_merge( first_array , second_array ):
if isinstance( first_array , list ) and isinstance( second_array , list ):
return first_array + second_array
elif isinstance( first_array , dict ) and isinstance( second_array , dict ):
return dict( list( first_array.items() ) + list( second_array.items() ) )
elif isinstance( first_array , set ) and isinstance( second_array , set ):
return first_array.union( second_array )
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":