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# Bartek's code for the chatbot project #
# Template used for this project: #
# NanoDano (2018) Make a Discord Bot with Python [online] available from #
# <> [29 November 2018] #
# Rapptz (2017) [online] available from #
# <> [29 November 2018] #
import discord # API used to communicate with Discord servers.
import asyncio # Required to use the "discord" library
# NLTK Project (2018) Natural Language Toolkit [online] #
# available from <> [29 November 2018] #
import nltk # I only used this API to tokenize strings.
# elyase (2018) GeoText [online] available from #
# <> [29 November 2018] #
from geotext import GeoText # Used to extract locations from words.
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
import random
# file in the repository.
from bartek_keys import getWeatherKey, getBotKey
# Creating an instance of the discord client.
# (Taken from template by NanoDano (2018))
client = discord.Client()
# My own functions/coroutines #
async def chatbot_log(command, message):
"""Creates a message in the terminal, stating the details of the command used."""
msg_1 = str(message.timestamp) + ": " + + " used " + command
msg_2 = "Server: " +
async def check_weather(message, message_tokens):
"""Checks the weather in a specified location."""
# My personal key for the OpenWeatherMap API
weather_key = getWeatherKey()
# Uses the GeoText library to generate a list...
# ... of locations in the message string.
# Example used for GeoText: #
# elyase (2018) GeoText [online] available from #
# <> [29 November 2018] #
# Example can be found under "Usage". #
locations = GeoText(message.content)
# If GeoText returns an empty list, it assumes that...
# ...there is no city/town, so the bot asks for input.
if not locations.cities:
question = "Sure! What city(s) would you like me to check in?"
await client.send_message(, question)
locations = await client.wait_for_message(,
locations_str = locations.content
locations = GeoText(locations_str)
while not locations.cities and not "cancel" in locations_str.lower():
question = "Sorry, I didn't quite get where you want me to check. Try again?"
await client.send_message(, question)
locations = await client.wait_for_message(,
locations_str = locations.content
locations = GeoText(locations_str)
if "cancel" in locations_str.lower():
msg = "Sure thing!"
await client.send_message(, msg)
# Occasional bugs occur if you dont wait...
# ...based on my debugging. No idea why.
await asyncio.sleep(1)
final_msg = "Here you go, {}\n".format(message)
# Iterating through all the cities the user asked for.
for city in locations.cities:
# Formatting the city name so that it works...
# hyperlinks, if it has a space in it.
if " " in city:
city_words = city.split(" ")
new_string = ""
for i in range(len(city_words)-1):
# %20 indicates a space in a hyperlink.
new_string += city_words[i] + "%20"
new_string += city_words[len(city_words)-1]
# Constructing a hyperlink to extract data from the...
# ...OpenWeatherMap API.
# Weather API used: #
# OpenWeather (n.d.) Current weather data [online] available from #
# <> [29 November 2018] #
url_str = ""
url_str += new_string
url_str += "&appid=" + weather_key
url_str = ""
url_str += city
url_str += "&appid=" + weather_key
# Sometimes there's errors with city names.
# Example used for opening JSON from URL: #
# Montmons (2017) How to get JSON from webpage into Python script #
# [online] available from <> #
# [29 November 2018] #
# Found under "Python3 Example" in the top answer. #
# The OpenWeatherMap API uses JSON.
url = urlopen(url_str)
# Creating a list from the API JSON file.
weather_data = json.loads(
for i in range(len(message_tokens)):
message_tokens[i] = message_tokens[i].lower()
msg_to_print = []
# Prints appropriate data, depending on...
# ...the words the user used.
if "weather" in message_tokens:
description = weather_data["weather"][0]
temperature = weather_data["main"]
wind = weather_data["wind"]
msg_to_print = [
"Location: " + city,
"Weather: " + description["main"],
"Description: " + description["description"],
# I take away 273.15 from the temperatures, as OpenWeatherMap API...
# ...provides the data to us in K (Kelvin) instead of °C (Degrees Celsius).
"Current temperature: " + str(round(temperature["temp"] - 273.15,2)) + "°C",
"Today's high: " + str(round(temperature["temp_max"] - 273.15,2)) + "°C",
"Today's low: " + str(round(temperature["temp_min"] - 273.15,2)) + "°C"
elif "temperature" in message_tokens or "hot" in message_tokens or "cold" in message_tokens:
temperature = weather_data["main"]
msg_to_print = [
"Location: " + city,
"Current temperature: " + str(round(temperature["temp"] - 273.15,2)) + "°C",
"Today's high: " + str(round(temperature["temp_max"] - 273.15,2)) + "°C",
"Today's low: " + str(round(temperature["temp_min"] - 273.15,2)) + "°C"
elif "sunny" in message_tokens or "rain" in message_tokens or "rainy" in message_tokens or "rainfall" in message_tokens or "drizzle" in message_tokens:
description = weather_data["weather"][0]
msg_to_print = [
"Location: " + city,
"Weather: " + description["main"],
"Description: " + description["description"],
elif "wind" in message_tokens or "windy" in message_tokens:
wind = weather_data["wind"]
msg_to_print = [
"Location: " + city,
"Wind speed: " + str(wind["speed"]) + " m/s",
"Wind direction: " + str(wind["deg"]) + "°"
# In case the function is called when it shouldn't be.
error_msg = "Sorry, something went wrong!"
await client.send_message(, error_msg)
final_msg += "```\n"
for to_print in msg_to_print:
final_msg += to_print + "\n"
final_msg += "```"
# This prints instead if something goes wrong.
error_msg = "Whoops! Something went wrong. Did you write the location name correctly?"
await client.send_message(, error_msg)
await client.send_message(, final_msg)
await chatbot_log("Weather", message)
async def tell_fact(message):
"""Sends a random fact from a chosen (or random) category to the Discord channel."""
# Facts used: #
# livin3 (n.d.) Top 155 Interesting and Weird Fun Facts [online] #
# available from <Top 155 Interesting and Weird Fun Facts> [29 November 2018] #
print("Opening JSON...")
random_facts = open("facts.json", "r")
random_facts = json.loads(
print("JSON opened!")
# change_string will determine whether the original message or the reply message...
# ... from the code below will be used in the final check for what sort of...
# ... fact to send back to the Discord channel.
change_string = False
user_message = ""
type_in_message = False
for fact_type in ("interesting", "fun", "funny", "animal", "random"):
if fact_type in message.content.lower():
type_in_message = True
if not type_in_message:
change_string = True
await client.send_message(, "Sure! What sort of fact? (interesting, fun, funny, animal or random)")
user_message = await client.wait_for_message(,
user_message = nltk.word_tokenize(user_message.content.lower())
# Returns when "fact" is in the reply, so that this function call doesn't interfere...
# ... with the new call caused by the "on_message" coroutine below.
if "fact" in user_message:
for fact_type in ("interesting", "fun", "funny", "animal", "random"):
if fact_type in user_message:
type_in_message = True
while not type_in_message and not "cancel" in user_message:
await client.send_message(, "Sorry, what type?")
user_message = await client.wait_for_message(,
user_message = nltk.word_tokenize(user_message.content.lower())
if "fact" in user_message:
for fact_type in ("interesting", "fun", "funny", "animal", "random"):
if fact_type in user_message:
type_in_message = True
# Gives the user validation that the operation was cancelled.
if "cancel" in user_message:
await client.send_message(, "Sure thing!")
# I do this so that I don't have to write out the below checks twice.
# ... Instead I just use the same variable to hold the string.
if not change_string:
user_message = nltk.word_tokenize(message.content.lower())
if "interesting" in user_message:
facts = random_facts["interesting"]
fact = facts[random.randint(0,len(facts)-1)]
msg_to_print = "Here you go, " + + "\n"
msg_to_print += fact
await client.send_message(, msg_to_print)
# "funny" needs to come before "fun", otherwise "funny" will...
# ... always be skipped.
elif "funny" in user_message:
facts = random_facts["funny"]
fact = facts[random.randint(0,len(facts)-1)]
msg_to_print = "Here you go, " + + "\n"
msg_to_print += fact
await client.send_message(, msg_to_print)
elif "fun" in user_message:
facts = random_facts["fun"]
fact = facts[random.randint(0,len(facts)-1)]
msg_to_print = "Here you go, " + + "\n"
msg_to_print += fact
await client.send_message(, msg_to_print)
elif "animal" in message.content:
facts = random_facts["animal"]
fact = facts[random.randint(0,len(facts)-1)]
msg_to_print = "Here you go, " + + "\n"
msg_to_print += fact
await client.send_message(, msg_to_print)
elif "random" in user_message:
types_of_facts = (
{"type": "interesting"},
{"type": "fun"},
{"type": "funny"},
{"type": "animal"}
# Picking a random fact type
random_type = types_of_facts[random.randint(0,len(types_of_facts)-1)]
facts = random_facts[random_type["type"]]
fact = facts[random.randint(0,len(facts)-1)]
msg_to_print = "Here you go, " + + "\n"
msg_to_print += fact
await client.send_message(, msg_to_print)
# coroutines #
# coroutine triggered when the bot joins a server.
async def on_server_join(server):
print("Joining " +
await client.create_channel(server, "chatbot")
msg = "Hello @everyone ! Please use this channel to use the Chatbot."
await asyncio.sleep(2)
chatbot_channel = discord.utils.get(server.channels, name="chatbot")
await client.send_message(chatbot_channel, msg)
print("Finished joining " +
# coroutine triggered when a message is sent to a channel...
# ... on a server the bot is in.
async def on_message(message):
if == client.user or != "chatbot":
# List of words that will trigger the bot to run my weather coroutine.
weather_words = (
# Using the NLTK library to break the user's message...
# ... as this separates words and punctuation, which...
# ... is necessary for comparisons below to work properly.
message_tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(message.content)
for token in message_tokens:
if token.lower() in weather_words:
await check_weather(message, message_tokens)
elif "fact" in token.lower():
await tell_fact(message)
# coroutine that is triggered when the script is ran.
async def on_ready():
print("Logged in as " + + ", ID: " +
# Random numbers needed for the "tell_fact" coroutine.
# Starting the bot.